Small World,


Tianhe City, in a military base,

Su Chen got up from a bed and looked around.

This was a military camp, and the room was full of military items. Su Chen felt helpless after looking at the military uniform he was wearing. Shaking his head,

Su Chen stood up and checked his body and was very speechless.

He was now a powerful ordinary person.

Although Su Chen's physical fitness was stronger than that of some special forces, it was useless.

To those black-armored super warriors,

Su Chen was a weakling.

For this trial mission,

Su Chen had given up hope.

He is afraid that he will be eliminated as soon as he starts training. After being eliminated, he may not even be able to participate in the trial mission.

Forget it, this mission was destined to fail anyway, so Su Chen decided to have fun in this world.

At this time, the door to the room was opened, and a beautiful woman in military uniform walked in,"Colonel Su Chen, where are you going? Training will start soon."

"Lian Feng?"

Lianfeng heard Su Chen's words and corrected him,"Su Chen, you should be called Chief Lianfeng!"

I agree!

It's really Lianfeng, damn, it

's so evil.

Lianfeng's figure is almost explosive. Exquisite face, perfect figure with concave and convex, especially the two big lights in front. Su Chen looks like She couldn't look away.

When Lianfeng saw Su Chen staring at her, she showed an uncomfortable expression and shouted,

"What are you looking at? I haven't even gone to training yet."

Su Chen thought about the memory that the ladder gave him, then he glanced at Lianfeng's headlight again and said,"Sir Lianfeng, I'm asking for leave today. If I want to go out,"

"What to do?"

"drink wine!"

"drink wine?"

Su Chen spread his hands and said helplessly,

"Commander Lianfeng, I am not suitable to stay here. Those people are monsters, and I am a normal person. As for selecting some black-armored super warriors, I quit."

Lianfeng heard Su Chen's words and immediately refused,"No, you are the most physically fit soldier in the army, you cannot quit."

Lianfeng will not let Su Chen leave.

Su Chen is the most physically fit human being she has ever seen on earth. Lianfeng thought that if Su Chen became a super fighter, he might be physically stronger than the Galaxy Force.

"Sorry, I just want to quit. I have other things to do. Goodbye."

Su Chen suddenly touched Lianfeng's face and ran out.


Lianfeng's face is so slippery.

If such a beautiful and sexy woman were to be his wife, I'm afraid she would die within a few years.


Lianfeng saw Su Chen touching her face and running away. She clenched her fists and wanted to catch the soldier and beat him up.

Forget it,

Lianfeng thought about it and prepared to ask Su Chen for a leave first, and wait for that The bastard comes back and takes care of him.

On the training ground, six men and women are training.

They can send sandbags flying with one punch, and they can even make a big hole in the ground when they fight.

"Do you think that pretty boy officer is still here?"

"Come on, we trained yesterday and we should have scared the shit out of him, especially the scene where Xiao Lun was bombarded, that pretty boy turned green on the spot."

"No, we can’t put it this way. Su Chen is a colonel no matter what, and he also has a rapid response army in his hands."

"Xiao Lun, we will be super soldiers in the future, and Su Chen will be a powerful ordinary person at most."

"Forget it, hurry up and train, otherwise Sister Na will teach us a lesson again."

Xin Zhao, Xiao Lun, and Cheng Yaowen, the three of them were discussing Su Chen while training.

They all felt that yesterday's training scared Su Chen so much that he did not dare to come again. It is impossible for an ordinary person to compare with super warriors like them.

After Qiangwei, Qilin, and Reina heard what Xin Zhao said, they also felt that it was impossible for Su Chen to come again.

They would not be injured at all with such training, but Su Chen was just a powerful ordinary person, and he was just like them. If he fell, Su Chen would probably be injured and hospitalized.

Su Chen couldn't compare with them at all.

Reina shook her head and said,

"What a pity for such a handsome young man. Qilin pointed at Xin Zhao and the others and said with a smile,"Aren't there three more here?""

"Those three are all crooked melons and cracked jujubes,"

Qiangwei glanced at Xin Zhao and the others and said disdainfully.

She looked down on these three people very much, but these three people all have powerful genes.

Qiangwei felt that the genes of Xin Zhao and the others could be given to others casually. Su Chen alone, Su Chen would be much stronger than the three of them.

Qilin looked outside the training ground, shook her head and said,

"Forget it, Su Chen may really not come, let’s just train."

"Let’s train!"

At this moment,

Su Chen came to a bar and started drinking.

He had not experienced the atmosphere in the bar for a long time.

Although the world of technological civilization is seriously polluted, the life here is more colorful than in ancient times.

"Handsome guy, let's have a drink together."

At this time, a beautiful woman wearing a windbreaker came to Su Chen and said.

Su Chen refused without looking back,


Su Chen felt very speechless.

He came to the bar just to enjoy the life he enjoyed before, but he didn't expect that all the women would come to disturb him. If he hadn't traveled through time, Su Chen would have been very happy.

But now,

Su Chen is These ordinary women were not interested at all.

The beauty in the windbreaker smiled unexpectedly when she heard Su Chen's words.

She was the Demon Queen Morgana.

No one had ever dared to refuse her.


Morgana was very fond of this handsome boy. Morgana was very confused about the time and space gene. Only she and Qiangwei had the time and space gene. How come this handsome boy also had it?

Morgana sat directly next to Su Chen and said with a smile,

"Handsome guy, don't be unkind. It's your honor to have a drink with me."

Su Chen turned to look at this narcissistic woman, but when Su Chen turned around and saw Morgana, he couldn't help but shout,

"Morgana, are you here like this?"

Su Chen regretted after calling out Morgana's name.

No one on earth should know about Morgana now. This exposed his knowledge of Morgana's existence. This demon queen might not let him go easily.

When Morgana heard that Su Chen could recognize her, she felt very strange.

When Morgana came to Earth, no one should know her existence except those angels. How could this ordinary earthling know her existence? This handsome boy knows some angels?

Morgana just wanted to check Su Chen's memory.

"Do you actually know this queen? Show me how on earth you know of my existence, Queen."

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