After Su Chen explained to Nuwa and Gaia, he quickly flew towards the Realm of Light.

There was no evil energy of Chaos outside the Realm of Light, and Su Chen didn't have to worry about being annihilated by the evil energy of Chaos.

When Gaia saw Su Chen leaving, she looked at the Nuwa Empress beside her and asked,

"Nuwa, can Su Chen attract the saint from the Realm of Light? Nuwa smiled and replied,

"It must be possible. That little bastard's ability to stir up trouble is very powerful. When the saints in the Realm of Light meet Su Chen, they will definitely be so angry with Su Chen that they want to kill that little bastard."

"Well, Su Chen's ability to cause trouble is very powerful."

Gaia nodded when she heard Nuwa's words.

She also saw Su Chen's ability to cause trouble more than once, especially outside the realm of the ancient immortal world. Su Chen even dared to scold the ancient heaven. That bastard was indeed lawless. At this moment,

Su Chen also came outside the barrier of the Realm of Light.

Su Chen looked around and found that there were no saints to stop him from entering the Realm of Light.

Why were there no saints to stop him?

Are all the saints sleeping? What about the way of heaven ? ?

How could the Heavenly Dao of the Realm of Light not stop me?

Let me go!

The three powerful saints and the Heavenly Dao of the Light Realm, wouldn’t they see that I was a little scumbag of a golden immortal and be too lazy to take care of me, right?

Damn it!

Are you being ignored?

Su Chen looked around depressedly.

If the saints from the Realm of Light didn't come out to stop him, he wouldn't be able to trap those saints.

Su Chen thought about it and asked the Realm of Light. Jieyu shouted,

"Saints of the Realm of Light, are you all cowards? If you don't come out, I will break into the realm of light."

After Su Chen scolded, he looked around vigilantly. He didn't want to be caught by the saint who suddenly appeared.

After a while, there was still no saint outside the Realm of Light.

This made Su Chen confused. Who in the Realm of Light Do the saints not care when they are scolded?

"world of light.......I'll do it!"


Su Chen was about to continue scolding the saint in the Realm of Light, but a giant ax suddenly appeared and struck Su Chen quickly. Su Chen immediately teleported away from the place. At this time, a burly man A big man appeared not far from Su Chen.

He looked at Su Chen and shouted mockingly,

"Little scumbag, you dare to run wild in the realm of light. It seems that you are impatient."

"Who are you?"

Su Chen was confused when he saw a Daluo Jinxian appearing.

Damn, he was talking about a saint just now.

Why did a Daluo Jinxian come over?

"Little scumbag, let me make it clear to you that I am Coleman, the disciple of the Overlord Sage."

"Tyrant Saint?"

Su Chen understood after hearing what this big man said.

The saint in the Realm of Light probably didn't bother to take action against him, so he sent a disciple to kill him.

Coleman raised his big ax and was about to kill him. Su Chen said,"Yes, little scumbag, go to hell!""


When Su Chen saw that Coleman was about to take action, he hurriedly took out the Chaos Clock, a Da Luo Jinxian.

It was very simple for him to die in the dark. The power of the innate treasure was not something that a Da Luo Jinxian could withstand.

Cole Man shouted to Su Chen arrogantly,"Do you have any last words? Little scumbag!"

"Look, the handkerchief!"


"Chaos Bell, suppress it!"

Su Chen saw Coleman looking up at the sky in confusion.

He hurriedly activated the Chaos Clock and attacked, bang!


"No! Damn it, you sly little......"

Coleman didn't expect that Su Chen would sneak attack him, and even used a powerful spirit treasure to sneak attack him. Coleman's body was instantly shattered by Chaos Bell Town.

"Space prison!"

Su Chen saw that Coleman's soul was about to escape, and he hurriedly used the law of space to imprison Coleman's soul.

In less than three breaths,

Su Chen killed a Daluo Jinxian.

This was also his first time. He killed a Daluo Jinxian for the first time.

Su Chen checked Coleman's soul in the space prison, and he mocked disdainfully,

"Scumbag? Have you ever seen such a powerful scumbag? Big idiot!"

Boom boom.......

I'll do it!

That tyrant saint has arrived?

At this time, outside the Realm of Light, a powerful aura enveloped the area.

"Little scumbag, let go of my disciple’s spirit!"

"Holy shit, Hulk?"

Su Chen was confused when he saw the sudden appearance of the Hulk.

How come this Tyrant Saint is exactly the same as the Hulk?

Damn it!

The Tyrant Saint in the Realm of Light is not the ancestor of the Hulk, right?

The Tyrant Saint heard this Su Chen called him the Hulk, which made him very angry. He was a dignified saint, and this little scumbag actually gave him the nickname Hulk. The

Overlord Saint roared at Su Chen,

"Hulk? Little scumbag, are you laughing at me? Release my disciple's spirit, and then hand over your spiritual treasure. If I'm happy, you can spare your life."

"Aren't you the Hulk? Look, you are green, tall and big. You are obviously the Hulk."

"Want to die? Little scumbag!"

"Little scumbag?"

Su Chen was a little angry when he heard that the Hulk was biting off a scumbag.

These powerful saints are so stinky. What's wrong with him being a scumbag?

Damn it, he

'll let him go when he catches this Hulk. He is good looking

"Release my disciple quickly and hand over the spiritual treasure, otherwise I will make your life worse than death."

Sage Batian looked around and was very confused.

He didn't sense the existence of his disciple's soul.

Batian was a saint, and he didn't find out where Su Chen had hidden his disciple's soul. This made him I also became curious about Su Chen

"Then you have to catch me, bye-bye, big, green, stupid Hulk."

Su Chen gave the Hulk a middle finger and ran away quickly. He was full of hatred and he didn't want to capsize in the gutter.

"Damn you little scumbag, you still want to escape, can you escape?"

Batian Saint was very angry when he heard Su Chen's words.

How many years has it been?

No living being has dared to mock him like this.

This little scum is dead.

He will definitely make this little scum die miserably.


Ba Tian instantly disappeared on the spot to hunt down Su Chen who had escaped.

Su Chen also fled quickly.

The space nodes he arranged along the way disappeared as soon as they were lit up. Su Chen's body disappeared in an instant and appeared hundreds of thousands of miles away.

"Little scumbag, you can't escape me......Holy shit!"

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