The gods in Asgard's Asgard heard the roar of God King Odin, and saw God King Odin reluctantly leaving Asgard's Asgard. The gods in Asgard's Asgard were very confused!

Little priest?

God King Frigga?

Adulterer and adulterer?

The gods in Asgard's fairy palace did not expect that the beautiful and kind-hearted God Queen Frigga would actually fall in love with a young priest.

Who is that little priest? How could a little scumbag priest be attracted by Frigga, the God King in the main god realm? When God Queen Frigga heard the roar of God King Odin, her face became very ugly. Now she was finished. Odin's roar was heard by the gods in Asgard. She was destroyed in this In the hands of the little bastard, Queen Frigga glared at Su Chen and shouted,

"Damn it, this is all caused by you, this bastard. I’m afraid the gods in Asgard have misunderstood, and my reputation has been ruined by you, this little bastard."

Su Chen smiled and said,

"What's the misunderstanding? We are already in love with each other and are in love with each other. The gods in Asgard know about it. Anyway, it will happen sooner or later."

God Queen Frigga's face turned red with anger when she heard Su Chen's words.

Damn you little bastard, when did she fall in love with this little bastard?

Are they still in love?

Frigga can't wait to stab this little bastard to death with a sword now. Bastard.

Su Chen stood up and hugged God Queen Frigga and said,"Let's go out. God King Odin has left."

"Let me go, I will go on my own!"

Queen Frigga opened Su Chen's hand and ran away.

She didn't want to appear in front of the Nordic gods with this bastard. She had already embarrassed enough people today. Frigga didn't want to be with this bastard Su Chen for a moment. Together.

Su Chen smiled and disappeared here.

The God King Odin has escaped, and the Asgard Palace is now considered safe. Su Chen can now control every move of the God King Odin. Waiting for Hera and the Goddess When they all arrive, he will lead the goddesses to intercept the God King Odin.

In the underworld, the Queen of Hades took Elena back to the underworld.

The war of the gods on the Dead Sea has ended.

The tens of millions of gods in the Nordic god system surrendered. ,

Pluto Hades was killed,

God King Odin escaped, and the North Sea Monster Kraken was also petrified and died by Medusa.

Suchen and the goddesses went to hunt down God King Odin, and what happened in a short time today There were too many big things, but the Queen of Hades always had a cold face when she came back.

Elena sat beside her helplessly and did not dare to make a sound.

Elena was completely speechless to her father.

Just now, over the Dead Sea, the Queen of Hades With her, she heard what Su Chen said, why is the Queen of Hades so good? Is he satisfied?

Elena felt that her father was seeking death. She didn't know how the Queen of Hades would treat her father in the future, but the Queen of Hades was indifferent. With a face and no words, she felt that her father might be in trouble.

There was also the Nordic Queen Frigga.

Elena was very surprised when she heard her father's words. Her father and the Queen Frigga actually knew each other. She The speculation about her father's relationship with the Nordic Queen Frigga is probably true.

Otherwise, his father would not have known about the private cinnabar mole of the Queen Frigga.

Elena thought of this and wanted to say something good for her father.

"Queen of Hades, what my father said earlier may have been deliberately irritating Hades, so don’t mind it."

The Queen of Hades said to Elena with a cold face,

"Elena, don't mention your damn father again, I can't spare that little bastard in the future."

The Queen of Hades gritted her teeth when she thought of Su Chen.

She didn't expect that

Su Chen would ruin her reputation in front of many goddesses. The little bastard may have said this to anger Hades, but her reputation was also It was ruined by Su Chen.

There was also the Nordic God Queen Frigga.

Queen Hades did not expect that Su Chen was actually related to the Nordic God Queen Frigga.

No, that little bastard had an affair with the Nordic God Queen Frigga.

Greek God Queen Hera?

Nordic God Queen Frillica?

That little bastard actually took down the God Queens of two gods. Is that little scumbag priest going to heaven?

Elena heard that the Queen of Hades She shook her head, and she didn't care.

Her father should be able to deal with the Queen of the Underworld, and Elena didn't want to care about the affairs between these adults.

Asgard Palace, with the arrival of Hera and the goddesses, Su Chen told the goddesses about the escape route of God King Odin.

In the palace, after Hera and the many goddesses heard what Su Chen said, they all thought about it and started talking to each other.

"Odin flees to the northwest? Where is this going?"

"Odin isn't going to go to the god system, is he?"

"No, Odin is a god-king no matter what. It is impossible for him to seek refuge with God Jehovah."

"Is there a hiding place for Odin in the northwest?"

"How do we know this? Do we have to wait for Odin to stop before chasing him?"

"It seems like this is the only way to go"

"There must be Odin's secret in the northwest, otherwise he would not be able to escape to the northwest."

Su Chen heard the chirping of the goddesses, and he wanted to leave here.

These goddesses didn't get to the point. Su Chen wanted these goddesses to guess the escape route of God King Odin. They could first Intercepting God King Odin in one step.

However, these goddesses went off topic and speculated about what secrets God King Odin would have hidden in the northwest.

Su Chen was also helpless with these goddesses.

"Do I know where Odin is escaping to?"

Goddess Queen Frigga stood up and said to Su Chen and the goddesses.

Frigga also thought of the Ragnarok mentioned by Odin.

In order to cope with the Ragnarok that would come in the future, Odin built a building underground at the old site of the Viking Kingdom. Entering the Hall of Heroes, Odin turned the dead powerful gods into heroic spirits. This is Odin's secret army of heroic spirits.

Su Chen looked at Frigga and asked hurriedly,


Frigga looked at everyone and said,"Odin built a Hall of Heroes underground at the old site of the Viking palace. He used the dead gods to make it......."

After Su Chen and the goddesses heard Frigga's words, they did not expect that

God King Odin would turn the dead gods into heroic spirits, which made their faces very ugly.

Su Chen said to the girls with a serious face,

"We immediately set off to the old site of the Viking Palace. Odin may release those heroic spirits. If the heroic spirits in the Hall of Valor are released, the Nordic pantheon may be in chaos."

Queen Hera stood up and nodded and said,"Okay, let's set off immediately. Su Chen, this time we need you to use your space magic to take us there. We can reach the Hall of Valor before Odin."

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