After Su Chen brought Gaia to the Starry Sky Fortress, Su

Chen was very surprised after learning about the recent events in the Ancient Immortal World.

That girl Su Yan actually came to the ancient world?

Let me tell you, how did that girl come to the ancient world?

Those women of the Queen Mother actually destroyed the frontier barrier of Buddhism? He even killed millions of Buddhist disciples.

When Su Chen heard the news, he was very surprised.

The arrival of that girl Su Yan made him not expect that the Queen Mother's threat to Buddhism was within Su Chen's expectation.

However, the women of the Queen Mother actually launched the Zhoutian Star Formation, which not only destroyed the frontier barrier of Buddhism, but even killed millions of Buddhist disciples. This was beyond Su Chen's expectation.

In the main hall,

Su Chen looked at Bai Ze and asked,"Bai Ze, Buddhism is still arresting Lu Ya?"

Bai Ze nodded and replied,

"Yes, Heavenly Emperor, we have given Buddhism half a year and there are only two months left. If Buddhism does not capture Lu Ya in two months, we in Heaven will attack Buddhism."

"Where is Tathagata Duobao?"

Ancestor Mingzi said to Su Chen with a smile,

"Duobao Tathagata has disappeared, and Buddhism is also looking for Duobao Tathagata. The Queen Mother sent news that Duobao may have absconded out of fear of crime. The disappearance of the Emperor of Heaven should be caused by Duobao Tathagata, right?"

Su Chen didn't expect Duobao Tathagata to disappear.

Duobao is such a thief.

It may not be easy for them to find Duobao Tathagata in the future. Duobao will definitely not stay in the prehistoric fairy world to wait for death. The

Western God Realm ?

Duobao Tathagata will definitely not go.

Su Chen guessed that Duobao is likely to go to the wild realm, or even flee to Chaos for refuge

"Yes, it was Tathagata Duobao who transported me to the Western God Realm in the first place. Tathagata Duobao probably escaped from the prehistoric fairyland."

After Bai Ze heard what Su Chen said, he stood up and saluted Su Chen,"Emperor of Heaven, do you want to continue to put pressure on Buddhism?"

Su Chen waved his hand and said,

"No, Bai Ze, Buddhism may have guessed that Duobao is the murderer. We can let Buddhism capture Lu Ya first, and then capture Duobao Tathagata. Without these two powerful quasi-sages, Buddhism will become weaker and weaker, which is not good for us. It's a good thing for heaven"


Ancestors Bai Ze and Ming He nodded when they heard Su Chen's words.

There are only four or five quasi-sages in Buddhism. This time, Buddhism suddenly loses two powerful quasi-sages. Buddhism will indeed become weaker and weaker. Heavenly Court It would be easier to destroy Buddhism.

Su Chen suddenly thought that Gaia had not been introduced yet.

He looked at Gaia beside him and introduced to Bai Ze and the others,

"By the way, Bai Ze, Patriarch of Styx, this is my wife Gaia, she is a saint in the Western God Realm."

"Bai Ze (Ancestor of Styx) has met Empress Gaia!"

After Bai Ze and Ancestor Styx heard Su Chen's words, they hurriedly saluted Gaia.

Bai Ze and Ancestor Styx were very shocked, and even looked confused. Although they saw that Gaia was a Saint.

But what is the madam?


A saint’s lady?

Where is the Emperor Su Chen going?

The Emperor Su Chen is only in the Golden Immortal Realm, but a Golden Immortal actually took down a saint. Bai Ze and Ancestor Ming He are fighting against Su Chen was really impressed.

However, they thought that there was a saint in Heaven.

With a powerful saint in Heaven, Heaven would become stronger and stronger. In addition to Daozu Hongjun, the other six saints in the prehistoric immortal world had no influence on them. Heaven will be even more fearful

"No gift!"

"Empress Shegaya!"

Gaia smiled and nodded.

Gaia was very happy now. Su Chen was able to introduce herself openly, which made Gaia very satisfied. This little bastard did not differentiate because she was a saint from other realms.

Treating her,

Gaia is more satisfied with this little bastard Su Chen

"Bai Ze, Ancestor Styx, we are going back to Heaven, and I leave the Starry Sky Fortress to you."

After Su Chen checked the Starry Sky Fortress, he was ready to go back to the ancient world. Su Yan, that girl, came to the ancient world. Su Chen also wanted to know how she came to the ancient world.

"Emperor Tian, ​​don’t worry, with the two of us here, the Starry Sky Fortress will not be breached by the demonic world outside the territory."


Su Chen waved to Gaia, and Gaia took Su Chen and disappeared into the Starry Sky Fortress. When

Ancestor Styx saw Su Chen and Gaia leaving, he shook his head and sat down and said,

"Bai Ze, I can’t understand the Emperor of Heaven more and more. Bai

Ze smiled bitterly at Ancestor Styx and said,

"I don’t understand either. That Lady Gaia is a saint, a powerful saint of heaven. The Emperor of Heaven actually managed to defeat a saint. I’ve been confused just now."

"Haha, this shows that our Heavenly Emperor is very capable. We also have a powerful saint in Heaven. We don’t have to worry about other saint sects."


At the barrier of the Great Desolate Immortal Realm,

Gaia and Su Chen stopped after they arrived here.

Gaia did not dare to move forward any further.

Going forward would reach the Great Desolate Immortal Realm. Gaia did not want to be deceived by the ways of heaven in the Prehistoric Immortal Realm. Killed to death

"Why don't you leave? Gaia looked at Su Chen and said worriedly,

"Su Chen, ahead is the barrier of the Great Immortal Realm. If I get close, I will be struck to death by the Primeval Heaven. Do you want to watch me die?"

Su Chen sat on Gaia's shoulders and said with a smile,

"Ha ha....., Gaia, the ancient heaven is going to attack you, do you think you can still enter the Starry Sky Fortress? From the time we arrived at the border between the prehistoric fairy world and chaos, I'm afraid the prehistoric heaven has discovered you a long time ago."

Gaia asked Su Chen in surprise,"Are you saying that the prehistoric heaven has known about my arrival for a long time?"

Su Chen nodded and replied,

"Gaia, we didn’t enter the Yin-Yang Realm last time, and the saints from the Yin-Yang Realm came out to stop us. The Prehistoric Heavenly Way is much more powerful than the Yin-Yang Heavenly Way. Would the Prehistoric Heavenly Way not know that we are coming?"

Su Chen felt that the Great Desolate Heaven had already discovered Gaia's arrival, and maybe the Great Desolate Heaven would look for him again soon.

Su Chen also thought about how to bring Gaia into the Prehistoric Immortal World. If a realm is annexed by the Prehistoric Immortal World, the Prehistoric World will be destroyed. I am afraid that Heavenly Dao will get more benefits, and even the strength of the ancient Heavenly Dao will be even stronger. The

Western God Realm!

This is Su Chen's bargaining chip for negotiating with the Ancient Heavenly Dao. Su Chen believes that the Ancient Heavenly Dao also covets this realm. ruler

"That’s right!"

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