After Yin Ji saw that Su Chen had taken away a ray of soul from the three Ziyun girls, she didn't want to stay here anymore.

If that little scumbag wouldn't do anything to her, she would join this little scumbag's heaven. It's nothing, at least this is still the realm of Yin and Yang, and it's still the home where she grew up through cultivation.

Yin Ji also hurriedly separated a ray of soul and sent it into the air.

The three Ziyun girls looked at Yin Ji and shook their heads.

They thought that Yin Ji would give in in the end, but they didn't expect it to be so soon.

However, this is fine. At least the four of them are still together. They will meet each other in the future. Even if something bad happens, the four of them can advance and retreat together.

Swish swish swish!

At this time, after Su Chen collected the souls of the three girls Zi Yun and Yin Ji, he released the four girls.

After the four Yin Ji girls were released, they were very surprised when they looked at this majestic hall.

The four Yin Ji girls suddenly felt the innate spiritual energy in the hall. They were all very surprised.

"here it is.....Huh? Is there actually innate spiritual energy here?"

Su Chen shook his head when he looked at the four women who appeared.

These four women were really smart.

Su Chen didn't even remind the four women to put on tops and skirts. All four women appeared in front of him in an instant, neatly dressed. Damn it!

I will no longer be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Su Chen sat on the throne of the Heavenly Emperor and said with a smile,"There is nothing surprising. In my Merlot Heavenly Court, innate spiritual energy is the most basic existence. You all should report Tell me your name and level of cultivation"

"Ziyun, a third-level saint, comes from the Tianfeng Realm, but the Tianfeng Realm has been destroyed."

"Luluo, the second level saint, comes from the green realm. The green realm was also destroyed by the Chaos Demon God."

"Lingxi, the second heaven of saints, comes from the realm of water. The realm of water was also destroyed by the Chaos Demon God."

"Yin Ji, the first level of saints, comes from the realm of yin and yang."

The four girls looked at Su Chen and reported.

Su Chen nodded after hearing this. He also understood the strength and origin of these four female saints.


At this time,

Nuwa and Gaia quickly Appearing in the hall, they also sensed the aura of the saint and hurried over. When

Su Chen saw Nuwa and Gaia arriving, he hurriedly said,

"Nuwa, Gaia, these are the new saints who have joined our heaven. Please take them to get familiar with our Merlot heaven."

Su Chen was worried that Nuwa and Gaia would misunderstand him.

The four female saints were not wearing clothes in the black tower. Gaia, the female giant, secretly told Nuwa that he had been under the influence of Nuwa for the past half month. Wa's supercilious treatment

"All right!"

Nu Wa glared at Su Chen and left with the four Yin Ji girls.

Gaia curled her lips at Su Chen and left quickly. She also wanted to know about the situation of the other three female saints.

Damn it!

What's going on? Nuwa is like his own wife?

After Su Chen watched these female saints leave, he shook his head speechlessly.

Every time Nuwa came, it seemed that she was here to catch an adulterer. Su Chen didn't know how Nuwa could be like this. In a leisurely mood.

Su Chen leaned on the throne and touched his chin, thinking that the six legions should have set off.

Within a month,

Xuantian Realm will be in his hands.

Now is the time to check what realms are around him. How can the domain and the way of heaven be revived? How can the system replace the new way of heaven? Su Chen also has to figure this out.

At this time,

Elena ran over and shouted to Su Chen,"Father, please help Help me, my eldest sister keeps bullying me."

Su Chen felt a headache when he saw Fei Fei Elena.

In the past half month, the teleportation array between the Xuantian Realm and the Western God Realm has been opened, and the passage to the Divine Meteor Continent, Su Chen, has also been reconnected.

Su Yan,

Su Yue,

Elena Su, these three daughters were noisy all day long. He was really helpless to these three naughty daughters.

"Elena, didn’t I give you the twelve Dinghai Divine Pearls? How can your eldest sister still bully you?"

"My father, the Dinghai Shenzhu was deceived by my eldest sister."

I'll go!

That little girl Su Yan is so shrewd.

That girl knew that she couldn't break the defense of the Dinghai Pearl, so she actually defrauded Elena of her spiritual treasure.

Su Chen looked at Elena with some sympathy.

Elena Although she was older than Su Yan, she was no match for that little devil.

Su Chen took out the ninth-grade Pure World White Lotus and handed it to Elena.

"Forget it, Elena, I'll give you this ninth-grade Pure World White Lotus. Your eldest sister will return it to you after playing with the Dinghai Divine Pearl."

This Pure World White Lotus is still the white lotus seed that Guanyin Bodhisattva gave her before. Su Chen only discovered the white lotus seed during this time, and she didn't know when it had been promoted to the ninth level.

"Thank you father!"

Elena ran out happily after getting the Lingbao given by Su Chen.

Su Chen saw Elena running away with the Lingbao, which made him feel something was wrong.

Why didn't Elena let herself help her? White lotus refining white lotus? Su Chen hurriedly checked what Elena had done.

I'm going!

Is this his daughter?

Is she cheating on her father?

Su Chen saw Elena, Su Yan, Su Yue, and the three sisters on a fairy platform They were talking to each other, and Elena also took out her twelve Dinghai Divine Pearls. Su Yan and Su Yue were also eating fairy fruits and laughing.

Su Chen gritted his teeth when he saw everything and wanted to beat the three sisters. , was Elena bullied by Su Yan just now?

Was the twelve Dinghai Divine Pearls in Elena's hand deceived?

Su Chen stood up and sat down again.

He saw that the three sisters could live in harmony. They get along with each other, and can even join forces to deceive themselves.

Su Chen shook his head and smiled.

This is a good sign.

Su Chen also hopes that the relationship between the three sisters will be so good in the future.

At this moment, on Sendai,

Su Yan and Su Yue, and even Elena were all smiling as they ate the fairy fruit.

Su Yan ate the fairy fruit and said to Elena,"Elena, what I said is right, it's best to lie to dad, and you can do whatever you want in the future." Tell the eldest sister that I must be able to help you."

Su Yue reminded me when she heard Su Yan's words,

"Eldest sister, father cares about us. If you speak ill of father like this, if Aunt Jingyu finds out in the future, eldest sister, you will be locked up in the dark room again."

Su Yan pinched Su Yue's little nose and asked with a smile,"Xiao Yue'er, you don't want to tell the truth, do you?"

Su Yue hurriedly shook her head and replied,"No, no, I have never betrayed my eldest sister. Elena smiled when she looked at Su Yan and Su Yue.

Although Su Yan and Su Yue were younger than her, each of them was smarter than the other. The eldest sister Su Yan was always straightforward in doing things.

Thinking of it , Do whatever you want. The second sister Su Yue is more ghostly.

Elena found that Su Yue did no less bad things than Su Yan, but Su Yue always pretended to be cute to confuse others.


Elena These two sisters treated her very well.

They gave her a lot of spiritual treasures and strange treasures. Su Yan even gave her a legion of 100,000 troops, and they were also powerful black-armored monks.

"It’s really good to have two sisters!"

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