Su Chen was very confused when he looked at the six treasures.

He wanted to get these treasures, but even if he agreed to pass the 10,000-level ladder trial, Su Chen could only get half of the treasures.

This made Su Chen feel very uncomfortable.

Su Chen thought for a while and shouted with a serious face,"Holy Soul of the Ladder, I want to get all the treasures.""

"This is impossible. Even if I agree, it is impossible for the ladder to give you these reward treasures." Su Chen curled his lips when he heard what Tiandao Holy Soul said. Tiandao Holy Soul probably wants the same benefits as the system. Since he was judged to have succeeded in the trial by Tiandao Ladder, Tiandao Holy Soul must have a way for him to get all the rewards.. Su Chen rubbed his forehead and promised,

"You must have a way, Holy Soul of the Ladder, as long as you can let me get these six treasures, I can promise you that after I advance to the Great Luo Jinxian, I will start climbing the 10,000-level ladder, and I will definitely be able to climb to the first place. Thousands of layers."

Su Chen can't control that much.

Even if the Holy Soul of the Heaven Ladder is a monstrous demon, that will happen in the future.

Su Chen now wants to advance the Xuantian Realm, so that her women and her subordinates can all advance, and everything else will It’s something to consider in the future.

The Holy Soul of the Ladder sighed,

"well! Trialist, you have made it easy for me."

Su Chen smiled and said,"You are the Holy Soul of the Ladder, this will definitely not embarrass you."

"Trialist, there is a way for you to get all the treasures, but you must go through a battle, a battle that seals your cultivation realm."

"What battle?"

Su Chen was a little curious when he heard the words of the Saint Soul of the Ladder.

However, he thought of sealing the realm of cultivation.

I'm afraid this is a battle in a small world.

Seal the realm of cultivation?

This is not the first time.

Su Chen's last time The Tiang Ladder Trial has already led to the siege of Guangmingding. Is this still an ordinary battle in the rivers and lakes?


A picture suddenly appeared in front of Su Chen's eyes.

The Holy Soul of the Tiang Ladder said to Su Chen,

"One of these four battles will be randomly selected, and you will also randomly join one side. You have to help this side win the war, so that all six treasures can be rewarded to you."

Su Chen was very surprised when he saw the battles on the screen.

Damn, if this seals the realm of cultivation, he will die no matter which one of these four battles he participates in. This is not a battle that ordinary people can participate in.

First A picture of the Battle of Tianhe. This was the first battle of Taotie's attack on the earth. Angels, demons, Taotie, and those idiots from Xiongbing Company.

After Su Chen was sealed and cultivated, he would become an ordinary person.

Can he block those god-killing weapons and energy cannons? Su Chen was worried that even an ordinary bullet would kill him. The second screen showed the Battle of Jialing Pass.

Su Chen was very confused when he saw this battle.

Did the Battle of Jialing Pass happen? In the Divine Meteor Continent?

If it happened in the Divine Meteor Continent, the Queen of the Wuhun Empire, Bi Dong'er, knew him, and even Qian Renxue knew him.

After the battle started,

Su Chen could dispatch the black-armored people from the Divine Meteor Continent. Legion comes to help Queen Bi Donger, and then

Su Chen can win.

But his idea may be difficult to realize, and the trial of the ladder will not let him take advantage of it.

The third screen, the battle on top!

This is him Su Chen almost forgot about the plot in One Piece.

The plot seems to be the execution of Ace, the son of the Pirate King, and the battle between Whitebeard and the Marine Corps.

However, it seems that Ace was executed in the end, and so was Whitebeard. He died in that battle.

The fourth scene!

The Battle of Chibi!

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this plot.

This battle should be the simplest battle.

In the Battle of Chibi in the Three Kingdoms plot, there were not many powerful people. Su Chen also knows the development of the plot. No matter which side he joins when the time comes, he can complete the trial with just a few strokes.

Su Chen rubbed his forehead while looking at these four battles. He randomly selected one of these four battles and knew how to do it. Randomly let him join a party. If a party is randomly selected for a destined battle, he is afraid that the trial will be over.

"Holy Soul, if my strength is sealed, I'm afraid I won't be able to complete these four battles. Why don't you leave me some strength?"

"Trialist, this is impossible."

Su Chen thought for a while and said to the Holy Soul of the Ladder,

"Holy Soul, aren't we going to get three more treasures in this trial? I can choose three battles this time. If I succeed in a battle, you can give me a treasure. If I fail in a battle, you can cancel a treasure. How about it?"

Su Chen has no choice.

If this trial fails once, he will lose three treasures at once, which makes him very distressed. Su Chen can only cast a wide net to complete this trial.


After a while, the Holy Soul of the Ladder replied to Su Chen.

Su Chen gritted his teeth and said after looking at the four pictures,

"Then let’s get started!"

"Trialist, you cannot go back on your choice once the battle begins. Do you want to start?"


Then, the four screens began to rotate rapidly.

After a while, a screen appeared in front of Su Chen.

Seeing this screen, the Holy Soul of the Tianglai said,"Trialist, the first battle, the Battle of Tianhe, you join The other side is the earth, and your identity is a black-armored super soldier."

Damn it, his luck is really bad.

The first battle was hell-level.

How could he, an ordinary person, become a black-armored super soldier? Didn't his secrets show up as soon as he trained?

Su Chen was very speechless when he looked at the scene in front of his eyes.

Although the earth won the battle in the end,

Su Chen had to live until the end. If he was killed halfway, the trial would also be judged as a failure.

Su Chen was helpless. He said to the Holy Soul of the Tiandao Ladder,"Holy Soul of the Tiandao Ladder, can I summon my men for help?"

"What do you think?"

"I said okay?"

"No, tester, do you want to start?"

Su Chen heard that Tianlai disagreed.

It was impossible for him to think about it.

Su Chen had several powerful women, including Lan Yincao, Tears of the Goddess Xiao Li, and more, as well as more than a hundred female ghost legions.

If these could be summoned,

Su Chen could really complete the trial while lying down.

"Forget it, die early and be born early, let’s get started!"

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