Su Chen was stunned when he heard what the system girl said.

He is actually the biggest threat to Tiandao?

Is this a joke?

Although the Heavenly Punishment Lightning Rod works, it can still be done if God wants to destroy the Heavenly Punishment Lightning Rod.

Su Chen looked at Tianpu who started to attack again, and he felt very helpless.

Damn, he just created a lightning rod for Tianpu.

Why is Tiandao so stubborn?

Faced with those powerful saints who refused to kill him,

Heavenly Dao kept pursuing him and killed him. Should Su Chen have to try the punishment from heaven in every realm?

"System, please help me restore the Chaos Clock, otherwise I will be hacked to death."

"Ding, the system can’t do it!"

"Let me tell you, system girl, are you really like this? I am here to work for you. If I am hacked to death, you don’t have to want the origin of heaven."

"Ding, the source of Heavenly Dao will add another 10%."

Su Chen's face turned black when he heard the system girl's words.

He couldn't help but cursed,

"Get lost, system girl, you already want 50% of the source of Heaven's Law, will you die if you leave some of the Source of Heaven's Law for me?"

"I have a big family to feed, do you want those saints to see me eating alone? It's not me who eats alone. I'm taking the blame for you."

"Ding, just do it once, never do it again!"

"One time is not enough, ten times, System Beauty, you restore the Chaos Clock ten times, I will definitely grab the origin of Heavenly Dao this time"

"Ding, you fart ten times, just once, do you want love?"

"Damn you, system beauty, you actually said dirty words."

Su Chen didn't expect that the system girl would say dirty words angrily.

Damn it, the system girl is getting more and more evil.

Su Chen saw cracks in the chaos clock. I'm afraid the system girl really won't increase the number of times.

Su Chen said He shouted hurriedly,

"Just one time, system beauty, recover quickly, otherwise my chaos clock will burst."


At this time, the Chaos Clock suddenly burst out with a burst of golden light.

After a while, the Chaos Clock was completely restored.

Damn, the system girl is really powerful.

The innate treasure said it would be restored as soon as it was restored.

Su Chen looked at the Chaos Clock that was restored as before. , he can persist for most of the day, but how can he persist for another day and a half?

Su Chen looked at Nuwa and the saints and was very helpless.

Those saints were supposed to bear the bombardment of heaven, but now he has become a little scum. After losing the main force, those powerful saints became miscellaneous soldiers.

Outside the realm of darkness, the Heavenly Dao continued to bombard Su Chen, and the saints like Nuwa continued to attack the Eye of Heavenly Dao.

It was so strange that no other saints saw this strange scene. Otherwise, those saints who saw this situation would probably be shocked.

Su Chen was eating flat peaches and looking at the Eye of Heaven in the sky.

The Eye of Heaven seemed to be broken, but he was like this a few days ago. , the defense of the Eye of Heaven is really powerful, seven saints could not destroy the Eye of Heaven for so long.

Dark Moon discovered that that bastard Su Chen was still eating fairy fruit while resisting the thunder punishment sent by Heaven.

Dark Moon immediately With her eyes widened, she thought about the thunder punishment of heaven. Could it be that the thunder was louder than the raindrops? How could a little golden fairy still resist the punishment of heaven leisurely?

"Little scumbag, can you still persist?"


"cannot? Can't you still eat fairy fruits leisurely?"

Su Chen looked at Dark Moon and shouted,

"Dark Moon, how about we switch? You come to resist the bombardment of Heavenly Dao, and I will attack the Eye of Heavenly Dao."

When An Yue heard what Su Chen said, she blushed and didn't want to talk to that shameless bastard.

An Yue also discovered that the power of heaven's punishment was not bad at all. These thunder punishments were all resisted by Su Chen's innate treasure.

"Just dream, heaven's punishment can destroy me in just a few times, but I don't have an innate treasure to withstand the punishment."

Su Chen took a bite of the flat peach and said angrily,

"Then you are still talking nonsense, do you think I am very leisurely? I am a golden immortal, can my magic power support the innate treasure for so long? Now I feel like vomiting after eating fairy fruit to replenish my mana."

An Yue laughed when she heard Su Chen's words and said,

"Haha, you deserve it. Who allowed you, a bastard, to control saints like us? You have done too many bad things, and even Heaven is displeased with you."

Leng Shuang glanced at Su Chen and cursed,

"This is the retribution of heaven for this shameless pervert.

An Yue looked at Leng Shuang and asked in confusion,"Leng Shuang, what on earth did Su Chen do to you?" Why do you keep scolding Su Chen for being shameless? That little scumbag won't fall in love with you, right?"

"Get lost, that little scumbag fucked you"

"Haha, I understand, that little bastard must have threatened you. Let me guess, you won’t be blinded by that little bastard, right?"

"Dark Moon, do you want to die?"


An Yue looked at the cold and angry look.

She felt that her guess was probably correct.

Leng Shuang might not have been seen by Su Chen's little scumbag, and she might have been bullied by Su Chen.


Leng Shuang would not have She hated that little scumbag Su Chen so much.

Nuwa frowned and said loudly,

"Stop talking and speed up the attack. We don’t know how long Su Chen can hold on. We must quickly crush the Eye of Heaven before Su Chen can’t hold on any longer."

The other saints nodded and attacked quickly.

They have not suffered much damage from the battle with the Heavenly Dao in the Dark Realm this time. This is all the help brought to them by Su Chen. If not As long as Su Chen exists, half of the saints like them will be dead or injured by now.

Half a day passed quickly.

Su Chen saw that the Chaos Clock was losing its luster again, and his heart was lifted.

Boom boom boom......

"Space moves!"

"Time pauses!"

"Time goes backwards!"

"Space moves!"

Su Chen immediately activated the Law of Time and the Law of Space to avoid the attack. He could no longer rely on the Chaos Clock to resist divine punishment. If the Chaos Clock was too seriously damaged, he would have no way to restore the Chaos Clock.

There was still one and a half days left.

If Su Chen hid, However, he can only find some scapegoats to help him resist the punishment of heaven.

Boom boom boom.....


Su Chen was killed hundreds of miles away by the divine punishment. His whole body was covered in black, and he even kept coughing and vomiting blood.

Damn it,

I can’t stand it anymore, who can I find to be the scapegoat?


Saint Yuan Ancestor?


Dark moon?


"Little scumbag, I didn’t expect you to vomit blood."

Leng Shuang saw Su Chen constantly vomiting blood after being chopped, and she felt a little happy.

Although Leng Shuang was worried that Su Chen would be punished by heaven, she thought of this little scumbag's trick. Duan, Su Chen couldn't be hacked to death so easily.

When Su Chen heard Leng Shuang's words, he looked at Leng Shuang and muttered to himself maliciously,

"Hehe, Leng Shuang, it's you this time, don't blame me, who told you to hit the muzzle of the gun, two thunder disasters! If you can withstand two thunder tribulations, I will replace you with someone else."

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