Queen Frigga looked at the ginseng fruit in the jade box and exclaimed.

She was very surprised when she smelled the fragrance of the ginseng fruit in the jade box.

She had never seen such a ginseng fruit before. She felt the power of the god just by smelling it. increase.

Queen Frigga immediately covered the jade box.

Such a fairy fruit was either a top-grade fairy fruit or a top-grade fairy fruit. Frigga did not want the fairy power in the fairy fruit to continue to leak out.

Odin was also very surprised.

He also smelled the fragrance of the fairy fruit. This kind of fairy fruit was probably the best fairy fruit in the ancient fairy world.

God King Zeus looked at God Queen Hera unexpectedly.

He also did not expect that Hera would have a top-quality fairy fruit.

However, why didn't God Queen Hera eat it by herself?

Is there something wrong with this top-quality fairy fruit?

In the banquet palace, the gods looked at the jade box in Queen Frigga's hand in shock.

They just smelled the fragrance of the fairy fruit, and their divine power continued to increase. If they ate this top-quality fairy fruit, their strength would increase. I'm afraid it's going to be fast.

Queen Hera stared at Su Chen.

She didn't expect that Su Chen had such a fairy fruit.

This bastard, this fairy fruit was more precious than a peach.

Queen Hera regretted blackmailing Su Chen. The best fairy fruit is gone.

God Queen Hera also ate this best fairy fruit. She may be promoted to the realm of the God King.

Queen Frigga looked at Hera and said with a smile,"Hera, this gift of yours is very precious."

"nice! You love it!"

Queen Hera forced a smile and replied.

She now wants to strangle that little bastard Su Chen.

The best fairy fruit is gone.

This prodigal son.

After Queen Hera decides to return to Olympus, she must take care of herself. Teach this little bastard a lesson.

Queen Frigga looked at Su Chen and nodded.

When Queen Frigga saw Hera's expression of pain, she knew that her previous guess was very correct. This top-grade fairy fruit really belongs to this little priest.

Queen Frigga is also interested in Su Chen. How could a little priest have a top-grade fairy fruit?

Su Chen looked at Queen Frigga and asked Turning around and leaving, he felt that Queen Frigga seemed to have discovered something.

Su Chen did not dare to stay with these two queens anymore.


Queen Frigga was also very noble and beautiful, wearing a white robe. With beautiful and generous faces, plump figure, convex figure and noble temperament, Frigga and Hera are both very noble and beautiful, but these two flowers are stuck in cow dung.

The goddess Hera Ra married a stallion old man, and

Queen Frigga married a one-eyed short old man.

When Su Chen passed by Thor, the Lord of Thunder, the Lord of Thunder looked at Su Chen and shouted disdainfully,

"Little Priest, see you at the duel tomorrow. Let’s enjoy the last happy time today."

"Hehe, Thor, I would have forgotten if you didn’t tell me."

After Su Chen heard the words of Thor, the Lord of Thunder, he smiled evilly and walked towards Sif, the Lord of Land and Harvest. Su Chen planned to make Thor, the Lord of Thunder, angry again.

Anyway, their duel cannot be changed, and Su Chen doesn't care about the palace. What the gods in the world thought of him.

Su Chen came to Xifu and sat down and said,

"The beautiful Lord Sif, my name is Su Chen, and I am the priest in the palace of the Queen Hera. Xifu frowned and asked Su Chen coldly,

"What are you doing here?"

"You will be my fiancée in the future. Shouldn’t I get acquainted with you first?"

"Hey, you'll die tomorrow. Even if Thor seals his strength to the same level as you, you can't be Thor's opponent."

"Sif, do you want me to win? Or do you want Thor, the Lord of Thunder, to win?"

"It doesn't matter!"

After Xifu heard what Su Chen said, she shook her head and replied nonchalantly.

She was just a main god.

She couldn't disobey the god king's orders.

She originally had a marriage contract with Thor, the main god of thunder, but now it seems that a The marriage contract is not as important as his son's face in the eyes of the God King, and Sif has no hope for Thor, the Lord of Thunder.

"Sif, you will be my fiancée tomorrow. This artifact is regarded as a token of love. The name of this Changge is Zhange!"

Su Chen took out a Changge from the system space and handed it to Xifu.

This is a low-grade innate spiritual treasure. It should be regarded as a divine weapon in the Western God Realm.

Xifu was surprised when she looked at the Changge in her hand. Said,"Mid-grade artifact? You actually still have a mid-grade artifact?"

"I am a chief priest, is there anything wrong with having a mid-grade artifact?"

"A little scumbag mid-level god, the artifact is a waste in your hands, I will accept the artifact."

Sif likes this Chang Ge very much.

Only a main god like her owns a low-grade artifact, but this mid-grade artifact looks very extraordinary. Sif thinks that this artifact is probably more powerful than a high-grade artifact.

"Sif, this is a token of love. You must protect yourself like a jade for me from now on."

Xif heard Su Chen's words and yelled angrily,"Get out of here, do you think I am Aphrodite, the goddess of love? Besides, you haven’t defeated Thor, Lord God of Thunder, so it’s too early for you to speak now."

"What you said makes sense. So, Sif, please return the artifact to me. I think I'd better give you a token of love after defeating the Thunder God."

"Haha, don’t even think about it. I accepted the gift from you, and you, bastard, still want to take it back. Do you think it’s possible?"

"well! It seems that I must defeat Thor, the Lord of Thunder, tomorrow, otherwise I will lose both my men and my wealth."

"Then go for it!"

Sif talked with Su Chen for a while.

She felt that it was very pleasant to talk to this bastard.

Sif thought of her previous conversation with Thor, the Lord of Thunder. That reckless man didn't talk about anything except fighting and killing. Hui said that he didn't even give her a gift.

Not only was Su Chen more handsome than Thor, the Lord of Thunder, but he even talked very interestingly. If Su Chen hadn't been a little priest, Xifu would have been fine marrying Su Chen.

However, this bastard will probably be killed by Thor, the God of Thunder, tomorrow, and Sif cannot change this outcome.

The gods in the palace laughed at Sif when they saw Su Chen, and Sif even fought with Su Chen Noisy

They are all very confused. How come Sif, the always cold god of land and harvest, seems to have changed into a different person today? Is this still the Sif, the god of land and harvest that they know?

"Damn, a pair of adulterers and adulterers."

Thunder God Thor saw Suchen and Sif playing and laughing, and he cursed with an ugly expression,

"Damn this little official, he hooked up with a Nordic heroine so quickly. Looks like I'm going to drain this little bastard tonight."

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