Thor, the God of Thunder, declared a challenge to Su Chen with an angry look on his face.

Since this little priest dares to have an idea of ​​his fiancée, Thor will kill this little priest.

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words of Thor, Lord of Thunder.

Although he was not the opponent of Lord Thor in terms of strength,

Thor, Lord of Thunder, dared to seal the realm of cultivation to Golden Immortal (mid-level god). Su Chen could do it with one hand. You can beat this idiot.

Aphrodite looked at Thunder Lord Thor with an indifferent expression.

She wanted to kill this bastard now.

This was obviously caused by Thunder Lord Thor, but now he seemed to be the victim.

There is also God King Zeus.

This stallion probably wants Suchen to be killed by Thor.

"Queen Hera and Demeter, the god of harvest, arrived."

At this time, a waiter suddenly shouted loudly outside the palace.

Su Chen was shocked when he heard the waiter's words.

Damn it!

Queen Hera and Demeter actually chased Asgard?

What the hell?!

What should I do? I’m afraid

I really can’t escape this time.

Su Chen didn’t know if Hera and Demeter caught him, would they imprison him?

Or would they kill him directly?

This time I'm afraid there is a big trouble.

At this moment,

Queen Hera and Demeter came into the banquet hall together.

When Queen Hera and Demeter saw Suchen, they looked at each other and showed that they were really in trouble. The expression here.

When the goddess Hera and Demeter saw the goddess of love Aphrodite next to Su Chen, they were both a little surprised.

They all knew everything about Aphrodite. They also knew that the rumors of Aphrodite's debauchery were caused by Zeus. Why would Aphrodite allow Suchen to sit next to her this time?

"I’ve met the God Queen!"

All the gods in the banquet hall said hello to the Queen Hera.

After the Queen Hera nodded to the gods around her, she walked towards the middle of the palace.

Zeus saw the Queen Hera and Demeter. When he arrived, he asked doubtfully,

"Hera, Demeter, why are you here in Asgard?"

God Queen Hera glanced at Zeus and said coldly,"God King, we haven't met with God Queen Frigga for hundreds of years. This time we are here to catch up with Queen Frigga."

Zeus did not doubt the words of Queen Hera. Queen Hera had a good relationship with the Nordic Queen Frigga.

"So this is ah! If I had known you were coming, I would have waited with you for your arrival."


Queen Hera, God King Odin, and Queen Frigga talked for a while respectively, and then she sat down with Queen Frigga, while Demeter walked towards Su Chen and Aphrodite.

Demeter sat on Su Chen's right side and said with a sweet smile,"Little priest, you are going to be finished this time."

Su Chen frowned and asked Demeter,Demeter, how did you know that I escaped to Asgard?"

"Haha, you have to ask your God Queen Hera."

Aphrodite next to Su Chen looked at Demeter.

She felt very strange.

The arrival of the God Queen Hera and Demeter this time was not for the Nordic God Queen Frigga at all.

The two of them The person's arrival was probably for Su Chen. How could this little priest ask the Queen Hera and Demeter to come all the way to find him?

Aphrodite couldn't figure it out for a moment.

The surrounding gods saw the Lord God of Harvest. Demeter was also sitting next to Su Chen.

The gods in the banquet palace were all confused.

A small priest, on the left was Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and on the right was Demeter, the goddess of harvest.

These two main gods But they are all top-notch beauties, and the male gods here are very envious of Su Chen.

At this time, sitting on the high seat,

Queen Hera saw Su Chen, one on the left and one on the right, with two goddesses sitting around him. Queen Hera was not happy.

A young priest who was on the run really regarded himself as a guest, and even let two beautiful gods surround him.

After thinking about it, Queen Hera shouted to Su Chen road,

"Suchen, where is the gift I prepared for Queen Frigga? Why haven't you given it to Queen Frigga yet?"

Su Chen was confused when he heard what Queen Hera said.

A gift?

What gift?

He fled to Asgard, and

Queen Hera gave him a shitty gift.

I guess!

Queen Hera wouldn't take advantage of this opportunity. Blackmailing yourself?


Queen Hera may not have arrived with a gift. Maybe Queen Hera deliberately asked him to give a gift to Queen Frigga.

This cunning woman.

Su Chen had no choice but to stabilize Queen Hera first. La, he didn’t want the God Queen Hera to turn against him now.

Su Chen stood up and said to the God Queen Hera,

"Goddess Queen, gift, I haven’t found the right time to give it to Goddess Frigga."

"Give it to Queen Frigga now"

"Yes, Queen of Gods!"

When Zeus heard the conversation between Queen Hera and Suchen, she asked suspiciously,"Hera, is this middle god the little priest in your palace?"

God Queen Hera nodded and replied,

"Yes, Su Chen is the chief priest in my palace, and he is responsible for everything in my palace. Zeus nodded after hearing this.

Zeus did not expect that he had misunderstood Aphrodite just now. The reason why Aphrodite brought this little priest was probably because the Queen Hera asked Aphrodite to bring her. Asgard.

God King Zeus no longer cares about this little priest, and a mid-level god is not worth his attention.

"Queen Frigga, this is a gift from Queen Hera!"

After Su Chen came to Hera and Frigga, he felt a little headache and took out a jade box and handed it to Queen Frigga.

This jade box contained a ginseng fruit. Since Zhen Yuanzi took refuge with him, He gave all the ginseng fruits to himself. Su Chen only had a dozen ginseng fruits in his hand.

Queen Frigga took over the jade box and smiled.

She was not confused.

Queen Hera probably didn't prepare a gift for her. This gift It should be Hera who blackmailed this little priest.

Frigga even suspected that Hera might not come here to see her, but for this little priest.

God King Odin smiled and said to God Queen Frigga ,

"Frigga, open it and see what gift it is, and let the gods here see it too."


Frigga also wanted to know what gift this little priest would give her.

The gods in the banquet hall all looked at the Queen Frigga. They all wanted to know what gift the Queen of Greece would give to the Queen of Nordic Gods.

Frigga. After Lijia opened the jade box, a refreshing fragrance spread across the floor, and the auraful fragrance spread in the banquet hall.

"Is this a fairy fruit? Or is it the top fairy fruit in the prehistoric fairy world?"

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