Su Chen shook his head when he heard Elena's words.

Although Su Yue looked very well-behaved, Su Yue was also influenced by Su Yan. If Su Yue hadn't been under the supervision of Concubine Yan and Ji Ruxihe, Su Yue might have also Will become a crazy girl

"Elena, your second sister is not simple either."

"However, although your second sister is very quiet and cute, she is also very powerful and very smart. As long as you don't tease your second sister, she will be very kind to you."

When Elena heard Su Chen's words, she felt hopeless.

Both of her sisters were such monsters, and she felt like a waste.

Sethis laughed when he saw Elena's depressed look. ,


Su Chen's two daughters are too evil.

Although Elena is also very smart and can manage a kingdom at the age of sixteen, compared with her two sisters, Elena is still inferior. superior

"Reporting to the Queen, a large number of big monsters appeared on the southern seashore, and the Kingdom of Ionia asked us for help."

At this time, a general came quickly and saluted Elena.

Elena was surprised when she heard the general's words and asked,"A monster appeared in Ionia? When did this happen?"

"Queen, this happened more than ten days ago. The Ionian army suffered heavy casualties. There were too many monsters, and they were very tall and fierce."

"Let General Achilles assemble the army immediately. We are going to rescue the Ionian Kingdom."

"Yes, Queen!"

Su Chen looked at Elena giving orders calmly and calmly, and he nodded and smiled.

His daughter is not simple. She is so stable at a young age. Elena will also be an outstanding queen in the future.

Su Chen He waved his hand to Elena and said,"Elena, go and do your work. I'll talk to your mother about something.""

"All right!"

When Elena saw her mother blushing, she rolled her eyes at Su Chen and left.

Elena also wanted to give her mother and father time to be alone together. After all, they hadn't seen each other for more than ten years.



Su Chen hugged Sethis' soft body and walked to the inner room. He had not seen this beautiful and sexy woman for a long time. Today he wanted to try Sethis' tenderness again.

Six days later, it will be available everywhere in the entire Greek God's Domain. Seeing the appearance of the gods, and various main gods also issued oracles to the believers, all the believers were looking for a black-haired priest named Su Chen.

But after several days of searching, the gods had no clue at all to find him..

In the temple of the goddess Athena,

Athena suddenly appeared and looked in the direction of the Greek palace.

She had just returned from the palace of the Queen Hera. What the Queen Hera said to her made Athena very frightened.

For a little priest, the Goddess Hera and those women did not hesitate to start a war among the gods. Who is that little priest?

Athena looked at the Greek palace and felt that she seemed to have seen the one the Goddess Hera was talking about in the palace. Little priest.

That man?

That man lying on the bed?

It must be him.

That man must be the little priest Hera is looking for.

Athena's eyes flashed and she remembered that the man in the Greek palace might be him. The God Queen Hera wanted to find someone.


Athena disappeared in an instant.

She wanted to go over and have a look.

If that person was really the God Queen Hera wanted to find someone, this war of the gods could also be avoided.

Greece In the palace,

Su Chen has been living very carefree these days.

He is not in a hurry to leave now.

Su Chen also knows about the search for him outside.

Su Chen originally thought that the women of Queen Hera were sending people to look for him. ,

However, after thinking about it, Su Chen decided that it would be better not to show up.

After all, Hera, the Queen of Gods, is the wife of God King Zeus. Besides, if the old stallion of God King Zeus is looking for him,

Su Chen would have thrown himself into a trap if he showed up.

Suchen looked at Thaddeus who was arranging flowers and asked,"Thaddish, isn't Elena back yet? Sethis turned around and smiled and replied,"Elena, she should be back in the next two days. You don't have to worry. Elena has a hundred thousand troops around her. Nothing will happen to her.""

Su Chen was still a little worried after hearing Sethis's words.

Can those monster armies be dealt with?

Su Chen felt that the appearance of those monsters was a bit strange. He learned that groups of monsters had never appeared in the Kingdom of Greece. This time they appeared. The monster is so unusual.



Su Chen found that a beautiful goddess wearing a body of armor and holding a scepter suddenly appeared in front of him.

This made Su Chen frown.

After Athena appeared, she looked at Su Chen and asked


Su Chen sat on the rocking chair without getting up. He felt that this goddess had no ill intentions, but did she know his name so well?

"You know me? and who are you?"

"Seen the goddess Athena!"

At this time,

Sethis saw Athena appear and hurriedly saluted and said,

I'm going!


This beautiful goddess is Athena, the god of wisdom and war?

No wonder she is so beautiful, but it's a pity that the goddess of wisdom and war is not. They are also the three major virgin gods in the Greek pantheon.

Su Chen was shaken when he thought of the three virgin gods.

He guessed that the reason why the three virgin gods wanted to be virgins was because they were worried about the influence of God King Zeus on them. Let’s get started.

That old stallion of God King Zeus will fuck any beautiful woman.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war!

Arthenis, the god of hunting!

Hestia, the god of stoves!

These three virgin gods are each more beautiful than the other.

God King Zeus Will she let them go?

After Athena nodded to Thetis, she looked at Su Chen and asked with a frown,

"Su Chen, don’t you know that the gods and people outside are looking for you?"


"Then why don't you show up?"

"Why should I show up?"


Athena knocked the scepter and asked with a cold face,

"Are you, a little priest, going to rebel?"

Su Chen sneered at Athena and said,"Hey, Athena, if I show up and God King Zeus hands me over to Thor, the thunder god of the Nordic god system, will you save me?"

Athena was silent after hearing Su Chen's words.

She also knew what happened to Su Chen in Asgard in Northern Europe. Athena guessed why Su Chen didn't show up. The little priest was probably worried that God King Zeus would kill him. Give it to Thor, Lord of Thunder

"Su Chen, the Queen Hera is looking for you this time. You don’t have to worry about the Queen Hera handing you over. Su

Chen shook his head and asked,"Athena, who is the God Queen Hera and the God King Zeus?" Do you think the God King Zeus wants someone from the God Queen Hera? Will the God Queen Hera hand me over?"


"No shit, God Queen Hera is the wife of God King Zeus. God King Zeus wants God Queen Hera to hand me over. Will God Queen Hera refuse? You, the virgin god, look like your brain is rusty."

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