In Xuantian Realm, after the heavenly gate of Merlot Heavenly Court was opened, powerful armies of gods quickly appeared from the fairy gate.

In just an instant, tens of millions of divine armies gathered outside the Merlot Heavenly Court.

Boom boom boom......

At this time, thunder was rolling in the sky in the Xuantian Realm, and the originally clear sky was instantly covered with dark clouds, and a powerful force enveloped the Xuantian Realm.

The creatures and gods in the Xuantian Realm looked at the sky in horror.

Some powerful gods saw tens of millions of powerful armies above the nine heavens. Each of them looked very pale. These powerful gods Everyone knows that the alien gods are going to take action.

Outside the Merlot Heavenly Court,

Taibai Jinxing held the Emperor's Imperial Decree in his hand and opened it and read loudly.

"In the realm of Xuantian, the Emperor of Heaven issued an edict:’

"From now on, the Yin and Yang Realm will be renamed the Xuantian Realm. All creatures in the Xuantian Realm must obey the orders of the Merlot Heavenly Emperor. Wherever the Heavenly Army goes, they must surrender."

"Anyone who disobeys orders will be killed!"

"Those who gather to rebel will be killed!"

"Anyone who violates the orders of the Emperor of Heaven will be killed!"

Just after Taibai Jinxing finished reading the imperial edict of Emperor Su Chen, the six combat legions began to take action. The great witch Xingtian stood in front of the witch legion, raised his giant ax and shouted,

"The Wu clan combat legion fights for the Emperor of Heaven and clears all obstacles for the Emperor of Heaven! The Witch Clan Legion, attack!"

"For the Emperor of Heaven, death is not a pity!"

"For the Emperor of Heaven, death is not a pity!"

"For the Emperor of Heaven, death is not a pity! Demon

Saint Bai Ze also followed the order and said,

"The demon clan combat legion fights for the Emperor of Heaven and clears all obstacles for the Emperor of Heaven! The demon army, attack!"

"For the Emperor of Heaven, death is not a pity!"

"For the Emperor of Heaven, death is not a pity!"

"For the Emperor of Heaven, death is not a pity! Tianfeng ordered loudly in her clear voice,

"The Phoenix Clan combat legion fights for the Emperor of Heaven and clears all obstacles for the Emperor of Heaven! Phoenix Legion, attack!"

"For the Emperor of Heaven, death is not a pity!"

"For the Emperor of Heaven, death is not a pity!"

"For the Emperor of Heaven, death is not a pity!"

Subsequently, the Rakshasa tribe in Styx, Zhen Yuanzi's Earth Immortal Mansion, and the Dragon tribe controlled by Xi He all ordered their armies to start attacking. The six major combat legions attacked in four directions this time, with the Wu tribe attacking in the east and the demon tribe attacking In the south, the Rakshasa tribe attacks the north, the Earth Immortal Palace attacks the west, the Dragon tribe is responsible for attacking the sea, and the Phoenix tribe is responsible for attacking the sky.

For up to a month, the Xuantian realm must submit to the Mero Heavenly Court, and those who do not submit will be killed.

Xuantian realm In the domain, all the flying creatures and gods understand that the Mero Heavenly Court outside the domain is going to attack the Yin and Yang realm, and those who do not surrender will be killed. Ordinary creatures don't care about this. These are the wars of the gods, and ordinary creatures are participating. Impossible.

The gods in the Xuantian Realm are in trouble. They have no chance of winning against the army of Mero Heaven. However, after surrendering, they are worried that they will be treated like slaves. At this moment,


Chen did not care about Mei Luo. Luo Tianting's dispatch of the army would not be any obstacle to the elite soldiers and generals of the Witch Clan and Demon Clan in a small realm.

Su Chen thought of Gaia's matter, that old man Hongjun Why did Zamao have to kill Gaia? He hasn't thought about it clearly yet.

"System, why did Hongjun want to kill Gaia at all costs? do you know?"

"Ding, host, Gaia is the only saint left in the Western God Realm. If Gaia joins the Prehistoric Immortal Realm, the Prehistoric Heavenly Dao will be able to obtain the complete Western God Realm, and the Prehistoric Immortal Realm will have the possibility of reaching the super realm."

"At that time, Hongjun will lose its effectiveness and will even be treated as a moth and killed by Heaven."

Su Chen was still a little puzzled after hearing the system's words.

Why would the prehistoric Heavenly Dao get the complete realm if it gets the last saint of the Western God Realm? Does it mean that the last saint represents the final luck in a realm?

Su Chen shook his head and didn't think about these things.

He thought that the prehistoric heaven had already expelled Hongjun. Could it be that the prehistoric heaven was complete?

"System, this is wrong. Didn’t the prehistoric Heavenly Dao expel Hongjun? Has the ancient way of heaven been completed?"

"Ding, no, the prehistoric heaven is forced to do this. Hongjun is too selfish, which has seriously affected the development of the prehistoric immortal world. Even if the prehistoric heaven is incomplete, it will expel Hongjun, otherwise the prehistoric immortal world will definitely go to death."

Su Chen nodded when he heard the system's words.

This may be the best explanation.

Su Chen thought that after the journey to the west, the gods in the prehistoric fairy world seemed to slowly disappear. This may be that the gods in the prehistoric fairy world were not destroyed. Killing means escaping from the dead world of immortality.

"System, use the realm detector. I want to know what realms are around the Xuantian realm."

"Ding, host, there are only two low-level realms around the Xuantian realm, the realm of light and the realm of darkness."

"The way of heaven is the fifth heaven realm of saints"

"There are three saints in the Realm of Light, one saint in the second heaven of the saint realm, and two saints in the first heaven of the saint realm."

"There are two saints in the Realm of Darkness, one is at the second level of the Saint Realm, and the other is at the first level of the Saint Realm."

I'll go!

The system had a seizure today?

How could the system tell me this so readily?

Could it be that the system chick hacked me too badly last time and is trying to make up for it this time?

Su Chen was very surprised when he heard what the system said. Before Chen used his boundary detector, the system told him this information.

What happened to the system girl?

Su Chen was confused and asked,"System, why are you so kind to tell me this this time?""

"Ding, host, the source of heaven you owe me must be fulfilled as soon as possible. The system tells the host this because it wants you to seize the source of heaven as soon as possible."

Damn it!

I thought that the system's conscience was still intact, what's wrong with him, but the system actually wanted him to pay off his debts.

Su Chen had a dark face and didn't want to talk to the system girl.

It's so abominable, it's a waste of his feelings.

Su Chen rubbed it He rubbed his forehead and said to himself,

"In the realm of light and the realm of darkness, the way of heaven is the fifth heaven of saints. There are five saints in total, two saints are on the second level, and three saints are on the first level. The saints are easy to deal with, but what about the way of heaven? The Heavenly Way of the Saint’s Fifth Heaven may not be easy to deal with."

Su Chen thought that the most powerful Nuwa around him was the fourth heaven of the saint, and the empress Nuwa could not be the opponent of the fifth heaven of the saint.

Do they want to fight against the heaven in a group?

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