On the edge of the Dead Sea,

Su Chen and many goddesses were hiding in his space prison. They were watching the fight between Hades and the God King Odin in the sky over the Dead Sea.

However, when Medusa saw the North Sea Kraken appearing in the space prison , her face turned green. Medusa quickly appeared in front of Su Chen, and she pointed at the North Sea Kraken and shouted,

"Is this a little bug? Su Chen, you lied to me, is this a little bug? This monster is bigger than a city, and you actually told me it was a small bug?"

"I, Medusa, quit"

"There is no way I can petrify such a huge monster."

When Su Chen saw Medusa's angry look, he hurriedly coughed in embarrassment and said,

"Ahem, Medusa, when I saw it before, it was just a little bug the size of a finger. I never thought that a hundred thousand years later, this little bug would grow so big?"

When Medusa heard Su Chen's nonsense, she asked Su Chen with a dark face,

"A tiny insect the size of a finger? Have you seen it hundreds of thousands of years ago? You liar, you are a twenty-year-old god, and you still have hundreds of thousands of years? You are a shameless liar"

"I quit"

"Even if I die, I can't petrify such a big bug."

The other goddesses here heard the conversation between Medusa and Suchen.

They all looked at Su Chen with a smile, a little bug?

Su Chen, a shameless person, actually told Medusa that she was a little bug?

Does Kraken look like a little bug?

These goddesses sympathized with Medusa.

Medusa came with them this time, even if she didn't want to petrify Kraken.

Queen Hera shook her head,

She had already guessed Medusa's reaction when she saw the Kraken. If she were Medusa and was deceived by Su Chen like this today, maybe her reaction would be even greater than Medusa's.

Su Chen took out a A flat peach said to Medusa,

"Medusa, a top-quality fairy fruit. This is my compensation to you. If you can petrify the North Sea Kraken, I will give you a top-quality fairy fruit."

"The ultimate fairy fruit?"

Medusa saw the flat peach in Su Chen's hand and was very surprised after smelling it. She did not expect that Su Chen would have the best fairy fruit in the ancient fairy world.

The spiritual power in this best fairy fruit was very sufficient.

If After she took this fairy fruit, Medusa would definitely advance to the realm of a higher god within a year. Medusa looked at Su Chen and thought, if she petrifies the North Sea monster Kraken, she will shed her skin even if she does not die..

However, after having the best fairy fruit,

Medusa can eat the best fairy fruit to petrify the North Sea monster Kraken, so that she will not have any side effects.

"I also want three top-quality fairy fruits.

Su Chen smiled when he heard Medusa's words and asked,"In addition to the three top-quality fairy fruits in your hand?""

"No, I want three more top-quality fairy fruits"

"Medusa, do you want to die?"

Athena looked at Medusa very unkindly.

Goddesses like them also need the best fairy fruit, but this Medusa dared to open her mouth, which made Athena unable to stand it.

Medusa hurriedly saluted Athena. ,

"Goddess Athena, I want the best fairy fruit but also want to petrify the Kraken. If there is no fairy fruit to support my divine power, I will not be able to petrify the Kraken even if I am exhausted."

Su Chen took out three more flat peaches and handed them to Medusa and said,"I agree, Medusa, these are three top-quality fairy fruits. The North Sea Kraken will be handed over to you in a moment."

Medusa nodded quickly and said,

"Well, well, but you have to send a goddess to protect me. If I start to petrify Kraken, I cannot be interrupted in the process of petrification."


Su Chen thought for a while and then agreed.

He looked at the proud Metes and shouted,"Big Bear Girl, you will be responsible for protecting Medusa in a moment."

When Metes heard that Su Chen called her Big Bear Girl, she was very ashamed and angry.

This shameless bastard brought Su Chen to the Dead Sea along the way. She should not have brought this little shameless bastard with her in the first place.

She shook her head in shame. He threatened with his fist,"Little Priest, if you dare to call me Big Bear Girl again, I will definitely beat you up.""

"Got it, bear girl!"


Goddess Queen Hera hurriedly grabbed the angry Metes.

Now is not the time to fool around. Pluto and Odin are already fighting.

Soon the four daughters of Demeter will arrive with the army of gods. The gods of the Queen of the Sea will I'm afraid the army is coming, and the war between the gods can happen at any time. The Queen doesn't want any accidents to happen at this time.

Su Chen smiled when he looked at the angry Metes. He had taken up a lot of Metes along the way. It's cheap, but

Metes has the most arrogant figure among all the goddesses. No goddess can compare with Metes' arrogant figure.

Half a day later,

Pluto Hades and God King Odin were still fighting,


God King Odin has been avoiding the attacks of Kraken, and he has been looking for opportunities to kill Hades.

Kraken has not found a weakness now, and all of Odin's attacks have been absorbed by Kraken..

God King Odin wants to kill Hades first. The Nordic Kraken Kraken no longer has Hades' command, so he might not attack him again. Hades is in a very embarrassed state now.

The divine armor on his body has been tattered by the attacks.

Odin keeps attacking him.

Although the Kraken is also attacking Odin, the Kraken's attack is too slow. Without him to restrain Odin, the Kraken can't. It may attack Odin, but Odin is determined to kill him first, and Hades is also very bitter.



Suddenly the sound of loud horns came from the periphery of the Dead Sea, and then countless armies of silver-armored gods appeared in the sky.

Demeter held the artifact Scythe and shouted,

"Gods of the Greek pantheon, the Nordic pantheon has invaded our Greek pantheon. The war of the gods has begun. Kill me. Kill the army of gods of the Norse pantheon."




The tens of millions of troops from the Greek pantheon were divided into four square formations. Under the leadership of the four main gods Demeter and Sif, they quickly rushed towards the army of the Nordic pantheon. At this time, from the southeast

, a man wearing sexy clothes After the armored goddess emerged from the sea, she waved the artifact trident and shouted,

"The army of gods from the sea tribe and the army of gods from the Olympus Mountains have arrived to avenge Poseidon, the god of the sea. For our dead sea tribe, they will kill all the armies of the underworld and the armies of the Nordic gods."

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