Tianhe City, the Chitauri army and the Taotie army are raging in Tianhe City. Countless civilians have been killed. The Earth's army has been beaten to the point of being unable to fight back. Tianhe City may fall in another hour.

Su Chen looked at all this with great helplessness.

Su Chen thought that after obtaining the time and space gene, he could pass the test with soy sauce, but after the Chitauri army appeared, he felt that he might not be able to pass the test with soy sauce this time.

Although the Chitauri army is rubbish, it is not as powerful as the Taotie army, but the Chitauri army is larger in number.

The Chitauri army cannot deal with the black-armored super warriors, but it can easily deal with the ordinary armies on earth. bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump....

Su Chen saw several gluttonous soldiers coming to attack.

He took out the god-killing sniper rifle given to him by Angel Yan and quickly shot and killed the several gluttonous soldiers who were coming over.

"Why haven't Qiangwei and Reina arrived yet? Could it be that the transport plane was attacked and shot down?"


Holy shit!

A gluttonous small gunboat discovered Su Chen, and the gunboat kept bombarding the building where Su Chen was.

Su Chen quickly teleported to another building. He took a sniper rifle and aimed at the gunboat. The Taotie fired quickly.

Although Su Chen was not as good as Qilin in sniping ability,

Su Chen's strong mental power was still able to lock on to the Taotie in the distance.

Bang! Boom!

The gunboat was taken down by Su Chen with one shot. bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump......

Boom boom boom......

The surrounding gluttonous soldiers and Chitauri mechanical armies all discovered Su Chen. These armies launched attacks on Su Chen one after another. The energy guns in the hands of the alien army and the energy cannons on the gunships directly attacked and destroyed the building. It was so unbearable that the building would collapse even after a few more energy cannon attacks. swish swish......

Puff puff......

Su Chen took out a flaming sword given by Angel Yan and quickly teleported to kill these alien troops.

In just over ten minutes, he killed hundreds of Taotie and Chitauri soldiers around Su Chen. These were all ordinary alien armies, and none of them were powerful genetic super soldiers.

On the Juxia, in the combat command room, Lianfeng and Dukao were very surprised when they saw Su Chen killing everyone on the screen. Although the two of them heard from Qiangwei that Su Chen had time and space genes and that Su Chen was also a genetic super warrior, Su Chen's use of time and space genes was much more powerful than Qiang Wei. Su Chen even didn't borrow black armor for calculations at all. Su Chen You can quickly teleport through micro wormholes. Dukao looked at Su Chen on the screen and said firmly,"Lianfeng, Su Chen must let him return to the team. We can't let the angels get this super soldier with great potential."


"Yes, I will let Su Chen return to the black armor team."

Lianfeng nodded beside her.

She didn't expect that Su Chen's strength would be so strong in a short time.

Lianfeng felt that she still underestimated Su Chen. His strong physical fitness and time and space genes were still less than half of the In the past month,

Su Chen had become a super warrior. Such speed surprised her.

"Inform Qiangwei and the Galaxy Force and others, and ask them to quickly meet with Su Chen after arriving in Tianhe City."

"Yes, General!"

In Tianhe City, in Devil's Wings,

Morgana smiled when she saw Su Chen fighting on the screen.

However, when Morgana saw the flaming sword in Su Chen's hand, her expression became very serious. It’s ugly.

Morgana couldn’t help but cursed angrily,

"Bichi! Bichi! Those damn little bitches"

"Su Chen is what I like, and even Su Chen's space-time gene is activated by me. Are those little angels trying to steal food from my hands?

A tall demon saluted Morgana and said,"Queen, do you want me to bring back that Su Chen?""

Morgana looked at Suchen on the screen, she thought for a while and shook her head.

"No, wait a minute, I want to see the potential of Su Chen's space-time gene. Su Chen can teleport quickly without relying on a celestial computer. The use of micro wormhole technology is not even comparable to mine."

"Yes, Queen!"

At this moment,

Su Chen was a little tired of killing the aliens.

He had killed thousands of alien troops in the past half hour.

However, the surrounding alien armies continued to attack him.

Taotie and Qi... Ta Rui's army was desperate to surround him. Su Chen's abilities were limited now. He was worried that some gluttonous super soldiers would arrive soon, and then he would be in tragedy.

Damn, why are those people in the black armor team still there? Didn’t come? Could it be that they were all robbed and killed by Taotie’s super warriors?

No, if you continue to show off like this,

Taotie’s super warriors will definitely come and kill you.

"Time and space are distorted!"

Su Chen looked at the hundreds of alien troops surrounding him. He immediately activated the skills of the space-time gene.


The bodies of hundreds of aliens around him were instantly distorted by time and space. Each alien His body was twisted by time and space and died like a twist.


At this time,

Alice in the distance spotted Su Chen. She looked at Su Chen in the air and screamed.

Selena and others also spotted Su Chen.

They did not expect that they would encounter Su Chen in this world. Su Chen, this makes them all very happy


Su Chen heard someone calling him.

He looked back and found Alice on the roof of a car. This made Su Chen very surprised.


How could Alice appear in this world?

Is it a national destiny war?

Su Chen guessed that Alice and the others might have come to fight the war of national destiny. No wonder the Chitauri army would appear this time. The Chitauri army might be Alice and the others' opponents this time.


Su Chen appeared next to Alice in an instant. , he hugged Alice and kissed her.

Su Chen touched Alice's face and said with a smile,"Beauty, I didn't expect us to meet again."

Alice cursed in embarrassment when Su Chen released her,

"You're such a jerk."

Alice did not expect that Su Chen would kiss her here. There were alien armies everywhere, and even Selina and the others were still fighting around. This bastard would not find another time to make out.

Alice glared at Su Chen asked doubtfully

"Su Chen, how come you appear in this world?"

"I'm here to conduct a trial. Alice, are you conducting a national destiny war?"

Alice nodded and replied to Su Chen,"Well, our team is engaged in a national destiny war. No, the national destiny war has now been upgraded to a planetary destiny war."

"Can the National Games War be advanced? Planet Luck War? Are you competing for luck with people from different planets?"

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