Su Chen hugged the Queen Frigga and smiled awkwardly, and he did not dare to move his hands.

He was also attracted by Frigga's perfect figure just now. If God King Odin hadn't come to kill him at any time, Su Chen would definitely not let go of Frigga, the beautiful Queen of Gods.

In the palace,

God King Odin searched the palace, but he still could not find God Queen Frigga, which made him very angry.

God King Odin returned to Asgard first this time. He must first kill the God Queen Frigga, a God Queen who betrayed him, and a God Queen who cuckolded him.

God King Odin will definitely not tolerate the God Queen Frigga living again.

"Bitch, did you hide? Even if I demolish your palace today, I will still find you, a bitch."

Boom boom boom....

I go!

It's going to end!

Damn it!

Is God King Odin unwilling to find God Queen Frigga?

Su Chen saw God King Odin randomly attacking the surroundings, and he felt bad.

If the space prison was attacked by God King Odin, the space prison would definitely be broken. At that time, Su Chen and God Queen Frigga Will definitely be exposed in front of God King Odin. boom!

At this time, what Su Chen was worried about happened.

The space prison was broken after being attacked by the God King Odin. Su Chen also appeared in the dilapidated palace holding the God Queen Frigga.

After Su Chen saw the incredible expression on God King Odin's face, he waved to God King Odin and said,"Hi, God King Odin, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

God Queen Fuli Jia was also confused.

She didn't expect to appear in front of God King Odin like this, damn little bastard!

Is this very safe?

Will this not be discovered?

God Queen Frigga now wants to strangle this little bastard. God King Odin was a little surprised when he saw Su Chen appearing holding the God Queen Frigga. How could Su Chen return to Asgard before him? However, when he saw Su Chen and God Queen Frigga hugging each other in front of him, God King Odin became angry.

"Adulterers and adulterers, I will kill you!"

"Hera, the goddesses, all take action, quickly surround and kill the god king Odin, we can't let him escape this time!"

Su Chen saw God King Odin also taking action. He suddenly shouted behind God King Odin.

When God King Odin heard Su Chen's shouts, he didn't care to take action and disappeared in Su Chen in a flash. In front of Chen and God Queen Frigga,

God King Odin did not expect that Hera and the gods and goddesses had also arrived, and were even hiding around.

God King Odin guessed that this might be a plot to kill him. Could he be killed? The goddesses surrounded him.

Otherwise, his end would be as tragic as Hades's.

"Go quickly!"

Su Chen saw God King Odin disappear quickly in fright. He hugged God Queen Frigga and hurriedly disappeared here.

He had just deceived God King Odin.

If God King Odin looked around, he would definitely It can be found that there is no aura of other people around.

God King Odin is now a frightened bird. This is the first time that Su Chen can deceive God King Odin and escape from death.

God Queen Frigga is always in a daze now, she feels Her mind was very unclear.

Just now, she and Su Chen were discovered by God King Odin, and God King Odin even wanted to kill them, but this little bastard just screamed casually, and God King Odin ignored them. Disappeared quickly.

Frigga did not expect that Odin was so afraid of Hera and the goddesses.

Are Hera and those goddesses really strong?

After Odin in the God King realm heard their names, how could he be so frightened that he ran away quickly? ?

Just after Su Chen left with Queen Frigga for a while,

God King Odin appeared here again.

When he saw Su Chen and Queen Frigga disappear, his face was twisted and ugly.

God King Odin Ding didn't expect to be deceived by Su Chen. When he escaped just now, he checked his surroundings and found that there was no presence of anyone else in the palace of God Queen Frigga.

Damn the little priest, a sinister and shameless bastard!

God King Ao Ding's face was gloomy and he was very angry.

He missed an excellent opportunity.

Odin hurriedly checked the entire Asgard Palace. He wanted to find the two adulterers as soon as possible.


God Queen He would When Ra and the goddesses arrived, he never had the chance to kill the adulterer and the adulterous couple.

In Asgard, the palace of the Queen of Gods was attacked by the God King Odin, and the gods in the entire fairy palace knew about it.

The twelve goddesses under God Queen Frigga immediately gathered their gods to save God Queen Frigga. The entire army of gods in Asgard's fairy palace also quickly assembled.

Su Chen and God Queen Frigga After appearing behind a waterfall,

Su Chen hurriedly arranged several space barriers to prevent anyone from exploring. He hugged the Queen Frigga and sat on the stone.

Su Chen lay on the shoulders of the Queen Frigga and said ,"Huh, I was scared to death just now. Fortunately, God King Odin is a fool, otherwise we would have become a pair of dead mandarin ducks."

"You are so shameless!"

Frigga looked at Su Chen and shook her head.

She and Su Chen were in a very dangerous situation just now.

If Su Chen hadn't scared away God King Odin, she and Su Chen would have really been killed by God King Odin. Killing a strong man in the realm of God King,

Frilicia is no match at all.

As for Su Chen?

A little scumbag mid-level god, he may not even be able to withstand the powerful aura of God King Odin.

Su Chen hugged Queen Frigga's soft waist said,"Queen God, let's wait here for a while, Hera and the others should be arriving soon."

God Queen Frigga said with some worry,"What about God King Odin? If he escapes this time, it will be a big risk."

Su Chen kissed Frilica, and he said with a wicked smile,

"Hehe, I just left a space node on Odin. Every move of Odin is under my control. When Hera and the others arrive, we will kill the God King Odin."

God Queen Freeliga was very speechless when she heard Su Chen's words.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would be so insidious.

In just a moment, this little bastard would actually leave a back-up plan.

If God King Odin is killed in the future , Kill, Odin probably didn’t expect that he would fall into the hands of a little priest.

Boom boom boom......

Odin was checking the entire Asgard Palace, and he found no trace of the God Queen Frillica and Suchen.

Odin was so angry that he completely destroyed the palace of the Queen of Gods.

He could no longer search for it.

A quarter of an hour had passed.

Hera and the goddesses are probably going to chase after him. If he continues to stay and look for the couple, Odin will be surrounded and killed by the goddesses like Pluto.

"Little priest, Frigga, damn adulterer and whore, I, the God King Odin, will never let you go in the future."

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