Su Chen was very surprised when he saw Chang Xi and Chang'e suddenly appearing.

Aren't Chang Xi and Chang'e setting up the star array in the heaven? How could they appear in the daughter country? Could it be that something happened to the Zhoutian Star Formation?

Chang Xi and Chang'e didn't expect that Su Chen was also in the Daughter's Kingdom.

They felt that Xi and Su Chen might have something to do with this bastard. But if Su Chen went there, something big would happen.

"Su Chen, this is Xi and sister recovering."Chang'e pointed to the queen's palace and hurriedly said to Su Chen.

Su Chen was very surprised when he heard what Chang'e said.

"What? Xihe? Is Xihe, Queen of the Demon Clan, coming back to life? Isn’t Xihe in a state of despair? How could she recover again?

Chang'e shook her head and explained,"I'm not sure. Sister Chang Xi said it might be Xi He's spiritual treasure, the Sun Essence Chakra, which took away Xi He's sister's spirit when Xi He blew himself up.""

Su Chen saw Chang Xi nodded next to him, and he felt like his head was pounding.


What if Xihe recovers?

Will the prehistoric fairyland become chaotic again?

Will the demon clan return to Xihe's command ? ?

This is his fault!

Xi He is a crazy woman.

The Queen Xi He was able to self-destruct after the death of the demon emperor Jun. Such a woman is really cruel.

Su Chen looked at the Queen's palace and wanted to think of countermeasures. If the Queen Xi He was unwilling to accept the defeat of the demon clan and wanted to gather demons to rebel against heaven. So don't blame yourself for destroying the flowers. When

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie and others saw the appearance of Chang'e and Chang Xi, they immediately took Tang Sanzang to hide far away. Far away, the two powerful men who had just arrived were too powerful. They were very worried about what accident would happen soon.

Boom boom boom......

At this time, in the palace of the Queen of the Daughter Kingdom, a woman suddenly appeared in the air above the palace. The woman in a white dress was very beautiful.

When Chang Xi saw the woman appearing in the sky, she shouted excitedly,

"It was Xihe sister, she really recovered."

Holy crap!

Is it really Xihe?

How to do this?

How could the Queen of the Daughter Kingdom be Xihe?

Su Chen was very helpless when he saw the changed Queen of the Daughter Kingdom in the sky, boom boom boom boom......

"I, Queen Xihe!"


Xi He in the sky announced his return to the ancient world.

All the creatures in the ancient world were confused by the sudden announcement.

Xihe, the Queen of Heaven?

Who is this? Is she the woman of the Emperor of Heaven?

"Queen? When did the Emperor of Heaven have a Queen?"

"I’ve never heard of Queen Xihe. Why does this name seem so familiar?"

"Something big is going to happen. You all don’t know about the two clans of witches and witches dominating the ancient world. Queen Xihe is the wife of the Demon Clan’s Demon Emperor Jun."

"Let me go, didn’t Tianhou Xihe die after hearing that he blew himself up? How is she still alive?"

"I don’t know, but if the queen gathers demons again to rebel against heaven, I’m afraid a catastrophe is inevitable."

"well! Why did Emperor Su Chen become the Emperor of Heaven? Things happened one after another. Emperor Su Chen was unlucky enough." The four demon saints Bai Ze and Shang Yang in the Great

Starry Sky Fortress also heard the announcement from Queen Xihe. Their faces were all very serious.

Qinyuan Demon Saint looked at the others and said,

"Tianhou Xihe unexpectedly revived. It seems that during the battle between the lich and the lich, Tianhou's soul escaped.

Demon Saint Ji Meng shook his head and said seriously,"Qin Yuan, isn't it the time to talk about these things? If Queen Xihe recovers, will the demons gather to rebel against the heaven?" Or even fight against the Witch Clan again?"

Shangyang Demon Saint heard Ji Meng's words and asked worriedly,"I'm not sure, Bai Ze, what should we do?"

Shang Yang was very worried that the demon tribe would go against the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen.

If Tian Hou Xi and Ju Yao rebelled against heaven, the demon tribe would probably be driven out by the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen.

As the Emperor of Heaven, Su Chen killed the eight human emperors. Even the more than 50 million monks and immortals of the human race were executed without leaving any trace. If the demon clan dares to rebel against heaven, the fate of the demon clan will probably be even more miserable than that of the human race. Bai Ze's face is a bit ugly, and

Queen Xihe's character is very Leng Ao, he couldn't guess what Queen Xihe would do after his resurrection this time.

However, it was impossible for the demon clan to betray the Emperor Su Chen.

Whether it was for the coming realm war or the trust that Emperor Su Chen had in the demon clan, It is impossible for the monsters in the ancient starry sky fortress to betray the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen.

Bai Ze stood up and said to the other three people with a serious face,

"We are the demon clan, but now we are also the heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven. It is impossible for the demon clan to restore its previous glory."

"You all know what kind of person Heavenly Emperor Su Chen is, and Heavenly Emperor Suchen does not treat us differently because of our demon clan."

"In the prehistoric starry sky fortress, I am the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Combat Legion. From now on, we are the demon clan’s heavenly soldiers and generals in the heaven. The demon clan’s heavenly soldiers and generals will not betray the Emperor Su Chen."

"Yes, Commander!"

The three people from Qinyuan immediately stood up and saluted Bai Ze.

The three of them were relieved. With Bai Ze's Demon Saint, none of their demon clan would betray the Emperor of Heaven. Su Chen,


Futu Mountain, and

Wuchao Zen Master Lu Yating When he heard the announcement from Tianhou Xihe, his face turned very ugly. Lu Ya didn't expect that Tianhou Xihe was not dead.

He knew that he was in big trouble.

Damn it, why didn't Tianhou Xihe die?

Now he was going to be exposed,

Taiyin The appearance of Xing Changxi made him worry that his identity would be exposed. With the resurrection of Queen Xihe, his identity could no longer be hidden.


It's time to leave.

Buddhism can't protect itself at all.

In the Kingdom of Daughters,

Queen Xihe is announcing in the sky After the prehistoric times, a golden moon wheel flew out from the Zimu River and appeared next to Xi He. The golden moon wheel kept rotating around Xi He.

Xi He stretched out his hand to grab the Sun Jing Wheel and showed a smile and said,

"Risei Lun, long time no see"

"elder sister!"

"Chang Xi!"

Xi He heard a familiar voice calling her.

She looked at Chang Xi on the ground station and was very happy. She did not expect that Chang Xi did not die in the Lich War.


Xi He suddenly appeared next to Chang Xi,

She pulled Chang Xi and laughed. Dozens of Huiyuan sisters got along with each other, and the relationship between the two of them was very good.

Chang Xi looked at Xihe and said happily,

"Sister, I didn’t expect that you didn’t die. I thought that my sister completely perished in the Lich War."

Xi He took out the Sun Essence Wheel, touched it and said with emotion,

"My soul was saved by Nisei Chakra after it self-destructed, otherwise I would not have been able to live another life."

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