Gaia nodded when she heard Su Chen's words.

The Yin and Yang realm was just a weak realm, but even a weak heavenly realm could discover her and Su Chen in advance. Gaia felt that the powerful prehistoric heavenly realm might have discovered it long ago. she.

This time, if Gaia hadn't come to the Immortal Realm with Su Chen, she might have been intercepted by the Prehistoric Saints before she entered the Prehistoric Starry Sky Fortress, or even killed by the Prehistoric Heaven. swish swish.......

At this time, outside the barrier of the ancient world, the six great saints of the ancient world appeared one after another.

After the six saints appeared, they looked at Su Chen and Gaia.

They did not expect that Su Chen would arrive with a saint from another realm. Su Chen was even sitting on the shoulders of the saint. They looked at Su Chen very much. Confused.

However, this extraterrestrial saint was in the second heaven realm of saints, and any one of their six great saints could suppress her.

Empress Nuwa was very surprised when she looked at Su Chen and Gaia.

Didn't Gaia want to kill Su Chen in the Western God Realm? Why does the relationship between them seem to be a bit special now? Gaia is a female saint, why would she let Suchen sit on her shoulders?

I said to Su Chen with a serious face,"Emperor of Heaven, saints from outside the realm are not allowed to enter the ancient world."

Su Chen looked at me and said with a smile,

"Lao Tzu, do you have the final say?"

Zhunti looked at Su Chen and explained kindly,

"Emperor of Heaven, you should understand that saints are not allowed to appear in the ancient world of immortality. Besides, this is an outsider saint. If this saint appears in the prehistoric fairyland, then the law of heaven will destroy her."

Su Chen smiled when he heard the words of Saint Zhunti and said,"Six saints, we will know in a moment whether Heaven will stop us. You should get out of the way and let us enter the prehistoric fairyland."


The original Tianzun suddenly burst out with a powerful momentum and threatened,

"Emperor of Heaven, saints from outside the realm are not allowed to enter the Great and Wild Immortal Realm. This is the order of Tao Ancestor. We, the six great saints, are here to prevent Gaia from entering the Great and Wild Immortal Realm."

"Original Heavenly Lord, do you dare to take action against me?" Su Chen 's face darkened when he saw the Primordial Heavenly Lord burst out with the saintly aura. If it weren't for Gaia beside Su Chen, he would have been suppressed by the primitive Heavenly Lord's powerful saintly aura. The Primordial Heavenly Lord arrogantly said to Su Chen Said loudly,

"Emperor Heaven, I am thinking of the Great Immortal Realm. Saints from outside the territory are not allowed to enter the Great Immortal Realm. Moreover, Gaia has used clones to sneak into the Great Immortal Realm time and time again. This time we are going to completely annihilate the Saints of Gaia."

Su Chen understood that this time the six saints appeared, they were all sent by Daozu Hongjun.

The arrival of the six saints to prevent Gaia from entering the prehistoric fairyland was a lie. The purpose of their arrival this time was to kill Gaia.

Dao Ancestor Hongjun?

Why did he do what he did?

Gaia used to secretly use his clones to sneak into the ancient world. Why didn't Hongjun stop him?

Is there a conspiracy here?

Gaia is very nervous now.

The six saints in the ancient world have the lowest cultivation level.

She can't defeat any of the fourth-level saints , and each of the six saints can kill her easily. Gaia can only rely on Su Chen to protect her now.

Su Chen said to the six saints with a cold face said,

"Gaia is my emperor’s woman and one of the future queens in heaven. Do you, the six great saints, still want to kill her?"

After the six great saints of the prehistoric era heard Su Chen's words, they all looked at Su Chen in confusion. Gaia is Su Chen's woman?

The future queen?

The emperor of heaven, Su Chen, actually took a saint to be his woman?

Gaia Although she is only in the second-level realm of a saint, Gaia is a saint after all, a powerful female saint. How could she fall in love with a little scumbag Golden Immortal?

Empress Nuwa rolled her eyes when she heard Su Chen's words. , this shameless pervert actually took down Gaia?

No wonder Su Chen can sit on Gaia's shoulders, but

Gaia is more than three meters tall, which is also the smallest original form of Gaia.

If Su Chen, a little bastard, and Gaia Gaia and Su Chen were together, and Empress Nuwa's face became a little hot when she thought about it.


How could she think about these nasty things of mortals.

Empress Nuwa looked at the height difference between Gaia and Su Chen, and she couldn't help but start thinking wildly in her mind. ,

Empress Nuwa guessed whether

Su Chen had to change into a human form that was more than three meters tall every time so that he could be intimate with Gaia.

Zhunti looked at the confused Jie Yin and said through the message,"Brother, do we still want to stop Gaia?"

Jie Yin shook his head and replied,

"Let's watch the excitement!"

"Junior brother, let’s not meddle in other people’s business. This time Daozu ordered to rob and kill Gaia, let Sanqing do this. If Sanqing kills Gaia, this will definitely anger Emperor Su Chen."

"At that time, the human religion and the interpretation religion in the ancient world will be destroyed by the angry Emperor of Heaven. Our Buddhist sect has already offended the Emperor of Heaven, Su Chen. This time we cannot offend the Emperor of Heaven, Su Chen."

Zhunti nodded when he heard Jie Yin's words.

The Buddhist Tathagata Duobao had taken action against Su Chen before, and their Buddhist sect has not made up for this mistake. At this time, they dare not offend the Emperor of Heaven Su Chen again.

Otherwise, they will The Buddhist sect in Honghuangxianli is probably about to end.

Besides, their brothers have betrayed the Taoist sect of Daozu Hongjun and established another Buddhist sect, so they don’t need to care about the order of the Taoist ancestor.

I and Yuanzi looked at each other and fell silent.

They didn’t expect Gai Ya turned out to be the woman of Emperor Su Chen, and things are going to be troublesome this time.

They are very afraid of Su Chen,

Su Chen doesn't even take Tao Ancestor seriously, if they anger Emperor Su Chen, they will The sects in the prehistoric fairy world will be retaliated by the Emperor Su Chen, and even be destroyed.

The leader of Tongtian looked at Su Chen and Gaia and shook his head.

He felt that every time Su Chen did something too shocking,

Su Chen never After appearing in the vision of saints like them, in just over a year, they fought against the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation!

The Murderous King, and destroyed tens of millions of human immortal armies.

With the cultivation level of the Golden Immortal, he became the Emperor of Heaven in the prehistoric immortal world, and even unified the entire world. The prehistoric fairyland.

What now?

Emperor Su Chen actually captured a female saint.

Tongtian also admired Su Chen.

At this moment,

Su Chen looked at the six saints expressionlessly.

He didn't believe that these saints dared to take action.

Saint People are very, very powerful, but

Su Chen has the final say in the ancient world.

The sects, disciples, and even foundations of the six great saints are all in the ancient world. If they dare to take action, Su Chen will completely destroy them. Everything about the great saint in the ancient world of immortality.

Gaia did not expect that Su Chen would be so domineering.

After hearing what Su Chen said, the six great saints were silent one by one. Su Chen was just a little golden immortal. Gaia could not understand the six great saints. Why are you afraid of Su Chen?

"Emperor of Heaven, Gaia is an outsider saint after all. She is your woman, but the prehistoric fairy world prohibits all saints from entering, and Gaia saint is no exception."

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