Olympus Mountain.

After Su Chen came out of the palace of Queen Hera, he wandered around Olympus Mountain aimlessly. Olympus Mountain was also very big. Su Chen wanted to leave Olympus Mountain. Mount Pis must also find an exit.

In the central square,

10,000 golden armored soldiers were lined up neatly, and a golden bull chariot was parked at the front of the square.

Around the square, many gods from the Greek pantheon were watching.

"Brother, what is this?"

When Su Chen came to the edge of the square, he looked at the troops on the square. Su Chen asked a bearded man next to him doubtfully.

The bearded man heard Su Chen's words and asked doubtfully,

"you do not know?"

Big Beard didn't realize that Su Chen was not a god from the Olympus Mountains. Su Chen was wearing the costume of a priest from the palace of Hera, the Queen of Gods. Big Beard guessed that the middle god should be a minor priest from the Palace of Queen Hera.

Su Chen was embarrassed. He smiled and said,

"I just arrived at Mount Olympus not long ago. Did something happen?"

"God King Zeus is going to meet with the Nordic God King Odin. God King Zeus will be leaving soon."

"The God King is going to meet with the Nordic God King Odin? Did something big happen?"

"The Realm War is about to begin in less than five hundred years. God Queen Zeus may want to discuss with God King Odin about attacking the prehistoric fairyland."

"So this is ah!"

Su Chen understood that

God King Zeus was going to discuss with Nordic God King Odin to attack the ancient world.

There are still five hundred years left, and

God King Odin can't wait to prepare to attack the ancient world. It seems that God King Zeus and many Bao Rulai has already discussed cooperation.

If the army of the Western God Realm attacks the Great Desolate Immortal Realm, the frontier fortress of Xiniu Hezhou may be destroyed without any attack. It is even possible that Buddhism will join the Western God Realm to fight against the Prehistoric Immortal Realm.

Su Chen feels that his previous preparations Very wise, the frontier fortresses of Xiniu Hezhou and Dongsheng Shenzhou will become important battlefields in the prehistoric fairy world against the Western God Realm in the future.

"Boy, I think you are good. If you have time in the future, you can come and sit in my forging palace."

"Forging a palace? Are you Hephaestus, one of the twelve main gods?"

"Yes, goodbye little priest!"

Su Chen looked at Hephaestus limping away, and he was very speechless.

Su Chen did not expect that the person he casually chatted with was Hephaestus, the forging god, one of the twelve main gods.

Su Chen touched I was thinking while holding my chin, forging the main god Hephaestus?

This is the famous cuckold king in the Greek pantheon, the wife of Hephaestus, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love, one of the twelve main gods. Aphrodite brought many cuckolds to Hephaestus.

It seems that God King Zeus once pursued Aphrodite, the God of Love, but after being rejected by Aphrodite, God King Zeus took revenge. Aphrodite married the ugly Hephaestus.

However, the forging god Hephaestus was too ugly, and he was also a lame.

I'm afraid Aphrodite, the goddess of love, didn't like this either. An ugly husband.

Su Chen shook his head and didn’t think about these things.

Now was not the time to think about these messy things.

He also wanted to find a way to leave Olympus Mountain as soon as possible. Otherwise, the God Queen Hera knew that he had escaped. They might come to arrest him.

He looked at the square and said to himself,

"If you want to leave the Olympus Mountains, you may have to sneak into the team of the God King, but how can you sneak into the team unknowingly? God King Zeus is a powerful quasi-saint."

Woo woo woo.......

At this time, an ancient and melodious horn sounded, and a burly old man wearing a golden armor appeared in the square with some people.

"See God King!"

"No gift!"

Su Chen shook his head when he saw the appearance of the stallion Zeus.

Zeus, the god king who looks like a bad old man, is really an old cow eating young grass.

Whether it is the goddess Hera or Demeter, they are all She is a young and beautiful woman, and the old man Zeus, the God King, is really blessed.

Su Chen saw Zeus getting on the golden bull chariot, and he knew that Zeus was about to set off.

Su Chen hurriedly checked to see what Zeus was bringing out. Among the other gods, when he saw a chariot with flowers, he teleported directly into the flower chariot.

Su Chen had no choice. The chariots of other gods were all open-air, and this was the only one with flowers. The car was like a carriage, and he could only hide in this carriage.

God King Zeus also set off with the gods and armies.

The gods and armies all flew in the air and followed God King Zeus, quickly flying away from Austria. The sacred mountain of Limpis.

Su Chen was very confused when he was hiding in the corner of this carriage.

Su Chen found that a beautiful goddess in the carriage had discovered him, and she also bent her head and looked at him with a smile. The beautiful goddess looked at Su Chen and was confused. He smiled and asked,"Little priest, why are you hiding in my flower carriage?"

Su Chen came out of the corner in embarrassment.

This beautiful goddess is probably also a main god. Otherwise, it would be impossible for this goddess to find herself hiding in the carriage. However, this goddess is really beautiful. She wears a cool white dress and a large body. A large area of ​​fair skin is exposed, with a beautiful face and a curvy figure. Every movement of this goddess is full of temptation. The three goddesses Su Chen saw in the Olympus Mountains, the Queen of Gods Hera, the harvest goddess Demeter, and this heroine.

Each of these goddesses is more beautiful than the last.

Su Chen couldn't help but look at these beautiful women full of Western style.

The beauties in the ancient fairyland Su Chen felt that they were different from the beauties in the Western God Realm.

The fairies in the Ancient Fairy Realm were very conservative and wore clothes that did not reveal their skin.

The goddesses in the Western God Realm showed off their most beautiful sides, and the clothes they wore The skirt is as revealing as it needs to be.

Su Chen patted his forehead and stopped thinking about it. Now he had to figure out how to fool this goddess.

"Hey, Goddess, I also want to visit Asgard in the Nordic mythology. I just want to take a ride."

When the beautiful goddess heard Su Chen's words, she turned coldly and asked,

"Lie, you are dressed like a little priest in the palace of Queen Hera. A little priest dared to secretly leave Olympus Mountain and said, are you going to escape from Olympus Mountain?"

"No, goddess, I really want to go to Asgard. I have friends in Asgard."

"oh? Tell me, what's your friend's name? What kind of god is he?"

Su Chen was confused when he heard what this goddess said.

He was just looking for an excuse. Why would this goddess continue to ask? He didn't know the gods in the Nordic pantheon.

Su Chen touched his chin and thought for a while before saying nonsense,

"Hela, she is not an important god either"


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