After Sethis heard Elena talking about Su Chen waking up

, she quickly ran into the room. When she saw that Su Chen really woke up,

Sethis happily shouted to Su Chen,

"Su Chen, you wake up"

"Thaddeus, why are you here?"

Su Chen was very confused when he saw Sethis appearing.

This is the Western God Realm.

Isn't Sethis an ordinary woman from the city of Troy in the plot?

When Su Chen participated in the National Destiny War, there were no gods in the Troy plot. existence, then how could Sethis appear in the Western God Realm?

Sethis walked up to Su Chen and said with a smile,"Su Chen, I didn't expect to see you again after more than ten years."

Su Chen touched Seth's hair and asked doubtfully,

"Ten years? More than ten years have passed? Sethis leaned into Su Chen's arms and nodded and replied,"Well, to be precise, seventeen years and three months have passed.""

Su Chen felt a little confused.

It's been more than ten years?

He and Sethis were separated for more than a year.

How come more than ten years have passed?

Could it be that Sethis' world has merged with the Western God Realm?

Su Chen felt that this It is very possible, and only in this way, the mentioned Sadis will appear in the Western God Realm.

Su Chen looked down at Sadis in his arms and smiled.

Sadis is even more beautiful and sexy now , the charm of a mature woman, the proud and tall figure, and the still delicate and beautiful face.

More than ten years have passed,

Sethis has become more and more beautiful and attractive.

Su Chen left some beauty pills when he passed by Sethis and Zhu Guo, some even left some physical cultivation skills.

Su Chen was not an immortal last time, and the items he left behind were the best among all his items at that time.

"Mother, have you forgotten me?"

At this time,

Elena arrived.

She looked at Sethis and Suchen hugging each other, and she pouted and shouted to Sethis,

"Haha, come here Elena, how could mother forget you."

Satis smiled when she heard Elena's words.

She looked at Su Chen and said,"Su Chen, this is our daughter Elena Su."

Su Chen was very surprised when he heard Sethis's words,"My daughter? Thaddeus, you said this little beauty is my daughter?"

Thetis nodded and explained,

"Yes, Elena is my and your daughter. When you left, I didn't expect to be pregnant. Elena is already sixteen years old, and she is now the queen of the Kingdom of Greece."

Holy crap!

I have a daughter?

And she's so old?

Let me tell you,

Su Yan and Su Yue are older than Elena.

But what about now?

Elena is already sixteen years old, and

Su Yan is only eleven. Years old,

Su Yue is younger, she is only six years old,


Is this him

? Who of them will be the elder sister in the future?

Who will be the younger sister?

Su Chen feels a little headache.

If the three sisters meet in the future, the youngest sister will be bigger than the two. Are the sisters older?

Well, the three sisters won’t fight for the sake of being sisters, right?

Elena smiled and asked Suchen,"Father, do you believe that I am your daughter now?""

Su Chen nodded quickly and said,

"Believe, believe, Elena, father, I didn’t know you existed, otherwise I would definitely come to see you mother and daughter early."

Su Chen just checked Elena.

He didn't expect that Elena also has her blood heritage, and even Xuanniao has it. This must be his daughter. Su Chen is also very happy to have another daughter.

Eileen Na heard that Su Chen recognized her, which made her very happy.

But it had been more than ten years since she left Su Chen, and her mother had been waiting for Su Chen for more than ten years.

Elena held her hand Little Fist snorted to Su Chen,

"Huh, father, why haven't you come to see my mother for more than ten years? Have you forgotten my mother?"


When Sethis heard Elena questioning Su Chen, she wanted to scold Elena, but Su Chen stopped her before she could say anything.

Suchen pulled Sethis and shook his head.

He looked at Elena and explained with a smile,

"Elena, it has only been a little more than a year since I left your mother. I didn't know that more than ten years would pass by with you. This was something I didn't expect and it was also my negligence. You are not wrong to blame me."

Elena didn't believe what Su Chen said.

Her father was a god.

Would a god not know the changes of time?

"More than a year? Father, are you not God? Don’t you know the time in the mortal world?"

Su Chen shook his head and said,

"I am a god, but I am not a god in the Western god world. I come from the ancient world of immortality."

Elena and Sethis were very surprised when they heard Su Chen's words.

When they were queens, they had seen the records in the history of gods. The Great

Desolate Immortal Realm is a vast and boundless divine realm, and the Great Desolate Immortal Realm is very powerful. It’s not like the Western God Realm can compete with it.

If the gods in the Ancient Immortal Realm weren’t scattered, the Western God Realm wouldn’t have dared to launch a war against the Ancient Immortal Realm.

When Elena thought of this, she asked Su Chen in surprise,

"Are you not a god in the Western God Realm? How can this be? In the divine history records of the Western divine world"

"There are treasures everywhere in the prehistoric fairy world. The gods of the Western God Realm want to attack the prehistoric fairy world. Moreover, it is recorded in the history of gods that realm wars will occur every thousand years. Father, if you are a god in the prehistoric fairy world, how did you come to the west? From the divine realm?"

Su Chen said to Elena and Sethis with a wry smile,

"This time it was an accident. I was tricked by an enemy. He used a hexagram to teleport me to the Western God Realm. Elena was worried and asked Su Chen,"Father, would it be unsafe for you to stay in the Western God Realm?""

"It's okay, it's impossible for the gods in the Western God Realm to discover my identity."

Sethis suddenly thought of the last appearance of the goddess of death, and she hurriedly said to Su Chen,

"Su Chen, Hela, the goddess of death in the Nordic pantheon, came when you were in a coma. The goddess of death asked us to tell you that she came. Will the goddess of death discover your identity?"


Su Chen was a little confused.

He had never seen Hela in Asgard in the Nordic Gods. How could Hela, the goddess of death, come to him?

Su Chen shook his head and didn't think so much anymore.

Hela, the goddess of death, came to him. If La has something to do with him, then Hela will definitely come again.

By then,

Su Chen will understand what the goddess of death is looking for.

"Father, Hela wanted to take you away at that time. Later, Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, arrived, and Hela gave me a treasure and left."

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