In the prehistoric fairy world, above the East China Sea, the ancestor of the Dragon Clan, Zhulong, led an army of four million dragons, arrayed neatly on the East China Sea.

When Su Chen appeared outside the Nantian Gate,

Zhulong, the ancestor of the Dragon Clan, immediately saluted Su Chen and said,

"The dragon tribe, Zhulong, leads an army of four million dragon tribes to meet the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Dragon clan, see the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Dragon clan, see the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Dragon clan, see the Emperor of Heaven!"

In Nanbuzhou,

Nanli volcano,

Tianfeng led an army of one million Feng tribe to wait for Su Chen's decree. When she saw Su Chen appeared, she immediately saluted and said,

"The Phoenix Clan, Tianfeng, leads an army of one million Phoenix Clan to meet the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Phoenix Clan, see the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Phoenix Clan, see the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Phoenix Clan, see the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Six Paths of Reincarnation, Emperor Fengdu led an army of two million ghosts to meet the Emperor of Heaven"

"Netherworld ghost clan, see the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Netherworld ghost clan, see the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Netherworld ghost clan, see the Emperor of Heaven!"

"West Kunlun...."

"sea ​​of ​​blood......"


In the prehistoric fairy world, there are powerful races and powerful forces. After Su Chen appeared outside the Nantian Gate, these powerful races and powerful forces saluted Su Chen one after another.

"The ancient and scattered immortals meet the Emperor of Heaven!"

"The ancient and scattered immortals meet the Emperor of Heaven!"

"The ancient and scattered immortals meet the Emperor of Heaven!"

The immortals in the ancient immortal world also saluted Su Chen one after another at this moment.

Today's scene is something that no immortal in the entire ancient immortal world has ever encountered.

All powerful races and powerful forces in the ancient immortal world have surrendered to the Emperor Su Chen. Except for a few saint sects, the entire Prehistoric Immortal World is truly unified. In the prehistoric world, ordinary humans heard the voice of worshiping the Emperor of Heaven, and all human races were very panicked and helpless.

The immortals in the sky appeared, but all The human race is not happy.

The entire human race knows that a month ago, the Human Emperor in the Fire Cloud Cave gathered the monks and immortals of the human race to fight against the sky. The new Emperor of Heaven has just taken office, and the Human Emperor in the Fire Cloud Cave wants to Use force to resist the sky.

Although ordinary humans don't know why the human emperors use force to resist the sky, they know that the heaven is the existence that rules the prehistoric fairyland. The heavenly soldiers and generals in the heaven are not human beings to deal with.

This time the heaven wants to conquer the fire. The Human Emperors in Yundong, if the Human Emperors in Huoyun Cave are defeated and destroyed, where will the human race go?

How will the Emperor of Heaven treat the ordinary people in the prehistoric immortal world in the future?

In a big mountain in the prehistoric world, the four masters and disciples of Tang Sanzang were confused. Looking at all this, after Tang Sanzang met Kuimu Lang, a demon from the lower realm, in Baoxiang Kingdom, Sun Wukong was also found by Zhu Bajie.

Tang Sanzang also knew that he had wronged Sun Wukong.

Although Sun Wukong did not want to come back, he Unable to help himself,

Sun Wukong thought that if he did not plan to protect Tang Sanzang to obtain scriptures, he would probably be suppressed. He might even be suppressed for the rest of his life.

Sun Wukong thought of Su Chen's words, there is no destiny without strength, and wanted to break himself destiny, then the only way is to make yourself stronger

"Darling, it seems that Su Chen is really going to destroy the human emperors in Huoyun Cave this time."

"Second Senior Brother, several Human Emperors in Huoyun Cave have assassinated the Emperor of Heaven, and even gathered tens of millions of human troops to fight against Heaven. Is it wrong for the Emperor of Heaven to exterminate the Human Emperors in Huoyun Cave?"

"It's not wrong, it's just a pity that we can't participate in this huge scene."

"Second Senior Brother, today’s heavenly soldiers and generals are different from those in the past. If you and I were still in heaven, with our Xuanxian cultivation realm, we could only be centurions."

"Well! Indeed."

Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha were very speechless while talking.

In the heaven controlled by Su Chen, the heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly court are different from the past.

When Haotian was in power, the heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly court were basically human beings and immortals. Cannon fodder on the battlefield.

And Su Chen integrated the heavenly soldiers and generals in the heaven.

Now the lowest cultivation level of the heavenly soldiers and generals are all heavenly immortals. This has raised three realms. From now on, ordinary immortals just want to be heavenly soldiers and generals. I'm afraid it's difficult.

Sun Wukong sat on a tree without opening his mouth, but he looked towards the heaven with a look of yearning.

Su Chen majestically accepted the worship of the immortals in the ancient fairy world, which made Sun Wukong very helpless..

Same people but different fates.

Five hundred years ago,

Sun Wukong looked down on Su Chen who was still a young monk.

Five hundred years later,

Su Chen was already the emperor of heaven who ruled the entire prehistoric fairyland.

Tang Sanzang kept chanting"Buddha,


He couldn't control the war between the Human Emperor of Yundong and the Heavenly Emperor of Heaven.

Tang Sanzang could only recite Buddha's name and hope that Buddha could quell the war, or even prevent Heaven's soldiers and generals from massacring the human race.

Huoyun Cave, at this moment,

Huoyun Cave's The human emperors were flying in the air one by one.

With the appearance of the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen, the appearance of heavenly soldiers and generals, and even the appearance of armies from various races and forces in the prehistoric times, the human emperors in Huoyun Cave knew that the war was about to begin. The unparalleled war with immortals was about to begin.

Human Emperor Fuxi looked at the other Human Emperors, and asked with a serious face,

"Are you all ready?"

"Brother, we are all ready. There are more than 50 million human armies, including nearly 20 million human immortal armies."

"The Sage Sect promised us to stop the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen, and we have nothing to fear."

"Yes, Human Sect, Chan Sect, and Buddhism all agree that they will help the human race. Even if Emperor Su Chen wants to destroy us, it will be impossible for him."

"Brother, will Nuwa Empress help our human race?"

"Yes, the eldest brother is the elder brother of Empress Nuwa. I believe Empress Nuwa will also be on our side."

"From this point of view, our human race has people who teach, explain and teach Buddhism, and with the support of Nuwa Empress, if Su Chen, the emperor in heaven, knows about it, I don’t know if he will be frightened and abdicate directly."

"Haha, I can't wait to see the scared expression on Emperor Su Chen's face."

The other human emperors in the Fire Cloud Cave all said that their human race has the support of the Saint Sect, but the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen has the support of all the tribes and forces in the ancient world. Does the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen dare to confront the Saint Sect?

Does the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen dare to disobey the Heavenly Saint?

Human Emperor Fuxi looked at the other Human Emperors and smiled.

With the support of the Saint Sect, the human race really did not need to worry.


Human Emperor Fuxi also had Empress Nuwa behind him. Even if the war of the human race failed this time, Empress Nuwa would not watch him be killed. The Human Emperor Fuxi was in an invincible position from the beginning.

In the chaos, the six saints appeared one after another in the nine heavens of the prehistoric fairy world. , although they could not appear in the prehistoric world, what happened in the prehistoric fairy world was too great. These saints appeared on the nine heavens, watching the result of this time when the human race resisted the heaven with force.

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