Over the Dead Sea, the army of the Greek god system and the sea army began to attack the Nordic god system.

For a time, the army of gods in the Nordic god system was in chaos. This time, there was only one main god in the Nordic god system commanding the army of gods, but this time there was Five main gods launched an attack on him.

Dellu, the main god of power in the Nordic pantheon, looked at the chaotic army and shouted,"Don't be chaotic, kill the Sea Tribe troops for me."

Dellu knew that this war would probably fail, and he was the only one here Lord God, if he is killed.

There are no other main gods to command the army of gods in the Nordic pantheon. Delru can only break out with the army from the Sea Clan. After meeting the other main gods, they will come back with the army of gods to fight.

Hela instantly appeared in front of Delru, the Lord God of Power. She looked at Delru and said coldly,

"Delru, you can't leave!" Dellu was very surprised when he saw Hela appearing in front of him.

"Hela, you actually betrayed the Nordic pantheon?"

Hela laughed mockingly when she heard Delru's words,

"betray? Ha ha....., just think that I betrayed you, Dellu, you must die today."



Boom boom boom.......

The battle between Hela and Dellu caused the other armies of gods to stay away from each other. The battle between the main gods was not something that small gods like them could get close to.

At this moment, over the center of the Dead Sea,

God King Odin also discovered the arrival of the Greek pantheon's army, which surprised him very much.

The Greek pantheon actually dispatched an army of almost 100 million gods. Is there no civil strife in Olympus? Do the main gods in Olympus have no self-image at all?

Hades saw the army coming from the Olympus Mountains.

He looked at the God King Odin and laughed and said,

"Ha ha......, Odin, your army of Norse gods is doomed."

God King Odin shouted coldly with a cold light in one of his eyes,"Hades, I will kill you first. I will not let go of any of the main gods in the Greek pantheon."

Hades, the king of Hades, was very confused when he heard what God King Odin said.

Shouldn't God King Odin save his army?

Why are you chasing him?

Damn it,

"God King Odin, if you don’t save your army of gods, why are you chasing me? I didn’t steal your wife Frillica, why do you have to kill me!"


Boom boom boom......

At this moment,

Odin was also furious.

He used the artifact Gangnir to continuously summon thunder to attack Hades. Odin could not give up this opportunity to kill Hades. If Hades escaped, In the underworld, it would be much more difficult for him to kill Hades.

Hades, the king of Hades, was dodged everywhere by the thunder attack, but Hades, the king of Hades, could not avoid the thunder attack in the air. He was covered in blood for a while by the thunder attack.

"Ah, damn it, Kraken, kill it, kill the one-eyed dragon in front of you."

In Su Chen's space prison, he has brought the goddesses to Odin and Hades, not far away.

Their war is about to begin, the god king Odin!

This is the second god king they want to kill,

Queen Hera looked at Su Chen and asked,"The war of the gods has begun, Su Chen, do we want to start attacking?"

Su Chen shook his head and replied,"No, God King Odin's artifact Gangnir is a great threat to us. I have to find a way to take away his artifact first."

"Well, the artifact Gangnir is a top-grade artifact. The thunder attack summoned by Odin using Gangnir is a huge threat to us."

"Hera, who among you goddesses is the fastest?"


"Athena, come here, we will go and steal Odin's artifact Gangnir."

After Su Chen heard Hera's words, he waved to Athena, and

Su Chen was ready to take Athena to snatch Odin's artifact.

Athena walked to Su Chen and frowned and asked,"We How to steal Odin's artifact?"

The other goddesses also gathered around. They wanted to hear how Su Chen was going to steal Odin's artifact.

"Athena, I will take you close to God King Odin in a moment. At that time, I will activate time pause to immobilize God King Odin. You only need two breaths to take away Odin's artifact."

"Two breaths of time? enough."

Su Chen heard that Athena could snatch Odin's artifact in two breaths. He hugged Athena and disappeared into the space prison.

When the goddesses here saw Su Chen leaving with Athena in his arms, they all watched. To God King Odin, they wanted to know if they could steal God King Odin's artifact by surprise this time. In a small space prison,

Su Chen took out a common peach and prepared to eat it soon. He would activate time soon. Pause, this consumes a lot of mana, and Su Chen is just in case the mana is exhausted.

Athena looked at Su Chen in confusion, this little bastard,

Athena did not expect that Su Chen would dare to hug her.

Although the situation was special this time, this little bastard hugged her without saying a word to her.

She remembered what happened today.

After killing God King Odin,

Athena would not let this little bastard go.

"Athena, get ready!"

After Su Chen controlled the small space prison to get closer to the God King Odin for more than 20 miles, he was ready to activate the law of time.

Athena nodded with a serious face, and she gathered all her power to grab it as quickly as possible. Odin's Artifact

"Athena, do it."

Su Chen took back the space prison and shouted to Athena. He also hurriedly activated the time pause.

"Time pauses! Time pauses!"

Boom boom....

A blue light suddenly enveloped God King Odin.

God King Odin was very frightened when he was enveloped in blue light. He found that he could not move. Odin hurriedly used his divine power to break free from the control of this blue light.


Athena suddenly appeared next to Odin. She reached out to snatch the artifact Gangnir and quickly disappeared. boom!

At this time,

Kraken, the Kraken, blasted Odin from the air into the sea with a huge tentacle.

Odin flew out of the sea and shouted angrily,"Ah! Athena, you damn bitch, return my artifact, otherwise, I will make your life worse than death.""

"God King Odin, is this the artifact you are talking about?"

God King Odin was very surprised when he looked at Su Chen next to Athena. He did not expect that the little priest would also appear here, and the little priest was playing with his artifact and eating fruit. He was so angry that he Su Chen shouted,

"Little priest? I didn't expect you to come here to die. You must die here today."

"Yeah? God King Odin, I don’t think I will die here."

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