In the hot spring, after Su Chen kissed Demeter for a while, he instantly appeared in the palace hall with Demeter in his arms.

After Su Chen used his magical power to dry Demeter's dress, he coughed and reminded Demeter,"Ahem, Demeter, I am now releasing you from the imprisonment of your divine power, but please don't do anything to me. I'll take action, otherwise I will still imprison your divine power."

Su Chen was also very speechless.

He almost couldn't hold back and dealt with Demeter just now.

This harvest goddess is too tempting.

No wonder God King Zeus would treat Demeter I'll start

"Go to hell!"

After Demeter was released from the restraint by Su Chen, she waved her hand and attacked Su Chen.

This man actually defiled her. If

Demeter didn't wash away this humiliation, she would have no face even in the Greek pantheon. Stay any longer.

I'm here!

Women are trouble!


When Su Chen saw that Demeter was about to attack him, Su Chen immediately wanted to confine Demeter's magic power again.


I'm going!

What happened to the artifact palace of Queen Hera this time?Didn't you imprison Demeter?

Su Chen saw that Demeter still had divine power, so he hurriedly teleported to avoid Demeter's attack.

Demeter saw Su Chen dodge her attack, but she didn't care. Demeter could kill this little scumbag with just one hand.

"Little scumbag, I am the goddess of harvest. Hera's artifact is very powerful, but Hera is only a little stronger than me. I was not paying attention just now and you imprisoned your divine power. Now you can still imprison me. ?"

"Demeter, this is the palace of Queen Hera. If you fight here, Queen Hera will not forgive you."

"Huh, after killing you, I will explain the situation to the Queen of God. You'd better die if you want!"

Boom boom boom......

Demeter quickly took action and kept attacking Su Chen who was dodging everywhere.

Su Chen was also speechless.

The palace of Queen Hera could not confine the main god, which was now in trouble.

Su Chen can only teleport around to avoid Demeter's attack, but this is not a long-term solution. After all, Demeter is a main god (Da Luo Jinxian). If

Demeter ignores the God of Destruction Hou He for a while, In Ra's palace, Suchen might be caught or killed by the angry Demeter.

"Demeter, stop it!"

At this time,

Queen Hera appeared in the main hall of the palace with an indifferent expression.

Queen Hera also understood that

Su Chen had just forced himself to do those disgusting things to Demeter. No wonder she just Seeing that something was wrong with Demeter, it turned out that Su Chen had previously imprisoned Demeter's divine power.

Su Chen instantly appeared next to the God Queen Hera and hugged her and said,"God Queen, you are here, if you don't show up again , I am about to be killed by Demeter."

Goddess Hera was stunned when Su Chen hugged her.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would dare to hug her?

Does this shameless ancient immortal want to die?

"Let me go, you shameless bastard, do you want to die?"

Su Chen was startled when he heard the cold words of Queen Hera.

Riou, why did he hug Queen Hera?

Queen Hera is not a woman like Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Su Chen hurriedly let go of Queen Hera. Lajia coughed and said,

"Ahem, a moment of excitement, a moment of excitement! Don’t be offended by the Queen of Gods."

Demeter looked at Su Chen and Queen Hera with bright eyes.

She felt that she had discovered a big secret this time.

Queen Hera actually had an affair with a minor priest. If God King Zeus knew about this, , the God Queen Hera may be deposed, or even killed by the angry God King Zeus.

"Humph, you little bastard, just wait for me, I will deal with you later."

After the God Queen Hera glared at Su Chen, she waved her hand and took Demeter and suddenly disappeared.

When Su Chen saw the God Queen Hera and Demeter disappear, he felt that he could no longer If he stays here for a while, Su Chen will be severely punished by Hera if she comes back soon, and he may even be imprisoned from now on. Hera wants to get his flat peach, but she won't be able to do it for a while. Kill yourself, but if Su Chen doesn't have the peach, there will be no use value. The goddess Hera will probably execute him immediately. To leave, you must leave Olympus immediately. The Greek gods cannot stay here any longer. Go In the territory of the God system, Su Chen thought of his angel wife Angelite, who was the commander of the Angel Legion. As long as Su Chen found Angel Angelite, he would have a way to return to the ancient world. Su Chen looked at it Looking around, he hurriedly walked towards the palace gate. In a room in the palace, Queen Hera and Demeter were sitting together. However, Demeter looked at Hera with disbelief. Queen Hera How did Ra's strength become so powerful? The strength of the twelve main gods of the Greek pantheon is not much different, and the strength of the goddess Hera is only two small realms higher than her. Demeter is at the early stage of the chief god, and the queen of the gods is Hera is the main god’s late-stage strength, but this time Demeter faced the God Queen Hera. How could she feel that the God Queen Hera’s strength could easily defeat her? The God Queen Hera looked at Demeter and said ,

"Demeter, this time it was my little priest who was rude to you. I will discipline you in the future as an apology. When my golden apples mature, I can promise to give you five golden apples."

Demeter thought for a moment and nodded.

"I agree. Queen God, who are you, that little priest? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone"

"He's just a priest, Demeter, don't think too much."

"Is it? Why don't I look like that?"

"Su Chen is a little priest, a middle god. Who do you think he is?"

When Demeter heard what the Queen Hera said, she felt that Su Chen could not be just a little priest. There had never been a male priest in the palace of the Queen Hera. This time, the Queen Hera would appoint a male priest. Here is If there is no problem, then what the hell.

Demeter saw Su Chen holding Hera, the Queen of Gods, and Hera, the Queen of Gods, also scolded and threatened Su Chen.

Demeter felt that Su Chen and Hera, the Queen of Gods, were The relationship is definitely not ordinary

"Queen God, how about you give me this little priest named Su Chen, and I don’t have to accept the golden apple. Queen

Hera looked at Demeter and warned coldly,"Demeter, you are overthinking. Suchen is my priest, and he will be my priest in the future. You'd better stop thinking too much." Demeter said helplessly,"Well, it seems that your little priest is very important to you. However, Queen God, I must teach that little priest a lesson.""

"Yes, but you can't be too aggressive......Damn it, that little bastard got away."

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