Angel Yan was very confused when he looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen had not awakened the space-time gene for a long time.

He was the first generation of super warriors. Some of Taotie's super warriors were second generation super warriors. If Su Chen participated in this war, He might die in this war

"how? Angel Yan, don’t you fall in love with me? Angel

Yan was very disdainful after hearing Su Chen's words.

She stretched out her little finger and mocked Su Chen,"Child, do you think I would like such a small human being?""

Su Chen smiled and asked Angel Yan hastily,"Angel Yan, one million years from now, by that time, we will be about the same age."

"Then you have to live for a million years. You might die in this war."

"With you, Ah Zhui, and Ling Xi protecting me, how could I possibly die?"

Angel Yan said seriously when he heard Su Chen's words,

"Su Chen, let me tell you, it is impossible for us angels to participate in this war. This is our agreement with the earth. We angels cannot interfere with things on the earth at all."

"I know, let’s talk about it then."

Su Chen waved his hands and closed his eyes.

He knew the development of the plot.

It is impossible for that warmonger Dukao to let the angels intervene on the earth. The earth is the sphere of influence of the academy and the hope for the future rise of Nuoxing.

Angel Yan looked at Su Chen closed her eyes, shook her head and walked out.

She had to tell Queen Keisha about this matter.

Su Chen was not only a super soldier with great potential, but this little bastard also had many secrets.

Those spirits Angel Yan thinks that this is not the best spiritual fruit that Su Chen has brought out. This little bastard should have a better spiritual fruit, maybe even a fairy fruit from earth mythology. In

Tianhe City,

Natasha and the other five are also ready. The ten-day preparation time has passed.

They will start the battle tomorrow, the Planet Luck War. This is a hell-level mission. I am afraid that all five of them will die in this Planet Luck War.

Living Room Inside, the five people were preparing their own weapons. After Selina arranged her weapons, she looked at the other people and said,

"If, I said, if, any of us can survive, then when we see Su Chen in the future, we will tell him what happened today and let that bastard forget me."

Selena was a little regretful about not seeing Su Chen again, but there was nothing she could do about it.

It was not up to them to decide whether she and Su Chen wanted to meet. This planet destiny war was her and Su Chen's farewell.

Alice shook He shook his head and said helplessly,

"Selena, if we die, we die together. If we die, that bastard will know."

Laura thought about that bastard Su Chen and said,"Yes, if we die, Bai Yuokui and the others will get the news, and Su Chen will also know the news of our death in the future."

Maximus said with a smile while drinking wine,

"Haha, if only Su Chen was here, that kid would definitely be able to destroy the Chitauri. Natasha sighed and said,

"Also, Su Chen is not only powerful, but his army is also very powerful. With that bastard here, we can win the planet destiny war by simply lying down."

In the living room,

Selena and Alice looked at each other and fell silent. This planetary fate war is a war of nine deaths, and they all thought that they would die in this war.

For Su Chen,

Selena is Su Chen's woman, Alice and Laura are Su Chen's confidantes, and Natasha just has some affection for Su Chen.

However, when they encounter a crisis,

Selena and Alice both I couldn't help but think of Su Chen.

One night passed, in Tianhe City, the alien fleet from the earth began to invade the earth.

The Taotie star fleet, the Chitauri star fleet, more than 20 huge battleships, two flagships, thousands of ships Small starships and tens of thousands of Taotie and Qitauri troops attacked Tianhe City from the air.

In less than an hour of attack, the civilians of Tianhe City suffered heavy casualties, and the army was even more attacked and retreated. Ordinary Earth troops It simply caused too much damage to the alien starship.

On the USS Giant aircraft carrier, the black-armored team boarded a transport plane and dispatched.

In the transport plane, people like Zhao Xin and Xiao Lun looked panicked. Faced with the sudden war, they still fought with In the alien war, these super soldiers who had been training for several months were very panicked.

Qiangwei looked at her teammates and shook her head.

She felt that these teammates would be timid and crooked when they arrived on the battlefield. Split Zao, they were afraid even before they reached the battlefield. If they saw the tragedy on the battlefield, or even faced life and death, Qiangwei guessed that some of these people would definitely shrink back.

Qilin looked at the others with heavy expressions, and even Some people looked scared.

She shook her head helplessly.

These people were young people and students from society. They had only been trained for a few months before going to the battlefield. This also made things difficult for these people.

Qilin said to Qiangwei beside her. said,

"Will Su Chen go to the battlefield?"

Qiangwei nodded and said affirmatively,

"Yes, Su Chen is a colonel in the army. If he knew about the war in Tianhe City, he would definitely go"

"Qiangwei, are Su Chen's abilities the same as yours, all based on time and space genes?"

"Yes, Su Chen's genes are exactly the same as mine, but Su Chen's time and space genes are much more powerful than mine, and that bastard doesn't know how he cultivated them."

Leilei heard Qilin and Qiangwei talking about Su Chen, and she thought that Su Chen had time-space genes, but Su Chen kept pretending to be an ordinary person, which made her very angry.

Leina clenched her fists and said angrily ,

"I'm curious about that boy. That bastard dared to deceive me. If I meet that bastard this time, I must let him taste my flare bombing."

"Get ready, we will arrive at Tianhe City in ten minutes."At this time, a voice came from the radio in the cabin to remind people. Qiangwei and the others hurriedly looked outside. They all wanted to know how many aliens had arrived.

In Tianhe City,

Selena and the five people had already arrived with Taotie and Chitauri. There was a fight, and Maximus did not summon the army this time. His army was just cannon fodder, and there was no need for him to summon the army.

On a high building,

Su Chen was very confused when he saw the large number of alien troops. , the arrival of the Taotie army is what it should be, but why the hell, the Chitauri army also appeared in this world?

Aren’t the Chitauri aliens in the Marvel world? In this world, the Chitauri How could Rui and Taotie invade the earth together?

This is simply unreasonable.

"It's messed up. Why is the plot in the trial mission messed up again? Why do Chitauri's mechanical armies appear in this world? Is there a connection between the world of super gods and the world of Marvel?"

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