Su Chen saw the human emperors running around being beaten by Queen Mother Xi and the girls, and even the bodies of several human emperors who were killed by Jiu Feng were badly damaged. Those human emperors were probably either killed or captured in a short while.

Su Chen shook his head when he saw this.

The Human Emperors were all improved by the merits of heaven. Although they were all Da Luo Jinxian and Quasi Saints, their strength was too far behind that of Da Luo Jinxian and Quasi Saints who had cultivated. Big.

Haotian was beaten by the Queen Mother and Chang'e and struggled to support him. Haotian's cultivation level had dropped drastically after he lost the position of Emperor of Heaven.

When Haotian faced the attacks of the Queen Mother and Chang'e, he had no power to fight back.

If Su Chen hadn't wanted to capture Haotian alive,

Haotian would have been killed by the Queen Mother and Chang'e.

Su Chen looked at the battlefield, shook his head and said to himself,

"There is no suspense in the war anymore. Humans, don’t blame me. This time you are the one who jumped out to confront me. Although I am a human, I will not tolerate you. If you dare to rebel, you will be killed without mercy."

On the battlefield, the human monks and immortals were massacred by the prehistoric coalition forces. The entire Fire Cloud Cave was surrounded by mutilated corpses, and the blood stained the entire land near the Fire Cloud Cave. The remaining two people around the Fire Cloud Cave were Of the tens of millions of troops, less than ten million have been killed so far.

It was only a matter of time before the human army was destroyed.


Su Chen noticed a powerful aura coming from a distance,


Damn it!

That idiot Tongtian is still here.

Su Chen frowned and waited for the arrival of Lord Tongtian's good corpse.

What is supposed to come will always come,

Lord Tongtian!

Just let yourself come this time. The leader of the once largest sect!


Three breaths later, a young man in Tsing Yi appeared next to Su Chen.

This young man looked unruly, as if all living beings were ants in his eyes.

"Emperor Su Chen!"

"Lord Tongtian!"

Tongtian Cult Leader Shan Zhi and Su Chen looked at each other.

One was unruly and the other was egotistical.

Su Chen and Tongtian Cult Leader each exploded with their attribute momentum.

Although they did not compete with each other with strength, they did not want to lose to each other in terms of momentum..The good corpse of Tongtian Cult Leader looked at Su Chen and said expressionlessly,

"You are very good, you are worthy of being the Emperor of Heaven"

"I think so!"

Su Chen shrugged and nodded and replied with a smile.

Master Tongtian did not expect that Su Chen was not afraid of him.

This time his good corpse came to kill the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen first, and then to destroy those traitors and rebels. The complete demise of Tongtian made Tongtian very angry.

The leader of Tongtian would not let go of the Emperor Su Chen, nor would he let go of those traitors who betrayed him.

"Hum, Emperor Su Chen, your strength is too low. If I kill you, it will be like trampling an ant to death."

"You can't kill me!"

"Hahaha, although this good corpse of mine is only a quasi-sage in the ancient immortal world, if I want to kill you, do you think you can survive?"

"Tongtian, I still say the same thing, you can’t kill me."

Su Chen stood on the body of Jiuyou Que.

He was not worried at all that the Tongtian Cult Leader would dare to take action against him.

The Tongtian Cult Leader was just a brainless fool.

He was destroyed by the four great saints together, and almost all of his disciples were killed. But now he would actually help the four great saints.

Su Chen was also speechless at this fool.


The leader of Tongtian Cult suddenly burst out with breath, and he threatened Su Chen,

"Boy, you are a little arrogant, I will kill you today"

"Tongtian, do you still dare to kill?"

Su Chen suddenly waved his hand, and a golden light of merit burst out from his body! Although Su Chen's merit has not yet condensed into a golden wheel of merit, hundreds of acres of merit have appeared, and it is also very dazzling.

"Merit? Su Chen, do you think I dare not kill you because you have merit? Killing just adds some karma, which is not important to us saints at all."

"Yeah? Then take a look again?"

Su Chen moved his hands again, and the Human Emperor's destiny was also revealed. The golden light of merit and the Human Emperor's destiny. After being revealed by Su Chen, Su Chen's whole body was bathed in the golden light like a little golden man.

Leader Tongtian was surprised when he saw Su Chen's luck as a human being and shouted,

"You killed so many human beings, why do you still have the luck of being the emperor of the human race? This is impossible?"

"Master Tongtian, do you still dare to kill me? If that's not enough, take a look at these."

Su Chen also revealed the destiny of heaven.

At this time, Su Chen was surrounded by the golden light of merit, the golden light of human emperor's destiny, and the golden light of heaven's destiny.

Su Chen was like a sacred spirit in the golden light. It reached the sky. The leader's face turned dark immediately.

He didn't care about the appearance of heavenly merits. The leader of Tongtian killed Su Chen just to make him bear some karma. The appearance of the human emperor's luck made Tongtian helpless.

If he dared to kill Su In the morning,

Tongtian will definitely be punished by heaven, but when the huge luck in heaven appears, the leader of Tongtian will be helpless against Su Chen.

Su Chen really can't kill him, the emperor Su Chen has too much luck in heaven, this I am afraid that all the luck in the prehistoric immortal world has gathered on Su Chen.

If the Tongtian leader kills Su Chen, he may fall from the holy throne.

"Tongtian, do you still dare to kill me?"

Tongtian Cult Master snorted to Su Chen with an ugly face,

"Humph, I didn’t expect you to have so much luck in heaven. However, don’t be complacent. I, Yuan Yuan, Zhunti, Jie Yin, their good corpses will all come. Even if they can’t kill you, what do you think of these people under your command? Can the quasi-sage survive?"

"Ha ha......"

"Boy, why are you laughing?"

"I laugh at you for being stupid!" boom!


Tongtian burst out with powerful quasi-sage strength, causing the Nine Nether Birds under Su Chen's feet to tremble continuously.

Su Chen was even shocked and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Su Chen wiped his mouth and reminded Tongtian,

"Lord Tongtian, I advise you to calm down. If you suppress me to death, you will be punished by Heaven, and may even be deprived of your holy status."

"Little scumbag!"

Tongtian saw Su Chen spurting out a few mouthfuls of blood after being shocked by him, and he was very disdainful of Su Chen.

A golden immortal actually became the emperor of heaven?

This is a unique thing in the ancient immortal world, but it happened.

What kind of charm does this little scumbag have that can be recognized by all living beings in the wild?

The leader of Tongtian is also very confused.

"Master Tongtian, am I wrong to say you are stupid? Can you see the arrival of my good corpse, Taishang Laojun? Can you see Zhunti and the good corpse arriving? Have you ever seen the original good corpse arrive?"

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