Su Chen looked at Chang Xi and Xi He and shook his head.

Do these two women forget the people next to them when they are talking? He and Chang'e seemed to have been forgotten.

Su Chen pulled Chang'e and asked in a low voice,"Chang'e, aren't you familiar with Xihe?"

Chang'e shook her head and replied,"Not familiar, I was still Chang Xi's good corpse at that time, and I had been staying with Chang Xi at that time. Cultivating in Yuanshen, I have seen Xihe only a handful of times."

"This Xihe is even colder than Chang Xi. They are both from the Taiyin star. They can't get any colder."

"Haha, Taiyin Star is very cold to begin with. It’s not surprising that we have such a personality."

"That's true!"

Su Chen thought about it and didn't think it was that strange.

The Taiyin Star is always cold and the wind of evil has never stopped. I'm afraid the people on the Taiyin Star can't even be cold. Su Chen looked at the Queen of Heaven Xihe again.

She is indeed a very beautiful beauty, with a beautiful face, a perfect figure, and a cold expression. The natural talent of a generation of monsters is indeed different.

"Who are you?"

Xi He suddenly saw Su Chen and Chang'e.

She knew Chang'e.

Chang'e was Chang Xi's good corpse, but a man actually pulled Chang Xi's good corpse Chang'e. This made Xi He's face turn cold.

"Emperor Su Chen!"

Su Chen touched his chin and replied.

When Xi He heard Su Chen's words, he mocked coldly,"Just you? Emperor of Heaven? You are a little golden immortal, but you still brazenly say that you are the Emperor of Heaven? Why didn't you say you were Taoist?"

I guess! Can't this cold and dead woman,

Jinxian, be the Emperor of Heaven?

He is a genuine Emperor of Heaven, and he is also the first Emperor of Heaven to rule the entire prehistoric immortal world.

Su Chen didn't pay attention to Xi He's ridicule.

Su Chen shook his head. He shook his head and ignored Queen Xihe. Xihe was a mentally disturbed woman, even a crazy woman, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense to her.

"Why don't you reply? Chang Xi hurriedly pulled Xihe and explained,"Sister Xihe, Su Chen is the emperor of heaven in heaven.""

Chang Xi was worried that Xi He had offended Su Chen, or even that Xi He looked down upon Su Chen's low level of cultivation, thus causing unnecessary conflicts.

"Is he really the Emperor of Heaven?"

Xihe felt incredible when she heard what Chang Xi said.

She looked at Chang Xi's expression as if he was not joking, and it was impossible for Chang Xi to make such a joke with her.

Chang Xi nodded with a serious look on his face,"Yes, Su Chen is really the real Emperor of Heaven!"

When Xihe heard Chang Xi's confirmation, she looked at Su Chen with even more disdain.

Xihe did not expect that during the tens of millions of years she had been reincarnated, the prehistoric immortal world had become so dilapidated.

Even a golden immortal could be the emperor of heaven, then Can't they, quasi-sages, be Taoist ancestors?

"Even a little golden immortal can be the emperor of heaven. After tens of millions of years of changes, the prehistoric immortal world seems to be getting worse and worse."

Su Chen was not happy when he heard Xi He's belittling words.

No matter what he said, he was still the Emperor of Heaven.

Xi He's disdain for him was a slap in the face of Heaven.

Even if Su Chen didn't care about Xi He's attitude, he But for a Heavenly Emperor, there are countless great powers in the prehistoric immortal world who are looking at this place. Su Chen cannot lose his face and the majesty of Heaven.

"Xihe, what happened to my Jinxian? Did I eat your rice? I'm only a few decades old now. If I were an old monster like you, I could cripple you with one hand."

"Old monster?"

"It's tens of millions of years old. What is it if it's not an old monster?"

"you wanna die!"

Xi He burst out with a strong aura when he heard Su Chen's words.

This bastard Emperor dared to call her an old monster and also said that he was older? How could she, a charming and charming woman, look like an old monster?

"Chaos clock!"

Su Chen hurriedly summoned the Chaos Bell to resist Xi He's powerful aura.

Xi He is this crazy woman!

Is a battle inevitable?

"Donghuang Bell? How could you have the Donghuang Bell?"

Xi He was very surprised when he saw the Chaos Bell protecting Su Chen.

Why was the Donghuang Bell of Donghuang Taiyi in Su Chen's hand?

Could it be that the Emperor of Heaven found Donghuang Taiyi's bell after the death of Donghuang Taiyi ? The innate treasure Donghuang Bell?

"Sister, please take away your breath."

At this time,

Chang Xi and Chang'e also reacted.

Chang Xi shouted to Xihe anxiously, while Chang'e also hurriedly used magic power to resist Xihe's powerful aura for Su Chen.

"Old monster, this is the Chaos Bell, not the East Emperor Bell"

"Chang Xi, Chang'e, please get out of the way. Donghuang Taiyi's Donghuang Bell cannot fall into the hands of this little scumbag."

Su Chen said angrily to Xihe,

"Let me guess, you are the little scumbag. When you are as old as me, I am afraid you are still an embryo, a thing like a small bean sprout. I can destroy you with just one little finger."

"you wanna die!"

When Xihe heard Su Chen's words, he appeared in front of him instantly. She grabbed Su Chen and disappeared without a trace.

"Sister Xihe!"


Chang Xi and Chang'e were very helpless when they saw Xi He kidnapped Su Chen. Now that they have lost Xi He's aura, it may not be easy to find Xi He.

Chang'e looked at Chang Xi and asked worriedly He said,"Sister Chang Xi, will something happen to Su Chen?"

"Otherwise, that bastard is just seeking death. Alas, I am not worried about Su Chen now, but I am worried about Xi and his sister. If Xi and his sister are still so cold and arrogant, they may really have a conflict with Su Chen in the future."

Swish swish swish".......

At this time, the Queen Mother, the Holy Mother Wudang, the Holy Mother Jinling, and Yunxiao appeared next to Chang Xi in an instant.

The Queen Mother looked at Chang Xi and asked hurriedly,"Chang Xi, Chang'e, will something happen to Su Chen?"

Chang Xi shook his head and replied,

"No, Xihe won’t kill me just because of my face.Morning, but I'm afraid I'll teach that bastard a lesson"

"That's good, just teach that bastard a lesson, so that he won't be able to control his mouth in the future."

The Queen Mother and her daughters breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

As long as nothing happens to Su Chen, they are in love with Xihe and teach Su Chen a lesson. Are they too old?

Old monsters?

These women are all the same as Xihe, Su Chen said Wasn't Xi He talking about them?

After Sun Wukong and others heard the conversation of these women, they all looked at each other. They couldn't afford to offend any of these women.

The four masters and disciples of Sun Wukong If Xi He hadn't retreated far away early in the morning, Xi He's burst of breath would have definitely knocked them away.

Zhu Bajie whispered to Sun Wukong,

"Brother Monkey, is Su Chen leaving again?"

"I know shit, but I probably won’t be here recently!"

"I really hope that Su Chen will not come back. We still encounter some little monsters when he is not here. As soon as Su Chen comes back, it will become a hell-level difficulty for us to learn the scriptures."

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