Elena took out the blue crystal given to her by the goddess of death and handed it to Su Chen.

She didn't know what this treasure was.

Although Athena said it was a precious treasure, she still wanted her father to confirm it.


The power of faith?

Hela, the goddess of death, actually gave Elena five hundred years of faith? What is the goddess of death going to do?

Su Chen looked at Lan Jing and was very confused.

The Western God Realm pays great attention to the power of faith. This is also a necessity for the cultivation of the gods in the Western God Realm. There is no aura or fairy fruit in the Western God Realm. The power of faith is crucial to the gods in the Western God Realm. Even some wars between gods are triggered by the struggle for faith. Elena looked at Su Chen's confused look and asked worriedly,

"Father, do you have a question?"

Su Chen shook his head and returned it to Elena and said,

"No problem, this blue crystal contains five hundred years of power of faith. It is of no use to you. I will teach you the immortal cultivation techniques later."

"There is no spiritual energy in the Western God Realm"

"I will give you some spiritual stones and top-grade fairy fruits. You can use the spiritual energy in the spiritual stones and top-grade fairy fruits to practice."

Elina asked hurriedly after hearing Su Chen's words,

"What about my mother?"

"Haha, so does your mother."

Elena laughed when she heard Su Chen's words.

She didn't know what cultivation techniques her father would give her, nor what top-quality fairy fruit her father would give her, but this was the first time her father gave it to her. Gift.

This made Elena very happy.

Sethis also laughed next to her. She knew that Elena was very eager to see Su Chen. This time when Su Chen came, Elena was probably really very happy. So happy.

Su Chen pressed Elena's forehead with one hand and said,

"Elena, close your eyes and carefully feel the cultivation techniques I teach you."

"Yes, father!"

Su Chen then passed on the Holy Heart Sutra to Elena, and

Sethis was no exception.

Su Chen also passed on the Heart Sutra to Sethis.

After all, Sethis gave him a daughter. Su Chen I owe her a lot for these years.

After a while,

Su Chen looked at Elena and Sethis with their eyes closed, and they were both trying to practice the Plain Girl Heart Sutra.

Su Chen took out some spiritual stones and placed them beside them , so that Elena and Sethis can absorb spiritual energy and practice.

After Su Chen sat down, he guarded Sethis and his daughter.

He wanted to think about how to arrange Sethis and his daughter in the future.

If Su Chen returned to the ancient times, In the fairy world, it will be very difficult for him to come to the Western God Realm in the future, but it is probably impossible to leave with their mother and daughter. He cannot protect himself in the Western God Realm, and

Su Chen does not want to harm his woman and daughter.

Olin Mount Pis, in the palace of the goddess Hera, the goddess Hera, the god of love Aphrodite, the god of harvest Demeter, the god of land and harvest Sif, the god of hunting Arthenis, the god of stoves Hestia Ya.

These six major gods were all discussing together. Artenis, the hunting god, and Hestia, the stove god, were very surprised when they heard the words of the queen Hera.

They did not expect that the queen Hera actually A war of the gods is launched for a small priest.

This is a major event in the Western God Realm.

In another five hundred years it will be time for the realm war.

Launching a war of the gods at this time will have an impact on the realm war five hundred years later. Too big an impact.

Their main gods all have their own gods and armies. If they suffer heavy losses before the start of the boundary war, then during the boundary war, they may not be able to get the training resources in the prehistoric fairy world.

Hunting Lord Al Thetis shook her head and said,

"Queen God, it is not wise to launch a war of gods at this time. Why do you need to do this, a small priest? If we launch a war of gods now, it will have a great impact on us in the realm war.

Hestia, the God of Stoves, also said,"Yes, a little priest is not worth doing this at all.""

"Look at these!"

Hera, the Queen of Gods, directly took out some flat peaches and put them on the table. Hera knew that there was no benefit and it was impossible for these main gods to help her. Now she could only have Su Chen's flat peaches to seduce these main gods.

Artetis and Hera Stia looked at the fairy fruits on the table, and they were all very surprised.

These fairy fruits were all top-grade fairy fruits.

They had only obtained ordinary spiritual fruits and fairy fruits before, and the best trophies were only some spiritual stones.

Artetis and Hestia and the others did not expect that Hera, the Queen of Gods, would have the best fairy fruit.

Artetis looked at the Queen of Gods and asked,

"These are the top-grade fairy fruits from the ancient immortal world. Queen God, how come you have these top-grade fairy fruits?"

Hera, the Queen of Gods, said with a serious expression,

"If you are willing to help, I will give you ten top-quality fairy fruits each as revenge."

Artetas and Hestia both fell silent.

They both needed the best fairy fruits very much, but for ten top fairy fruits, they helped the Queen Hera launch the war of the gods. This seemed to be a bit more than worth the gain.

Demeter Er reminded me while drinking tea,"You have to think carefully, even in a boundary war, you will not be able to get the best fairy fruit."

Aphrodite smiled and said,"The four of us agreed. Besides, if we find a minor priest in the Greek divine domain, we will not launch a war among the gods."

"I agreed"

"I agreed too!"

Artetis and Hestia thought about it and agreed.

This time they are looking for a little priest. If they find a little priest, it is impossible to start a war among the gods.

Even if they can't find a little priest, with the help of With the attributes and armies of their six major gods, it is simply impossible to launch a war of gods against other divine realms. The six major gods may be a very powerful force, but against the previous realm, their attributes and armies I'm afraid that's not enough.

Queen Hera nodded and continued,"We will contact some more powerful gods, Athena, the god of wisdom and war, Theos, the goddess of the laws of the earth, and other goddesses. Hestia said with some worry,"Athena, the god of wisdom and war, is in the priest temple. The other goddesses are all more or less related to Zeus. I'm afraid they won't help us.""

God Queen Hera shook her head and said coldly,

"No, you are wrong. What Zeus has done has caused dissatisfaction with other goddesses. Those goddesses and I had no choice but to marry God King Zeus."

"But as long as we unite, even Zeus can't do anything to us. We may even have a chance to overthrow the stallion's rule. Olympus also needs some changes."

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