Aphrodite felt very uncomfortable when she saw Suchen and Xifu talking and laughing.

That bastard had just had skin-to-skin contact with her, and now he was making love to other goddesses in the blink of an eye.

Aphrodite wanted to kill Suchen.

A banquet ended with the gods eating and drinking. In a palace, Su Chen was arranged by the waiters to rest here.


Su Chen didn't rest.

I'm afraid he won't be able to rest today.

I'm afraid the Queen Hera will arrive soon.

"well! How to escape?"

Su Chen said to himself distressedly while lying on the bed.

He couldn't escape from Asgard. If Hera, the Queen of Gods, brought him back to Mount Olympus, he wouldn't be able to escape.

Su Chen is also very irritable.

If he misses a few more episodes in Journey to the West, he may not have to go to study with Tang Sanzang's masters and disciples in the future.

Even if he goes, he will probably fail the trial.

Damn Duobao Tathagata, the leader of Tongtian Cult. Why didn't you bastard kill Duobao Tathagata?

At this time,

Queen Hera, wearing a very cool dress, suddenly appeared in front of Su Chen.

Queen Hera looked at Su Chen and mocked,"Little Priest, you are really powerful. You actually escaped from Olympus. If we hadn't discovered something was wrong, would you have escaped back to the ancient world?"

Su Chen looked at the cool dress of Queen Hera, his eyes widened and he coughed and said,

"Hey, Goddess, you are kidding, I just saw a very beautiful carriage, so I just went up to take a look, but I didn’t expect to come to the Asgard realm."

I guess!

Is Queen Hera going to seduce me?

Damn it,

Queen Hera is too sexy.

If Hera tempts me for a while, will she fall in love with her or not?

Su Chen swallowed his saliva and looked away. She stared at the God Queen Hera. Anyway, she didn't want to see the benefits delivered to her door in vain.

The God Queen Hera also saw Su Chen's reaction, which made her a little uncomfortable.

However, she came this time to ask questions clearly. Does this bastard still have the fairy fruit? Hera, the late god, is about to advance to the god king realm, and she is determined to get the fairy fruit in Su Chen's hand.

Hera, the queen of gods, rolled her eyes at Su Chen and said disdainfully,"Do you think I will believe you? ?"

"I am loyal to the Queen of God, and everything I say is absolutely true."

"Bah, you are just a little bastard who talks nonsense."

"Queen of God, it makes me sad when you say this. I am an honest man, and I have not told you a single lie."

"Don't say these things that you don't want to do. Give me a few more of your fairy fruits, and I will be promoted to the divine king realm. Your fairy fruits will help me a lot."

When Su Chen heard what Queen Hera said, he looked at Queen Hera and said seriously,"Queen, can you agree to me a condition?"

Queen Hera sat beside the bed and rolled her eyes at Su Chen and said,

"Don't think about leaving. Your identity will not be exposed when you are with me. If you dare to leave, your identity will be exposed sooner or later. You don't want the gods of the entire Western God Realm to arrest you, right?"

Su Chen shook his head and said nonsense,

"Queen God, I just want to see the mortal world. I have never seen the mortal world in the Western God Realm."

As long as Su Chen can go to the mortal world, he will contact his wife Angel Angel. With the help of Angel Angel, the leader of the angel army, Su Chen will definitely be able to return to the prehistoric fairyland.

"This is okay, but only after I advance to the realm of God King, I will arrange for you to go to the mortal world"

"So how long does it take for you to advance to the God King Realm?"

"One to two months."

Su Chen thought about it and felt that it was feasible.

A month or two would pass in the blink of an eye.

Su Chen could not wait.

"Okay, what kind of fairy fruit do you want? Flat peach or ginseng fruit? Queen

Hera thought for a moment and then said,"One ginseng fruit and three six thousand-year-old flat peaches. These are enough.""

After Su Chen took out some flat peaches and ginseng fruits from the system space, he patted the smooth shoulder of the God Queen Hera and said,"God Queen, I will give you one ginseng fruit and three nine-thousand-year-old flat peaches. Do you want them? Try to make some early breakthroughs."

The Queen of Gods slapped Su Chen's hand away in shame and took the flat peach and ginseng fruit.

However, the Queen of Gods Hera was even more suspicious of Su Chen's identity.

Nine thousand years of flat peach and top-grade fairy fruit and ginseng fruit are not at all. Ordinary immortals can get it.

Queen Hera feels that Su Chen's identity is really not simple.

"Su Chen, tell me the truth, what is your identity in the ancient immortal world?"

"Really want to know?"


Su Chen stood up from the bed and said pretending,

"Let me tell you, I, Su Chen, am the supreme emperor of heaven in the prehistoric immortal world. The entire prehistoric immortal world is under my rule. With just one order from me, tens of millions of immortals will be executed."

Hera, the Queen of Gods, pushed Su Chen and laughed,

"Pooh! Emperor of Heaven? Are you the middle god? You bastard is just talking nonsense."

"Don't believe it......"

Su Chen was condescending and suddenly saw a scenery that he shouldn't have seen. This scenery was really very attractive.


When Queen Hera saw Su Chen's eyes, she yelled at Su Chen in shame and anger.

Su Chen suddenly took the hand of Queen Hera and said,

"Ahem, Queen God, you are so beautiful. You are the most beautiful goddess in the entire Western God Realm."

Hera, the Queen of Gods, was held by Su Chen, and she hurriedly tried to pull her back, but Su Chen held her hand tightly, and Hera, the Queen of Gods, did not dare to use her divine power to break free. This bastard's strength was too low. She was also afraid of hurting this little bastard

"what are you up to? Let me go!"

"Queen of Gods, I......."

"Little priest, open the door quickly, or I will break in."

At this time,

Aphrodite, the goddess of love, shouted outside the room.

Su Chen sent Hera away speechlessly.

Queen Hera turned around and disappeared after being released by Su Chen.

Queen Hera did not dare to If she stayed any longer, if Aphrodite hadn't arrived just now, she might have been succeeded by that bastard.

Su Chen shook his head and decided to teach Aphrodite a lesson for disturbing his good deeds.


Aphrodite came in just now and was hugged and kissed by Su Chen.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would take the initiative this time, and Aphrodite didn't show any weakness. We don't know who will win today. I hope this little bastard won't Begging for mercy again.

Outside Su Chen's palace,

Demeter watched all this with interest.

She could clearly see what was going on in Su Chen's room this time. The Queen Hera, the Goddess of Love Aphrodite, They all actually developed a crush on a little priest, and Aphrodite even took action.

"It's interesting. The little priest is really not simple. A queen, a main god of love, two powerful main gods have feelings for Su Chen. What's so good about that little bastard?"

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