Athena frowned very displeased when she heard Su Chen's words.

Why is this little priest so greedy for life and afraid of death? Queen Hera is willing to start a war of gods for this little priest, but this little priest still doesn’t believe in Queen Hera

"Come back to Olympus with me"

"No return!"

Su Chen refused directly.

It was a joke.

If he returned to Olympus,

Su Chen would either be captured by God King Zeus and give it to Thunder God Thor, or he would be stopped by God Queen Hera and the other daughters to prevent him from returning. In the ancient world of immortality, he was not so stupid as to throw himself into a trap.

"You want me to do it? Sethis came to Su Chen and asked seriously,"Goddess, Su Chen is my husband, why did you take him away?""

Athena shook her head and explained,

"Sethis, Suchen is the priest of the God Queen Hera. The God Queen Hera is looking for him, otherwise something big will happen. I must take him back to Olympus to see the God Queen Hera this time."

Su Chen mocked when he heard Athena's words,

"Old maid, do you have nothing to do? Didn’t Hera, the Queen of Gods, have a disagreement with your mother? Why are you still so devoted to Hera, the Queen of Gods? Aren't you afraid that your mother will be angry?"

"It's none of your business"

"This is none of my business. I just want to teach your mother a lesson for you, an unfilial daughter."


"Want to take action? Athena threatened Su Chen with an indifferent look,"Su Chen, don't force me, or I will really take action.""


"Hey, Lord God of Wisdom and War, are you going to take action?"

At this time, after the death goddess Hela appeared, she looked at Athena, the main god of wisdom and war, and sneered. When

Athena saw Hela appearing again, she coldly threatened,"Hela, this is the Greek pantheon. , if you don’t want to die, leave immediately."

Athena also understood why Hela appeared last time. Hela was also looking for this little priest.

What is so special about this little priest?

Queen Hera, God of Harvest Demeter, God of Love Avro Dite, the main god of hunting Arthenis, the main god of stoves Hestia, the main god of land and harvest Sif, are all these main gods blind? How come the main gods are determined to win this small priest who is a middle god ?.Su

Chen's eyes lit up when he saw the royal sister appearing.

Hela, the goddess of death?

Hela looks a bit like the Hela in the plot, but this Hela is more beautiful and sexy. The goddess of death, Hela, is right. Athena said,

"Athena, as you said you can kill me, how about we go out and compete? Su

Chen coughed beside him and said,"Ahem, I think it would be good for you to compete. Goddess of Wisdom and War, Goddess of Death, I also want to know which of you is stronger. Athena stared at Su Chen and yelled,"Shut up, you are a little priest, do you have the right to speak here?""

What the hell, is Athena taking advantage of her?

Well, this old maid must have reached menopause."

Su Chen shook his head and ignored it. These two women can do whatever they want. It's none of their business anyway. The Lord of Death ,

Hela, looked at Su Chen and said,"Su Chen, I have something to ask you. You and I will go to the Sea of ​​the Dead.""

"No, Lord God of Death, Su Chen is the person I want to take away. You'd better leave right away."

"Athena, is Suchen willing to leave with you?"

"If you don't want to leave with me, you have to leave. Hela , the God of Death, looked at Athena and teased,"You are trying to rob a man. Athena, you are one of the three virgin gods in the Greek pantheon. Do you also want a man?""


Athena was so angry that she was about to kill this shameless God of Death.

This shameless goddess is so annoying. She misses men?

Will she miss those disgusting men in her life?

Hela, the God of Death, hugged her arms Chest laughed and said,

"Shameless? No matter how shameless I am, can I be as shameless as your father? I'm afraid your stallion father also has some ideas about you, right?"

"The entire Western God Realm has been completely disgraced by your stallion father. You Greek Gods still respect Zeus as the King of Gods. I don’t know what face you gods have in the mortal world."

"you wanna die!"

Boom! Bang!

Athena suddenly punched Hela, and Hela quickly blocked Athena's attack with one punch.

The Lord God of Death said with an indifferent face,

"Athena, fight in the air!"

Athena waved his scepter and said coldly,

"Humph, a battle in the air!"


The Death God and Athena disappeared without a trace at the same time.

After Sethis was sure that the Death God and Athena had disappeared, she asked Su Chen worriedly,

"Su Chen, is this okay?"

Su Chen hugged Sethis' soft waist and said with a smile,"It's okay, these gods are well fed, so we don't need to worry about them." Satis felt relieved when she saw that Su Chen was not panicked. Tweet Tweet Tweet.....

Suddenly, a burst of birdsong came over, and Su Chen stood up in a hurry. He looked into the distance with an angry look on his face.

"Thetis, you stay in the palace and wait for me, I'll go see Elena"

"You have to be careful!"

At this moment, more than 600 miles away from the Kingdom of Greece,

Elena was entangled by a god.

The surrounding armies suffered countless casualties. If it hadn't been for the appearance of the black bird, she would have been captured by this god.

A handsome The man looked at Elena and said with a smile,"Little beauty, I didn't expect you to be a future god. It seems that I am very lucky today. Elena cursed with an angry look on her face,

"Why are you, a god, so shameless? Not only did you want to take me away, but you even killed countless human troops. Aren't you afraid of the gods punishing you?"

Elena didn't expect that she had just killed a group of monsters with her army, and she was actually entangled by a god. The god even wanted to take her away.

Elena looked at the heavy casualties of the army protecting her, and she He was very angry in his heart.

The handsome man said disdainfully,

"Hey, who dares to care about me in the Greek God Realm, little beauty, if you know my identity, you will definitely not regret leaving me."

"You don't want to take me away. Even if I die here, you won't be able to take me away. The handsome man looked at the little mysterious bird and said coldly and arrogantly,"That's not up to you, little beauty. Even your little magical bird can't protect you. I will definitely catch you and leave today.""


At this time,

Su Chen suddenly appeared next to Elena.

He looked at the handsome man and yelled angrily,

"Zeus, you shameless old stallion, do you want to die?"

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