After Su Chen selected Leng Shuang, he quickly moved towards Leng Shuang. It was no wonder that Leng Shuang was unlucky because she hit the muzzle of a gun at this time.


After a few breaths,

Su Chen suddenly appeared next to the cold beauty,

"What are you doing here? Get out of here!"

Leng Shuang suddenly noticed Su Chen's arrival, and her expression changed.

This little scumbag actually arrived with Heaven's Punishment. Damn it, is this person going to take revenge on her for ridiculing him just now?

"Leng Shuang, don't think about escaping, I will leave after resisting two thunder tribulations!"

Su Chen's face changed when he saw Leng Shuang.

He was also worried that Leng Shuang would leave suddenly. Beauty Leng Shuang is a saint after all. Su Chen couldn't stop Beauty Leng Shuang from escaping. He could only threaten Leng Shuang but not Leave.

Leng Shuang shouted angrily when she heard Su Chen's words,

"Shameless, you bastard, I am attacking the Eye of Heaven right now. I have no time to resist the Heaven Punishment and Thunder Tribulation. Please leave me quickly."

"Hehe, Leng Shuang, I need to take a rest. The thunder tribulation of heaven is coming. You should find a way to resist it."

"Bastard, you damn little bastard!"

Leng Shuang wished she could kill this little bastard now.

She saw that the thunder and punishment from heaven was about to strike.

Leng Shuang hurriedly used her spirit treasure to prepare to resist the thunder and punishment from heaven. It was impossible for her to escape from Su Chen now. , she couldn't ignore the threat of this little scumbag.

When the saints around saw Su Chen actually pulling Leng Shuang to resist the punishment of heaven, the faces of the saints like Dark Moon became weird. Leng Shuang had just mocked Su Chen, and Su Chen actually Pulling Leng Shuang together to resist the thunder and punishment of heaven, they looked at Su Chen with black lines on his head.

Boom boom boom.......

The Heavenly Thunder Punishment quickly hit Su Chen and Leng Shuang.

This Heavenly Thunder Punishment was much weaker than before, but even this powerful Heavenly Thunder Punishment was not something Su Chen and Leng Shuang could withstand. puff!

Leng Shuang was hit by the Heavenly Thunder Punishment and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Leng Shuang did not expect that the Heavenly Thunder Punishment would still be so powerful after it weakened. She, a saint, could not withstand the Heavenly Dao Thunder Punishment. How did this little scumbag persist until now?

Su Chen saw Leng Shuang vomiting blood after being punished by the thunder from heaven.

He hid behind Leng Shuang and shouted,"Come on, beauty Leng Shuang, there is another thunder disaster, you must resist it.""

"Shut up!"

After Leng Shuang glared at Su Chen coldly, she hurriedly prepared to deal with the next thunder punishment.

Leng Shuang has no time to deal with this bastard now. The thunder tribulation of heaven is still too powerful. Without a powerful spiritual treasure, even a saint might not be able to deal with it. Can't withstand ten thunder punishments from heaven.

Boom boom boom boom......

"Look, the Eye of Heaven is about to be broken."

At this time,

Nuwa suddenly shouted to everyone.

In the sky, some parts of the Eye of Heaven have collapsed, and the cracks are getting bigger and bigger.

I am afraid that the Eye of Heaven will be destroyed by attacks soon.

Other saints looked at After seeing the situation of the eyes of heaven, they all had smiles on their faces.

They were finally going to destroy the heaven in the dark realm. These saints did not expect that one day they would destroy the heaven in a realm, or even a holy realm. The Heavenly Way of the Fifth Heaven.

Dark Moon and Mingtian looked at the Heavenly Way that was about to be destroyed.

They were in a daze.

This was their realm.

Two saints in the Dark Realm actually destroyed their own realm.

Su Chen did not expect that the Heavenly Way in the Dark Realm would begin to collapse.

This was good news.

As long as he persisted a little longer, the Heavenly Way in the Dark Realm would be completely shattered. Boom boom boom......

The thunder punishment of heaven began to fall again, this time it was weaker than the last thunder tribulation, and the heaven's way in the dark realm was at the end of the road.

Puff puff!

Leng Shuang was struck by the thunder and punishment and vomited several more mouthfuls of blood.

Su Chen looked at the blood stains on Leng Shuang's dress and shook his head and said,

"Leng Shuang, you are such a dish"

"Get out of here!"

Leng Shuang cursed Su Chen indifferently, this shameless bastard, what she has in her hand is only a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. If Leng Shuang had an innate treasure, would she be vomiting blood when she was killed by the thunder tribulation of heaven?

"Frosty Beauty, should I go find Dark Moon?"


"Don’t you have a grudge against Dark Moon? You have withstood two thunder tribulations, but An Yue is watching your joke. Do you want An Yue to also have a taste of heaven's thunder punishment?"

Leng Shuang's eyes lit up when she heard Su Chen's words.

"Go quickly, you go to find Dark Moon. You must let Dark Moon resist the two heavenly thunder punishments."

Su Chen smiled when he heard Leng Shuang's words.

He was just waiting for these words.

Beauty Dark Moon, this is Beauty Leng Shuang who wants you to taste the thunder punishment of heaven.

After hearing Su Chen and Leng Shuang's conversation, Dark Moon , she cursed with a livid face,

"Don't come here, damn it, Leng Shuang, you little bitch, I will never let you go in the future."

Leng Shuang heard An Yue yelling angrily, but she didn't care.

Leng Shuang didn't want An Yue to keep laughing at her.

She had just resisted the thunder punishment of heaven and was killed by vomiting blood. Leng Shuang wanted An Yue to come too. Taste the taste of thunder and punishment from heaven.


Su Chen quickly appeared next to An Yue and said with a smile,

"Dark Moon Beauty, don’t blame me, Leng Shuang wants you to share the joys and sorrows with her."

"You are a shameless bastard."

An Yue stared at Su Chen and wanted to leave.

She didn't want to be vomited blood by the thunder punishment of the Heavenly Dao. The Heavenly Dao in the Dark Realm was about to end, and An Yue didn't want to get hurt at this time.

Su Chen saw Leng Shuang about to move. When he reached Gaia next to him, he hurriedly hugged Dark Moon's tempting waist and threatened,"Don't even think about escaping. If you dare to escape, I will imprison you in the black tower.""

"Shameless, let me go!"

"Dark Moon, your waist is really soft"

"Damn little scumbag."

An Yue glared fiercely and prepared to withstand the thunder punishment of heaven.

She can't beat or kill this little scumbag now. A powerful saint in Anyue's hall, she can't do anything to this little scumbag. This makes An Yue feel like Very helpless.

Boom boom boom.....


"The way of heaven is about to be destroyed!"


After a loud noise, the Eye of Heaven in the Realm of Darkness was completely shattered, and the Heaven in the fifth level of the Holy Realm was wiped out.

Dark Moon saw Su Chen lying on her body, and even this little bastard... Constantly moving around.

This made her yell in shame,"Shameless bastard, get off of me!""

"Sauri! Sauri! I was so shocked just now that I fell on top of you, Dark Moon. I didn’t expect that your figure is really impressive."

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