Outside the teleportation array, the three people who sneaked in were Su Yan, Su Yue, and Elena. This time, the three sisters were secretly going to the wild realm to find the ruthless empress, the aunt of the three girls.

Elena was coerced by Su Yan and Su Yue to flee, and she didn't want to do these things secretly.

But Su Yan and Su Yue didn't give Elena time to react, and suppressed Elena if she didn't agree.

Elena had no choice but to flee with the two daring sisters.

"Sister, please don’t call me mistress, okay?"

Elena was very speechless when she heard Su Yan call her Xiaosan again.

Although Elena ranks third in the family, can a girl be called Xiaosan?

And she is even better than Su Yan and Su Yue. As she was older, a little girl called her mistress, and Elena felt very helpless when she thought about it.

Su Yan nodded with a smile and replied,

"Okay mistress!"


Su Yue laughed when she looked at the depressed Elena.

Since Su Yue came to the fairy world, she felt that the fairy world was more interesting than in the Tianxuan Continent or even the Shenyu Continent.

Moreover, she also met a younger sister, a biological sister who was older than her. Su Yue had been very happy playing with her two sisters in the past few months.

Su Yan patted Su Yue's little head and whispered,

"Virtual! Let's leave quickly. The spiritual treasure I control won't be able to confuse the guards here for long."

Su Yue and Elena nodded hurriedly.

They followed Su Yan and quickly headed towards the teleportation array.

Above the Merlot Heavenly Court, Guanyin

Bodhisattva and Wudang Madonna looked at Su Yan and the others as they were about to leave. They both shook their heads. He didn't stop him, and even pretended that the powerful spiritual guards around him didn't notice.

Guanyin Bodhisattva saw that Su Yan and the three girls were about to activate the teleportation array.

She looked at Wudang Holy Mother and asked,

"Do you really want the three of them to leave?"

Our Lady of Wudang nodded and replied,

"Let them leave. These three girls can't stay idle at all. Jing Sala and Yan Fei have both gone into seclusion. Without them, no one in Merlo Heavenly Court can control these three girls. Guanyin

Bodhisattva asked worriedly,"The wilderness is very chaotic. Will it be dangerous for Su Yan and the others to go?""

"Guanyin, the Queen Mother has sent a team of Golden Immortal Realm guards, and even two powerful Daluo Golden Immortals. Nothing will happen to them along the way."

"Then let them leave."

Guanyin Bodhisattva was relieved when she heard the words of Wudang Holy Mother.

In the wild world,

Daluo Jinxian is already very powerful.

As long as those immortal emperors (quasi-sages) don't take action in the wild world, no one in the wild world can do it. Threat to Su Yan's three daughters, even if those immortal emperors meet Su Yan's three daughters, as long as they see the spiritual treasure in Su Yan's hands, those immortal emperors will not dare to take action against Su Yan's three daughters.


Su Chen's My younger sister, the Ruthless Empress, is in the wild realm. She is a quasi-holy power and the ruler of the Savage South Ridge. There is no way that the Ruthless Empress will let anything happen to Su Yan and the three girls. At this time, a white light burst out from the teleportation array. ,

Su Yan and the three girls Su Yue also disappeared from the teleportation array. In the starry sky of Xuantian Realm, four saints, Yin Ji and Zi Yun, were moving some stars. They were invited by Chang Xi and Chang'e to help,

Zhou Tianxing The large formation requires 365 stars, as well as the two main stars of the Lunar Star and the Sun Star. This year, Chang Xi and Chang'e have been looking for suitable stars.

"It has been almost a year, do you think Su Chen and Nu Wa can succeed?"

"I don't know, but I guess they won't be able to succeed."

"Not necessarily, Nuwa is very powerful, and Gaia is not weak either. If that little bastard can figure out a way to deal with Heaven, they might be able to succeed."

"This is impossible. Tiandao exists in the fifth level of the Holy Realm. Nuwa and Gaia cannot defeat Tiandao. Su Chen is just a little scumbag. He may not even be able to get close to Tiandao."


Yin Ji, Zi Yun, Ling Xi, and Lu Luo were moving the stars while talking about Su Chen and Nu Wa. The four girls felt that it had been almost a year, and

Su Chen and Nu Wa should also come back. They I wonder if Su Chen and the others can successfully destroy the Heavenly Dao.

Outside the Xuantian Realm, saints such as Su Chen and Nuwa also came to the Xuantian Realm.

Su Chen looked at this realm that belonged to him, and he felt a little proud in his heart.

From the comprehensive martial arts From the world of cultivation to the Immortal Realm, to the prehistoric Immortal Realm, and finally to the Xuantian Realm, he only used a short period of time to achieve such an achievement. It is incredible for Su Chen to think about it now.

"Is this your realm?"

Leng Shuang was very surprised when he looked at Xuantian Realm.

This is a dead realm.

Leng Shuang didn't perceive the existence of the way of heaven at all. Could it be that the way of heaven in Su Chen's realm was also wiped out by other saints?


Su Chen nodded and replied.

He looked at the Xuantian Realm and thought, it has been almost a year since they left, and it is not known how the Xuantian Realm is developing now.

Dark Moon looked at the Xuantian Realm and thought He said in surprise,"Your realm is also a realm of death?"

"We destroyed the Heavenly Dao in the realm and took away the origin of Heavenly Dao."

"What? You actually destroyed your own realm of heaven?"

Leng Shuang was very surprised when he looked at Su Chen.

This bastard actually destroyed the way of heaven in his own realm. Is this little scumbag an idiot?

Without the way of heaven in the realm, the entire realm will die, or even die. It has completely become a mortal world without gods.

Saints such as Dark Moon and Hulk looked at Su Chen in disbelief.

This bastard actually destroyed the heaven in his own realm?

Is this little scumbag really crazy?

Saints like them have no hope for the future.

A dead realm has no aura.

How will saints like them practice in the future? It will even be impossible to replenish their mana.

Su Chen shrugged with disdain. Said,"What's this, you're making such a fuss."

Leng Shuang shouted angrily,

"You bastard, without the way of heaven, the realm will become a dead realm, and the spiritual energy in the realm will dissipate soon. How do you want the gods to practice in the future?"

"You will know later!"

"Someone is coming, eh? Or four saints? There are actually four saints in your realm?"


An Yue sensed the arrival of a powerful aura, and it was the aura of four powerful saints.

This made An Yue look at Su Chen and was very surprised.

How could there be so many saints in a low-level realm? These saints were related to each other. What's the deal with this bastard?

"Don't worry, we are one of our own!"

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