Su Chen smiled when he heard An Yue's words.

The four women coming this time should be Zi Yun.

The four female saints Zi Yun and Yin Ji did a good job this time.

They have just arrived outside Xuantian Realm. Zi Yun and Four The girl discovered them and was even able to come over quickly to intercept them. They already regarded the Xuantian Realm as their own.

An Yue heard Su Chen's words and said doubtfully,

"One of our own? These four saints are also saints in the Xuantian realm? Are they also taking orders from you?"


Su Chen nodded and replied, the four Ziyun girls must obey his orders.

Su Chen originally wanted to let the four Ziyun girls go, but the performance of the four Ziyun girls this time made him very satisfied.

He planned to give the four Ziyun girls another chance.

If they could grasp it, he would accept them, and

Su Chen might return their souls to them in the future.

Leng Shuang looked at Su Chen and asked in surprise ,

"How can this be? The Xuantian Realm is just a low-level realm. How come there are six great saints in this realm?"

Su Chen looked at Leng Shuang and Dark Moon strangely and said,"The four saints are the same as you."

Leng Shuang was confused when she heard Su Chen's words.

Was she the same as them?

Could it be that the four coming saints were also controlled by this bastard?

Zi Yun was surprised and asked Su Chen,"You......You actually control other saints?"


Leng Shuang, Dark Moon, and even the Hulk were very speechless.

They originally thought that the five of them were controlled by Su Chen, but now it seems that they were wrong. There were actually four more people in this realm. The saint controlled by this little scumbag.

This little scumbag of the Golden Immortal is so unbelievable.

"Su Chen, Nuwa, Gaia, you are all back. Who are these saints?"

At this time, the four girls Ziyun also appeared in front of Su Chen.

After they saw that it was Su Chen and Nuwa, the four girls Ziyun were relieved.

The four girls Ziyun had just sensed the arrival of seven saints. This time But it scared them.

However, they thought that Xuantian Realm was a dead realm on the outside. Even if saints from other realms discovered Xuantian Realm, they would not know anything about a dead realm, and Xuantian Realm would not be possible. When the seven saints arrived, they thought for a while and came over to take a look.

Su Chen nodded to the four girls Ziyun and said,

"Zi Yun, these saints are just like you. You can help them get familiar with the Xuantian Realm. We will go back to the Melo Heavenly Court first."


Zi Yun nodded and replied after hearing Su Chen's words.

Zi Yun looked at the five cold frosts in surprise.

Are they the same as the four girls?

These five saints may also be controlled by Su Chen, right?

Su Chen and the girls Wa and Gaia quickly disappeared here.

Outside the Xuantian Realm, the saints Leng Shuang and An Yue looked at the four girls Ziyun, and the four girls Ziyun also looked at the saints Leng Shuang.

"I have met fellow Taoists, my name is Ziyun, this is Lingxi, Luluo, and Yinji"

"Leng Shuang has met fellow Taoists. Next to me are Dark Moon, Saint Yuan Ancestor, Ming Tian, ​​and Hulk."

Zi Yun and Leng Shuang introduced each other, and then they started talking to each other. The saints here are all controlled by Su Chen, and they can be regarded as sharing the same fate. After

Mero Heavenly Court,

Su Chen and Nuwa came back , after he learned about the Xuantian Realm this year,

Su Chen was very satisfied.

The Xuantian Realm had been completely controlled, many stars had been rearranged in the starry sky, and the innate aura of Merlot Heaven had also improved. The spiritual energy in the Xuantian Realm will become more intense again in hundreds of years.

In the main hall, after Su Chen and the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother talked to each other for a while,

Our Lady of Wudang looked at Su Chen and said,

"Su Chen, there is another thing. Su Yan, Su Yue, and Elena secretly went to the wild realm."

Su Chen was surprised when he heard Wudang Madonna's words,"What? Those three little girls actually went to the wild realm?"

"Yes, Su Chen, you don't have to worry. We have sent people to protect Su Yan and the three of them, so nothing will happen to them."

Su Chen is helpless towards his three daughters.

This girl Su Yan must be the one taking the lead this time. Su Yue and Elena may not agree even if they don't agree.

Forget it!

There is a ruthless empress in the wild world.

It is impossible for Su Yan's three little girls to get into trouble.

Su Chen nodded and said,"Don't worry about those three careless little girls. You should prepare yourself. I will revive the Heavenly Dao in Xuantian Realm in advance.""

"What? Can you revive the Heavenly Dao in Xuantian Realm in advance?"

Nu Wa was very surprised when she heard Su Chen's words.

Resurrecting the way of heaven in advance?

A saint like Nu Wa can't do it. Does Su Chen, a little golden fairy, have this ability?

The other girls heard Su Chen's words He was also very shocked.

Not long after the Heavenly Dao in the Xuantian Realm was destroyed, it would probably take tens of thousands of years to regenerate the Heavenly Dao in the realm. Su Chen was actually able to revive the Heavenly Dao in advance.

Su Chen looked at the girls in surprise.

He couldn't explain it.

No one could know about the system's affairs. Su Chen could only deceive some of these women now.

"Believe me, there is nothing I can't do. The reason why I want to obtain the origin of Heaven's Dao is to revive the Heaven's Dao in Xuantian Realm in advance. With enough Heaven's Dao Origin, Heaven's Dao will be revived in advance.

Nuwa heard Su Chen's words and asked,"Do you have enough of the source of heaven in your hand?""

Nu Wa feels that reviving the Heavenly Dao is a big deal.

If Su Chen can revive the Heavenly Dao in advance, it will be crucial to the development of Xuantian Realm. She thinks of the origin of the Heavenly Dao that Su Chen gave her, and Nuwa is worried about the Heavenly Dao in Su Chen's hands. The origin is insufficient.

Gaia stood up and hurriedly said to Su Chen,

"Yes, Su Chen, it is very important to revive the Heavenly Dao. Do you have enough Heavenly Dao origin? I'll give you back the source of heaven you gave me."


Su Chen smiled and nodded at Nuwa and Gaia.

After the Queen Mother and Guanyin Bodhisattva heard what Su Chen said, they also hoped that Su Chen could revive the way of heaven in advance.

After all, the Xuantian Realm darkened their home and the existence of the way of heaven existed. ,

Xuantian Realm will be much safer.

Su Chen nodded to the girls and disappeared in an instant.

Above the nine heavens of the Xuantian Realm,

Su Chen appeared here. He came here just to show off. Su Tiandao said he was a fool.

He came here to let the system girl revive the way of heaven.

Su Chen communicated with the system chick

"System beauty, ready to work"

"Ding, host, are you going to start reviving the way of heaven?"

"let's start!"

"Ding, the Heavenly Dao of Xuantian Realm is reactivated, the clones separate and start to merge. The Heavenly Dao of Xuantian Realm is reviving, 3%, 10%, 15%, 23%, 30%......"

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