Luo Hui nodded when he heard Su Chen's words.

If Su Chen did not participate in this realm war, it would be a good thing for him.


Luo Hu was a little confused.

Su Chen's strength level was so strong. He Why not take action in the prehistoric fairyland?

Is it because of Hongjun? Luo Hu didn't know how powerful Hongjun was , but he felt that Su Chen should know Hongjun and his cultivation level. Luo Hu looked at Su Chen and asked,

"Su Chen and Hongjun are saints in what realm of the Holy Realm?"

Su Chen laughed when he heard Luo Hu's words and said,

"Haha, Luo Hu, you will know after you try it. Hongjun's level of strength will definitely surprise you."

Luo Hu frowned when he looked at Su Chen who was laughing. There is no difference between what this bastard said and what he didn't say.

What kind of holy realm is Hongjun?

Why does it surprise him?

Hongjun's realm is stronger than him. ?

Or weaker than him?


Su Chen waved his hand, and his cultivation realm quickly regressed. He reached the eighth level of the holy realm......Holy Realm Seventh Heaven.....Holy Realm Third Heaven....Holy Realm First Level.....quasi-sage....Daluo Jinxian.....Taiyi Golden Immortal.

In just an instant,

Su Chen's cultivation level returned to Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Luo Hu looked at Su Chen with a puzzled look.

He didn't expect that Su Chen hid his cultivation level in front of him, but what kind of secret method was this? Luo Hu didn't even see how Su Chen had hidden his level of cultivation.

Su Chen saw that Luo Hu had been looking at him, and he was not worried that Luo Hu would dare to take action against him at this time.

Although Su Chen dispersed the power of heaven, he had already suppressed Luo Hu. He did not dare to deal with him until Luo Hu understood his true situation.

Su Chen waved his hand to Luo Hu and said,

"Rahu, I will be around to watch the realm war you launch. I hope you can take revenge this time~"

"I will definitely kill Hongjun, and I will destroy the prehistoric fairyland."

"I hope so!"

Su Chen hugged the ruthless empress and suddenly disappeared in front of Luo Hu.

Luo Hu saw Su Chen disappearing with the ruthless empress.

He hurriedly looked around.

Su Chen said that he would be around to watch him attack the ancient world. Luo Hu wanted to Let's see if we can find where that bastard is hiding.


This little scumbag!

Luo Hu searched for a while but couldn't find any trace of Su Chen. He felt that Su Chen was more sinister than Hongjun.

Although Hongjun was cunning and cunning,

But he didn't hide his cultivation level at all.

Su Chen was not only sinister, but also wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

Luo Hu felt that Su Chen might be even more sinister and cunning than Hongjun.

"seven.....Daman, the Demon Envoy of the Six Emotions, ordered the demon army to start attacking the starry sky fortress in the ancient fairyland."

"Yes, Demon Ancestor!"

The remaining six-emotion demon envoys immediately saluted and replied. They all saw the displeasure of Demon Ancestor Luohu. If they angered Demon Ancestor Luohu at this time, they might be killed by the ferocious Demon Ancestor Luohu.


Boom boom boom.....

As billions of demon troops heard the order to attack, the entire starry sky continued to shake, and a huge murderous aura instantly enveloped the entire space in the starry sky.

"Kill, don't let go of any creature in the ancient immortal world, massacre them all." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"attack! Break through the starry sky fortress and enter the prehistoric fairyland"

"The killing has begun, the demons in the demon world, slaughter as much as you like!"

"Rush for me, fight into the starry sky fortress, fight into the prehistoric fairy world"

"The destruction has begun. The demons are rushing into the ancient world and destroying it.".....

Among the demon army,

Daluo Jinxian, who commanded the attack of the demon army, mobilized the demon army to enter the starry sky fortress, enter the ancient fairyland, and destroy the ancient fairyland. This is the real purpose of launching a boundary war in the demon realm.

In the Starry Sky Fortress,

Ran Deng saw the Demon Realm starting to attack, and he hurriedly ordered,

"Open the defensive barrier and prepare to resist the attack of the demon army."

"what to do? what to do?"

When the Heavenly Emperor Zhang Bairen saw the demon world starting to attack, he stood up in fright and wanted to hide in a safe area, but this was the Starry Sky Fortress, and Zhang Bairen couldn't do anything even if he wanted to seize it.

Boom boom boom.....

The defensive barrier of the Starry Sky Fortress was opened, and blue protective shields enveloped the entire Starry Sky Fortress. The attacks of the Demon World Demon Army were temporarily blocked.

The Arrogant Demon Envoy saw the barrier protective shield of the Starry Sky Fortress.

He waved his hand and ordered loudly,

"Daluo Jinxian came out and smashed the defensive barrier for me."

Boom boom boom boom....

Hundreds and thousands of Daluo Jinxian quickly attacked the barrier protective shield. For a moment, the entire starry sky was violently shaken, making continuous creaking sounds.

None of the saints from the demon world took action.

They were all waiting for the arrival of the saints from the prehistoric fairy world. Soldiers faced soldiers and generals. Saints naturally had to deal with saints, and saints did not bother to take action against some scum.

In Tianren No. 7, after Su Chen arrived with the Ruthless Empress, he was sternly preaching to the Ruthless Empress.

Fortunately, this time he came to the ancient starry sky to watch the war in the realm. If he had not come to the Starry Sky Fortress, the Ruthless Empress would really have been He was plotted by the saints in the prehistoric immortal world to fall.

Keisha and Hexi looked at Su Chen with speechless expressions as he preached to his sister.

Is this preaching?

Su Chen was obviously reminding the ruthless empress about being plotted against, and even teaching the ruthless empress what to do if she encounters such a situation again. This bastard is really a girl control.

After the ruthless empress heard Su Chen's words, she asked with a surprised look on her face,

"Brother, are you saying that I have been plotted by the saints of the ancient immortal world?"

Su Chen touched the ruthless empress's hair and said,

"Of course, Luo Hu's name is Zhen Hongjun. Hongjun is a saint at the fourth level of the holy realm. Does he dare to appear in front of Luo Hu?"

"You just represent a quasi-sage in the wild realm. When facing a strong man like Luo Hu, even other saints in the prehistoric immortal world are not qualified. You said that you were asked by the quasi-sages in the prehistoric immortal world to face Luo Hu, you Hong Xian Is Li qualified to face Rahu?"

"This is the prehistoric fairyland. Is there no powerful quasi-sage in the prehistoric fairyland? Head"

"Sister, think about it, if you were killed when you went to face Luo Hu, would I, your sisters-in-law, and even our Xuantian Realm want to avenge you?"

"The saints in the prehistoric immortal world just want you to be killed by Rahu. They all want our Xuantian realm to participate in this realm war."

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