After Elena heard Athena's words, she looked at the blue crystal in her hand. She did not expect that the goddess of death would give her a treasure.

Elena didn't know what treasure the goddess of death gave her, but it was a treasure that Athena could solemnly say. This azure crystal was probably also an important treasure among the gods.

Sethis didn't care about this.

She watched from the bedside that Su Chen's face had returned to rosy, and Sethis used a towel to clean the blood on Su Chen's body.

Athena looked at the man Thetis was taking care of but didn't pay attention.

She didn't notice the changes in Su Chen, nor did she notice the magic power in Su Chen's body.

Athena had never paid attention to Su Chen at all. She was not only the main goddess of wisdom and war, she was also the goddess of virgins, one of the three major virgins in the Greek pantheon. Athena never pays attention to men

"Elena, I’m leaving. If you have any difficulties in the future, please pray for me."

"Thank you goddess!"

After Elena heard the myth of Athena, she nodded hurriedly with joy.

Elena did not expect that the goddess Athena was so easy to talk to.

In the future, she could also pray to the goddess Athena, and Elena would get Athens. With the help of the goddess Athena.

This is not only good news for her, but also good news for the entire Greek kingdom.

Athena nodded and disappeared instantly.

In this shabby palace, only three members of Su Chen's family were left.

Elena saw that her mother's palace was badly damaged, and she loudly ordered to the waiters outside,

"Someone, please carefully carry this bed to my palace."

"Yes, Queen!"

In Olympus, the goddess Hera and Demeter, Aphrodite, and Sif are all sitting together.

The armies of gods and gods they control have been sent out. Now they can only Waiting for news in the Olympus Mountains.

Queen Hera stood up and said with a serious face,

"We can't just sit and wait, activate the oracle, and let our mortal believers also look for Su Chen. Aphrodite nodded hurriedly and said,"Yes, we have countless believers in the mortal world. We can activate the oracle to let the believers in the mortal world also look for Su Chen." Demeter frowned and said,

"Yes, but this also has a limitation, that is, our believers are all in the Greek divine realm, such as the Nordic divine realm, and the divine realm of God, so there is nothing we can do."

Sif said to the three gods, Queen Hera,"I will launch my followers in the Nordic God's Domain to look for Su Chen."

God Queen Hera nodded and said decisively,

"Then let's do this first. If we don't find Su Chen in the Greek God's Realm, we will try to find ways to find Su Chen in other God's Realm in the future. If it doesn't work, the worst we can do is launch a war among the gods."

God Queen Hera has no choice.

She must find Su Chen.

Whether it's because of the treasures on Su Chen's body or her beating heart when she faces Su Chen, Hera must find her. Su Chen would not hesitate to launch a war.

Demeter was very surprised when she heard the words of Queen Hera.

She did not expect that Hera would not hesitate to launch a war among the gods for Su Chen.

However, she thought of Su Chen Apart from her sexual problems, she didn't seem to have any shortcomings, and she was even very kind to people she knew well.

Demeter thought of how happy she was when she was hugged and kissed by Su Chen, and even stayed with Su Chen.

Demeter You stood up and said with a cold face,

"Okay, I will contact the other main gods, hoping that they can also help us find Su Chen"

"I am coming too!"

Aphrodite also hurriedly stood up and shouted.

Aphrodite has the closest relationship with Su Chen. She can't be indifferent to Su Chen's disappearance.

Even if these gods don't look for Su Chen, she will look for Su Chen. ,

Queen Hera would not hesitate to launch a war for Suchen, and Aphrodite would also launch a war among the gods for Suchen.

Sif said to Queen Hera,

"Queen of God, I am going to gather my gods and army. I hope that Queen of God can give me a place to arrange my army."

God Queen Hera thought about it and said to Sif,

"Sif, the sky city fortress above the Aegean Sea, you can arrange for your gods and troops to be stationed there"

"Thank you God Queen."

In the Olympus Mountains, since the return of the God Queen Hera and the main gods one day ago, the gods and divine armies in the Olympus Mountains have been mobilized frequently.

Tens of thousands of powerful gods and tens of millions of The armies of gods were all dispatched one after another.

The three main gods controlled more than 30,000 gods and 30 million god armies, all began to descend to the mortal world to look for Su Chen. None of the other main gods in the Olympus Mountains

Knowing what happened,

Hera, the Queen of Gods!

Demeter, the God of Harvest!

Aphrodite, the God of Love!

Why did they send out their respective gods and armies?

Ten days later, in the Greek palace, a luxurious In the palace room, Su Chen woke up from being unconscious on the bed.

I asked!

Where is this place?

The scent of a woman?

Is this luxurious room a woman's room?

Su Chen looked at the clothes on his body being changed , he was worried that the woman changing his clothes was an ugly person, damn it!

That woman must not be an ugly dinosaur. If he was seen by a woman who looked like a dinosaur, Su Chen would get all wet just thinking about it. Goosebumps.


The door to the room was opened, and

Su Chen saw a beautiful girl about sixteen or seventeen years old walking in.

This reassured him.

She was a beauty, not a dinosaur.

"Father! You woke up."

Elena saw Su Chen waking up and sitting on the bed. She looked at Su Chen who had recovered and shouted happily,"

I'm going!


What father?

Has this little beauty recognized the wrong person?

Su Chen is only in his twenties.

How could he have such an old daughter?

"Ahem, little beauty, have you recognized the wrong person? I'm only a few years older than you, and I'm not your father."

Elena smiled and said after hearing Su Chen's words,

"It's impossible for me to admit my mistake. Father, wait a minute. I'll go find my mother."

Su Chen saw Elena running out in a panic, and he patted his forehead speechlessly.


The injuries are all healed?

How is this possible?

Before Su Chen fell into coma, he had no time to eat the fairy fruit and elixir. He recovered from his injuries, but why is Su Chen's body recovering now?

"Su Chen, wake up!"

"Thaddeus, why are you here?"

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