After hearing Su Chen's order, the Wu Clan, the Demon Clan, and even the powerful people like Zhen Yuanzi, all found their opponents and prepared to kill them.

With Su Chen's order, they didn't care about these people. Are you a disciple of a saint?

Master Xuandu, Guangchengzi, and Buddha Duobao, their faces were livid after hearing Su Chen's order.

The Emperor Su Chen wanted to kill them, and the Emperor Su Chen was determined to kill the three of them.

"Come on, fight out!"

Master Xuandu directly sacrificed the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth and placed it on his head. They looked at the three great quasi-sage witches of the witch clan who were besieging them. He said to Guangchengzi and Buddha Duobao,


Guangchengzi also immediately sacrificed the Lingbao Heaven-shaking Seal, and he was also ready to kill from the hands of the four quasi-sages of the demon clan.

"Fight out together!"

After Buddha Duobao sacrificed the Duobao Pagoda and the Zhuxian Sword Formation, he quickly retreated when facing five powerful quasi-sages.

Twelve quasi-sages surrounded Xuandu, Guangchengzi and Buddha Shengduobao, they Twelve powerful Quasi-Saints join forces, this time they must kill these three Quasi-Saints

"The Queen Mother, Chang'e, captured Haotian."Su Chen looked at Haotian and ordered the Queen Mother and Chang'e,


"Queen Mother of the West, Wudang, Jin Ling, you go and take down the Three Emperors, Yunxiao and Jiufeng, you take down the Five Emperors"


"The prehistoric combined army obeyed the order and destroyed the human monks and immortal armies, leaving no one behind!"

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven!"

After Su Chen gave these orders, he could only wait for the outcome of the war.

However, he still had to prepare for sudden changes.

Su Chen looked at the three Yaochi fairies behind him.

These were not the real Yaochi fairies.

Su Chen Looking at a female fairy in white behind him, he said,"Fairy Chang Xi, I'm going to trouble you later."

Chang Xi waved his hand to regain his body and said coldly,"Emperor of Heaven, you're welcome. I'll stop Taishang Laojun later."

"Thank you!"

Su Chen said to another fairy in green behind him,

"Fairy Fengling, Zhunti’s good corpse will be left to you. You can’t even defeat Zhunti’s good corpse, right?"

Fairy Fengling is the good corpse of Empress Nuwa.

Su Chen has to guard against the good corpses of the four great saints.

Although the saints cannot come to the prehistoric fairyland, their good corpses can come to the prehistoric fairyland.

The four great saints, these are There were four powerful quasi-sage good corpses, and Su Chen had made arrangements early in the morning.

When Nuwa's good corpse heard Su Chen's words, she said angrily,

"Little bastard, Zhunti’s good corpse, I will beat him up this time."

Su Chen said to the last woman in yellow,"Empress Houtu, I leave the original good corpse to you."

This is Po Meng, the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the good corpse of Empress Ping Xin.

Su Chen felt that calling a beautiful beauty Po Meng was not nice, so he called her Hou Tu directly. Anyway, they are all Hou Tu, so Su Chen didn't Not wrong


After Su Chen explained this, there is still a saint's good corpse that no one can deal with. Su Chen has no one available to pick up the saint's good corpse. Guanyin Bodhisattva will be entrusted by Su Chen with the important task this time. Su Chen didn't know if Guanyin Bodhisattva could defeat the good corpse that attracted the saint , but now he could only let Guanyin Bodhisattva restrain the good corpse that led the saint.

"Avalokitesvara, you need to control the good corpse of the saint that is being received by Buddhism. However, you have to be more careful. If it doesn't work, just go back and I will make other plans. Guanyin

Bodhisattva smiled at Su Chen and said,"Don't worry, I will try my best to contain the good corpse that leads the saint.""

Su Chen nodded after hearing this.

Then Chang Xi, Empress Nuwa, Empress Houtu, and Guanyin Bodhisattva all disappeared here. Su Chen knew that they were going to stop the good corpses of the saints.

Su Chen After looking at the battlefields everywhere, I thought, as long as the quasi-sages here speed up to kill or capture the disciples of these saints, the arrival of the quasi-sages from Chanjiao and Buddhism will be of no avail, three against one, or even four against one. , five against one, Su Chen didn’t believe that these veteran quasi-saints couldn’t kill these disciples of saints.

I guess!

The unlucky guy, Lord Tongtian, has forgotten about him. Damn it,

Lord Tongtian is really harmful.

This is a great situation. I'm afraid it will be destroyed by him.

Su Chen rubbed his forehead.

He had forgotten about the Tongtian Cult Leader.

Su Chen originally thought that the Tongtian Cult Leader would be on his side, but that stupid bastard of the Tongtian Cult Leader, he actually She would make wrong decisions, which was a bit difficult to handle now.

The ruthless empress looked at Su Chen rubbing her forehead, and she asked Su Chen doubtfully,

"Brother, what's wrong?"

When Su Chen heard the ruthless empress' words, he smiled and said,

"Girl, you take three thousand Yaochi female fairies to destroy the human race, and let these female fairies see the blood."

Su Chen doesn't want the ruthless empress to stay with him.

If the stupid bastard Tongtian leader comes, Su Chen is worried that his daughter will be killed by Tongtian.

Now he can only send the ruthless empress away, but

Su Chen can't Seeing the ruthless empress being killed by Tongtian Cult Leader, he died because of his love, and the ruthless empress couldn't die either.

"Good brother."

The Ruthless Empress replied hurriedly when she heard Su Chen's words.

She could no longer be taken here. If Su Chen had no one to protect her, the Ruthless Empress would have joined the battlefield.

Su Chen looked at the Ruthless Empress leading With three thousand Yaochi fairies joining the battlefield, he could only wait for the arrival of Tongtian Cult Master. At this moment,

Xuandu Archmage was beaten back by the three great witches of the witch clan: Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Liu, and

Yu Shi. Although the mage has the acquired treasure of Saint Lao Tzu, the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, facing three powerful witches from ancient times, Xuandu Archmage has no chance to fight back.

If Xuandu did not have the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, he might have been defeated by the three great witches. The ancestral witch was killed.

Guangchengzi who explained the teachings is now in misery.

He is surrounded and killed by the four demon saints. Although Guangchengzi has the Heaven-turning Seal and the Central Xinghuang Banner, the Central Xinghuang Banner is only the best innate spiritual treasure and does not have Xuandu. The Archmage's Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda is powerful.

Guangchengzi also faced the four ancient demon saints, the Baize Demon Saint, the Qinyuan Demon Saint, the Yingzhao Demon Saint, and the Shang Yang Demon Saint. He has been able to sustain it until now. Not bad. Su Chen took great care of

Duobao Tathagata, the Buddha of Buddhism. He arranged for five powerful quasi-sages to surround Duobao, Zhen Yuanzi, Ancestor Minghe, Zhulong, Tianfeng, and Fengdu Great Emperor, these five powerful quasi-sages were arranged by Su Chen to besiege and kill Duobao Tathagata. This Duobao Tathagata is as old and sinister as Daozu Hongjun, and should be the most powerful. Duobao Tathagata was first the leader of Tongtian Cult. The first disciple, later betrayed the leader Tongtian and joined Buddhism. Duobao became the first person under the Buddhist saints. This Duobao Tathagata Su Chen never looked down upon him.

"The Human Emperor is a piece of trash, and his strength enhanced by the merits of heaven is really vulnerable."

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