Xuantian Realm, the peaceful Xuantian Realm suddenly shook, and the gods in the entire realm looked to the nine heavens in horror. All the gods wanted to know what Merlot Heavenly Court was going to do.

Xuantian Realm has only been stable for less than a year, and all the gods do not want anything big to happen again.

"What is it? Why is the entire realm shaking?"

"I don’t know, this may be what Merlot Heavenly Court is doing again!"

"I hope nothing big happens again. Last time, the army of gods from Merlo Heaven slaughtered one-tenth of our gods."

"Impossible, all the gods in the Xuantian Realm have surrendered to the Merlot Heavenly Court, and the Merlot Heavenly Court will not massacre us gods anymore."

"That's right, so what exactly happened this time?"

"Let's take a look, we'll probably figure it out in a moment."

At this moment,

Merlot Heavenly Court,

Nuwa and Gaia suddenly appeared above the nine heavens.

Nuwa burst out with a powerful saint's aura and enveloped this realm.

She announced to Xuantian Realm,

"All the creatures in Xuantian Realm, the Emperor of Merlot Heaven is reviving the way of heaven, so you don’t need to panic."

Swish swish swish"......

Nine saints, Leng Shuang and Zi Yun, also appeared in the sky.

They were very surprised when they heard Nuwa's words.

Is Su Chen reviving the way of heaven?

Is this a joke?

A little golden immortal, can he revive the way of heaven?

It's impossible for saints like them to do Taoism together. How could a little scumbag from the Golden Immortal do it?

However, due to the vibration that occurred in the Xuantian Realm, the saints also looked at Su Chen who was above the nine heavens in shock. Could Su Chen really be able to revive the way of heaven?

"My heaven, eleven saints, am I blind?"

"There are eleven saints, and Saint Yin Ji is among them. Is Merlo Heavenly Court so powerful? Eleven saints, I can’t even think of them"

"Haha, we are still wise. Merlot Heavenly Court is too powerful. In addition to the Emperor of Heaven, there are actually eleven saints. Our Xuantian Realm may be the most powerful realm in the future."

"Yes, yes, the Emperor of Heaven is reviving the Heavenly Dao, and our Xuantian Realm will not become a dead realm. The spiritual energy will also be restored in the future. The spiritual energy in our Xuantian Realm will probably become more and more intense."

"With the addition of the Emperor of Heaven and eleven powerful saints, our Xuantian realm will defy heaven!"

The creatures in the Xuantian Realm, and even the gods who took refuge in the Merlot Heavenly Court, first heard the announcement from Nuwa, and then saw the eleven saints appearing. The gods in the Xuantian Realm were shocked. , all the gods were also frightened by the power of Merlot Heavenly Court.

At this moment,

Su Chen closed his eyes and looked at the system's progress bar.

It was already almost 80%, and the system was about to revive the Heavenly Dao in the Xuantian Realm, and even The clones of the system have also begun to integrate into Tiandao.

Su Chen relaxed after seeing this.

Everything is going on perfectly.

Tiandao in the Xuantian realm will be handled by the system in the future. Su Chen is not worried about working for Tiandao in the end. After all, he and the system share the same fate, life and death.

Boom boom boom.......

Above the nine heavens, a white light flashed past, and then the entire Xuantian realm shook violently.

"Ding, the recovery of the Heavenly Dao in the Xuantian Realm is successful, and the system clone is successfully integrated. One year later, the Heavenly Dao controlled by the system will begin to perform the task of protecting the Heavenly Dao."

Su Chen was confused when he heard what the system said.

Damn it, it will take another year for the Heavenly Dao to appear?

Then what is he waiting for here now?

This system girl couldn't do it on purpose, right?

Su Chen originally wanted to take a look at the system With the way of heaven, he also wants to know if a human incarnation will appear in the system.

However, it seems that this time he will not be able to fulfill his wish.

"Recovered? Tiandao has really recovered?"

"Yes, the way of heaven will appear in at most one year. How did Su Chen do it?"

"Heaven's Dao will revive, spiritual energy will reappear, and we don't have to worry that Xuantian Realm will be a dead zone."

"Dead zone? Leng Shuang, you haven’t been to Merlot Heaven yet. There are innate spirits in Merlot Heaven, and they are very rich."

"What? Innate aura? Ziyun, you won't lie to us, right?"

"Will you understand if you come with us to see it?"

"Let's go, let's go to the Merlot Heavenly Palace quickly."

Saints such as Leng Shuang and Zi Yun were very surprised after they felt the existence of Heaven's Dao.

They saints did not expect that Su Chen had really revived Heaven's Dao, and Leng Shuang, the saints who had just arrived, were listening. There is innate spiritual energy in the Mero Heavenly Court, and these saints are impatient to go to the Mero Heavenly Court to see it immediately.

Three years have passed, the Heavenly Dao controlled by the system controls the entire Xuantian Realm, and the spiritual energy in the Xuantian Realm begins to recover.

It is even innate spiritual energy, which makes the gods in Xuantian Realm very excited.

With innate spiritual energy, the cultivation of these gods can be promoted quickly. Innate spiritual energy is much more powerful than acquired spiritual energy.

Mei In Luotian Court, women like the Queen Mother are in retreat. Even the eleven saints like Nuwa are also in retreat. Su Chen is also in retreat at the moment. This time he wants to break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal. In the prehistoric fairyland,

Tang Sanzang’s master and disciple They also arrived at the Lingshan Mountain of Buddhism, and they also successfully completed the mission of fetching scriptures.

However, except for Tang Sanzang who was happy, Sun Wukong and the others did not show happy expressions.

The changes that occurred three years ago, they did not Knowing what to do in the future, there is also a new Emperor in Heaven, an Emperor named Zhang Bairen, no, a Jade Emperor named Zhang Bairen.

A lucky mortal with no strength.

Although the Heaven of the Ancients was re-established, the races of the Ancients did not. A race submits to the Heavenly Court. If there were not a few saints sitting in the New Heavenly Court, some powerful races in the prehistoric era would have destroyed the New Heavenly Court long ago.

After Sun Wukong and the four left the Lingshan Mountain,

Zhu Bajie looked at the other three people and asked,

"Brother Hou, what are we going to do next?"

""I want to go back to Huaguo Mountain,"

Sun Wukong said helplessly as he looked at the Lingshan Mountain.

Now he can only go back to Huaguo Mountain to fight and defeat the Buddha?

This is just a joke.

Even Tathagata Buddha has escaped from the Buddhist Lingshan Mountain. It may also be a big trap in the future.

Sun Wukong doesn’t want to stay in Buddhism and be a thug of Buddhism.

Monk Sha said to Sun Wukong,"Elder brother, I want to go to heaven. The Supreme Master asked me to continue to be the general of rolling curtains."

"Let's come together. I have also been notified. The Tianhe navy is still led by me. I can't shirk the immortal position of Marshal Tianpeng. But are there still heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven?"

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