【There are two thousand chapters. Brothers, if there are flowers, please throw them in if you have a monthly ticket. Hehehehe! Of course you can also give a reward at will! 】

Su Chen did not want the four female saints Yin Ji to participate this time. The four Yin Ji girls had no desire to fight at all. Even after the war started, the four girls would probably not be able to work hard.

I'm afraid it won't work to deal with the Realm of Darkness this time, but Su Chen can do something dirty.

In the Realm of Light,

Su Chen plans to take down the three saints, Nuwa and Gaia in the Realm of Light first to deal with the Realm of Light. The saints in the realm should be a piece of cake. After taking control of the three saints in the realm of light, he will have three more cannon fodder in his hands, which will make it much easier to deal with the saints in the realm of darkness.

As for how to deal with Tiandao,

Su Chen could only make plans at that time, otherwise he would force those cannon fodder to die.

Nuwa and Gaia nodded when they heard Su Chen's words.

Ziyun and Yinji looked at Su Chen in disbelief.

The six of them might not be able to take down the Realm of Darkness. Su Chen actually brought Nuwa and Gai with him.

Is it possible for Ya to destroy the Heavenly Dao and Saints in the Realm of Darkness ?

"You are looking for death!"

Yin Ji glared at Su Chen and shouted angrily.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would do something so outrageous. The lives of the four girls are still in the hands of this bastard. If this bastard is killed, they will not be able to survive.

Su Chen glanced at Yin Ji and scolded,"It's none of your business, Yin Ji, you have to pay attention to your identity. If you dare to talk to me like this again, I will imprison you in the black tower again.""

Yin Ji shouted angrily when she heard Su Chen's words,"You are a little golden immortal, and you are leading two saints to destroy a realm. Aren't you looking for death?"

"Don't worry, even if you die, this Emperor will not die."


Yin Ji was helpless with this bastard.

A dignified saint actually fell into the hands of a little golden immortal. Yin Ji felt that in the future, she would probably have to worry about this bastard being killed every day. The three Ziyun girls looked towards Su Chen was also very helpless, but they had no choice. Su Chen controlled their destiny. Besides, Su Chen also had two powerful saints beside him. Even if they regained their freedom, they would probably be suppressed by Nuwa and Gaia.

"Let's go!"

After Su Chen looked at the four Ziyun girls, he waved to Nuwa and Gaia.

He wanted to make a quick decision this time.

If he could get the source of heaven this time, Nuwa and Gaia could both improve. Take a look at your strength.

Four hundred years from now, there will be a territorial war in the Great Desolate Immortal Realm. The extraterritorial demons are a big threat. Although

Su Chen will not save the Great Desolate Immortal Realm, but the Western God Realm and the Prehistoric Immortal Realm are connected, Su Chen is also worried that the extraterritorial demons will Launching a war against the Western God Realm.

Empress Nuwa and Gaia took Su Chen and disappeared into the Palace of Heavenly Emperor.

When Yinji and Ziyun saw Su Chen leaving with Nuwa and Gaia, they all remained silent. Standing in the main hall,

Lingxi lowered his head and thought for a moment, then looked at the other three women and said,

"Have you noticed that Su Chen didn't trust us just now?"

"Ever since the four of us refused to invade the Dark Realm, he has been frowning. Su Chen did not force us to go this time. He may also be worried that we will not work hard."

"And haven't you noticed?"

"When Su Chen said he wanted to invade the Realm of Darkness, neither Nuwa nor Gaia had any objection. Even after there was no need for us to go, Nuwa and Gaia did not refuse to go to the Realm of Darkness because the four of us were missing."

Yin Ji shook her head and said,

"Lingxi, we have discovered what you said, but this is a death mission. Do you think Su Chen, Nuwa, and Gaia can destroy the Heavenly Dao in the Dark Realm?"

Ling Xi explained with a serious face,

"I feel like I can"

"Nuwa and Gaia can trust Su Chen, which shows that Su Chen, the little golden fairy, is extraordinary."

"Yin Ji, have you three ever thought about it, if Su Chen was incapable, would Nuwa and Gaia trust Su Chen without hesitation? Will those powerful quasi-sages follow Su Chen?"

When the three Ziyun girls heard Lingxi's words, they were all very surprised.

Lingxi was right.

If Su Chen didn't have any ability, how could he become the Emperor of Heaven in the Merlot Heavenly Court

? It is impossible for the saints to follow Su Chen, as well as Nuwa and Gaia.

Their blind trust in Su Chen must mean that they believe that Su Chen will succeed. Even when they were with Su Chen, Su Chen always never failed

"Alas, I feel like I missed something this time."

Zi Yun frowned and looked at the other three women.

She had a bad premonition. Although she didn't expect her life to be in danger this time, she felt as if she had missed an opportunity, and they might even be given up by Su Chen in the future.

"Just wait and see!"

Luluo shook her head and disappeared.

It's too late for them to say anything now. They should let time prove everything. Su Chen can come back victorious with the two saints, which shows that Su Chen is really underestimated by them.

Yin Ji and the others looked at each other and disappeared.

Now they can only wait for the news.

Four months later!

Outside the Realm of Light,

Su Chen was quickly rushed to the Realm of Light by Nuwa and Gaia.

Nuwa saw He asked the Realm of Light in front of him doubtfully,"Su Chen, aren't we going to deal with the Realm of Darkness? How did we come to the realm of light?"

Su Chen smiled and said,

"Nuwa, we need some cannon fodder saints. There are three saints in the Light Realm. If we capture them alive, they will be good cannon fodder to deal with the Heavenly Dao in the Dark Realm."

Gaia smiled when she heard Su Chen's words and said,"Haha, you are so big-hearted, you actually used a saint as cannon fodder."

Su Chen said helplessly to Gaia and Nuwa,

"I have no choice. The four girls of Yin Ji are not willing to fight at all. Even if I force them to come, they may not be able to do their job. We might as well seize some cannon fodder to deal with Tiandao."

Su Chen also planned to give up on the four daughters of Yin Ji.

If Queen Mother Xi and Xi He can advance to sainthood, Su Chen will let the four daughters of Yin Ji go free. The four daughters of Yin Ji are not of the same mind as them. If they stay here forcefully, it will be a hidden danger..

Empress Nuwa nodded and agreed,

"That's right. Su Chen and Yin Ji have just joined us. Don't expect them to be of the same mind as us. Time will change everything."

"Okay, let's start working. I will set up a space barrier here. Nuwa, you and Gaia will hide here. I will go to the realm of light to lure a saint. When the time comes, you will quickly take down the one who was lured here. saint.

Gaia asked Su Chen worriedly,"Can you do it?" The saint is very powerful. Can you escape?"

Su Chen patted his chest and said nonchalantly,

"I was able to escape from the hands of a saint below the third level of the holy realm for a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, I would have been caught either by being killed by the saint. This place is very close to the realm of light. I only need ten breaths to escape. Come here, don't worry."

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