After the ruthless empress heard Su Chen's words, she thought about the previous requests made to her by the quasi-sages of the ancient immortal world.

At that time, such quasi-sages as Ran Deng, Kong Xuan, Yun Zhongzi, Taiyi Zhenren, Guiling Holy Mother, etc., they all said He has the highest status in the Starry Sky Fortress, and he should face Demon Ancestor Luohu by himself.

If the saints do not appear, someone in the Starry Sky Fortress must come forward, otherwise it will be detrimental to the momentum of the divine army in the Starry Sky Fortress. The ruthless empress did not want to face Demon Ancestor Rahu at that time, but even Liu Shen- and the Queen Mother of the West also persuade her.

The ruthless empress reluctantly agreed to stand up for the Great Immortal Realm.

However, this turned out to be the saints' plan against her.

All of this was to make the Demon Ancestor Luohu kill her, so that her brothers and sisters-in-law, and even the Xuantian Realm could launch a realm war against the demonic realm outside the realm.

Su Chen saw that the ruthless empress' breath was unstable, and he guessed that the ruthless empress was angry about being plotted against.

Su Chen patted the ruthless empress on the shoulder and said,

"do not be angry!"

"Nanny, you don’t have to go back to the Wild Realm anymore. You don’t owe the Wild Realm anything. Besides, you dispatched the divine army of the Xuantian Realm last time, which has helped the Wild Realm survive the catastrophe."

"The Heaven Realm has also been completely destroyed. Your home is in the Xuantian Realm. You will return to the Xuantian Realm to be your eldest princess."

The ruthless empress clenched her fists tightly and nodded.

"I know, brother!"

Su Chen asked,

"Nannan, are you going back to the Xuantian Realm?"


The ruthless empress hesitated after hearing Su Chen's words.

Returning to Xuantian Realm?

What about the wild realm?

There are no saints in the Wild Realm.

If she leaves the Wild Realm, there will only be two quasi-sages, Liu Shen and Xi Huang Mu, in the Wild Realm. If other realms invade the Wild Realm, Liu Shen and Xi Huang Mu will be the only saints left in the Wild Realm. , they may not be able to protect the wild realm.

Su Chen looked at the hesitation of the Ruthless Empress, and he knew that the Ruthless Empress didn't want to give up the wild realm, but that's right, if the Ruthless Empress gave up the wild realm, the Ruthless Empress wouldn't be the most gorgeous and ruthless Empress..

Su Chen stroked the ruthless empress' hair and sighed,

"well! Nannan, you go back to the Xuantian Realm. As long as you improve your strength to the Holy Realm, I won’t care where you go."

"Also, your sister-in-law Yin Ji has a top-quality innate spiritual treasure, the God-killing Spear. You only have one defensive merit treasure, the Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower, and no attack spiritual treasure. Ask your sister-in-law to give it to you. use"

"Thank you brother!"

After the ruthless empress heard Su Chen's words, she smiled.

Holy realm?

As long as she retreats in the time barrier of Merlot Heavenly Court for a period of time, the ruthless empress will soon advance to the holy realm.

After all, there is a time barrier. In the world, with rich innate spiritual energy and countless resources for her to use, it is very easy for the ruthless empress to advance to the holy realm from the pinnacle of the quasi-sage.

Kesha and Hexi shook their heads when they looked at the brothers and sisters Su Chen. Shaking his head, Su Chen was really kind to his sister. She got into such a big trouble, but the brother didn't even scold her.

He Xi looked at Kesha and teased,"Kesha, this is your sister-in-law, don't you?" Come up and say hello?"

Kesha was very speechless when she heard He Xi's words. Does she dare to step forward now?

The ruthless empress's unsteady breath just now frightened her. A quasi-sage strong man is stronger than her. Countless times, Kesha didn’t want to step forward and be slapped in the face.

If the ruthless empress disliked her or even disliked her low strength, it would be very embarrassing.

Kesha rolled her eyes at He Xi and said helplessly,

"He Xi, have you ever seen such a powerful sister-in-law? Have you ever met my sister-in-law who is many times older than me? I'm worried that this sister-in-law will blow me into nothingness in one breath"


He Xi laughed when he saw Kesha's depressed look.

Queen Kesha was right. Su Chen's sister was too powerful and had a cold and noble look. This made other people know that the ruthless empress was not good at a glance. get along.

Kesha looked at the smiling He Xi and shook her head.

He Xi must be mocking her, but Kesha didn't care. She guessed that Su Chen couldn't let He Xi, the most beautiful girl in the angels, sooner or later. Will have the same experience as her

"Kesha, this is my sister Su Nannan"

"Girl, this is your sister-in-law Kesha, she is an angel."

Su Chen took the ruthless empress to Kesha and introduced each other. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kesha looked at the ruthless empress and nodded,"Nanny, you can call me Kai. Sha"

"I'd better call you sister-in-law, otherwise my brother will be unhappy."

The ruthless empress shook her head and said to Kesha.

She has encountered such scenes many times.

She is also very speechless towards her brother Su Chen.

There are so many women, but her brother Su Chen is still looking for women everywhere, even They also found some women from the small world. The ruthless empress was also very helpless about this.

If this were Su Yan's three sisters, they would all be very happy.

With one more aunt, the three sisters would have one more supporter. They might be eager for Su Yan to Chen Duo is looking for some women.

He Xi stepped forward and introduced the ruthless empress with a smile,"Hello, Nannan, my name is He Xi.""

"Hello Hexi!"

The ruthless empress nodded to He Xi, and she looked at Tianren No. 7.

Everything here made her curious.

After the ruthless empress checked Tianren No. 7, she became somewhat interested in technology. , a technological warship, was actually refined into a combat spirit treasure from the best materials.

Although the quality of this spirit treasure is not very good, if it is refined properly, this combat spirit treasure may become an innate low-grade spirit treasure. Fighting It is easy for Lingbao to kill some Jinxian and gods below.

At this time, the barrier protection barrier of the Starry Sky Fortress was broken. It took hundreds of demons, Daluo Jinxian, nearly a quarter of an hour to break through the barrier barrier. , the Demon Realm’s demon armies overtook the Starry Sky Fortress and killed them.

"The attack formation is activated, attack me!"

On the Starry Sky Fortress, attack formations were activated one by one, and huge beams of light surpassed the demon army and attacked.

"Turn on magic shield defense, turn on magic shield defense."

The quasi-sage of the demon world saw the Starry Sky Fortress's attack formation activated, and the demon world's defensive magic shields were immediately activated.

Huge black magic shields appeared in front of the demon army, and the dark and terrifying magic shields shot towards a huge skeleton. The head is the same, making people feel very scared just looking at it.

Boom boom boom boom......

After the Starry Sky Fortress's attack formation collided with the demon clan's magic shield defense, some of the magic shields were penetrated, and hundreds of thousands of the demon clan's army were wiped out in an instant.

"Hongjun, if you don't show up again, the saints from the demon world will attack the starry sky fortresses from the ancient fairy world."

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