Luo Hu saw that the defense of the Starry Sky Fortress was stronger than he thought, and the demon army might not be able to attack it for a while.

Luo Hu didn't want to wait too long.

He wanted to attack the Great Desolate Immortal Realm as soon as possible, kill Hongjun, and destroy the Great Desolate Immortal Realm.

This was what he wanted to do most after he recovered.

When Luo Hu saw that Hongjun hadn't appeared for a long time, he ordered coldly,

"Lazy Demon Envoy, Arrogant Demon Envoy, you help the demon army break the starry sky fortress"

"Yes, Demon Ancestor!"


The Lazy Demon and the Arrogant Demon instantly appeared in front of the Starry Sky Fortress. They each waved their hands and attacked the Starry Sky Fortress.

One blow!

With one blow from each of the two saints, the black wall of the Starry Sky Fortress was broken and a huge gap was opened..In the Starry Sky Fortress, after a moment of tremors, a huge gap appeared in the Starry Sky Fortress.

The armies of gods from the Great Desolate Immortal Realm were all panicking and wanted to block the gap. If the demon army from the Demon Realm rushed into the Starry Sky Fortress, then the frontier of the Great Desolate Immortal Realm would be destroyed. The fortress would be lost, and the prehistoric fairy world would be in danger.

When Ran Deng saw a huge gap being blasted out of the 28 Starry Sky Fortress, he hurriedly ordered loudly,

"Guard the gap, and you must not let the demons rush in. All the heavenly soldiers and generals from heaven and the Buddhist soldiers from Buddhism come to me. Quickly block the gap in the starry sky fortress."

A quasi-saint strongman from the demon clan roared,

"Kill, our saints have opened the gap, rushed into the starry sky fortress, and killed all the creatures in the ancient fairy world."


"The time has come for the killing spree, kill me!"

"Slaughter the gods of the prehistoric immortal world for me, leaving no one behind"

"Come to me and kill all the creatures in the wild."

The quasi-saint strongman of the demon clan shouted and ordered the army to rush into the starry sky fortress. A huge gap has been opened in the starry sky fortress. The demon clan's army is no longer blocked by the starry sky fortress. They can rush into the starry sky fortress as much as they want and start. Massacre.

In the sky above the Starry Sky Fortress, the black army of demons continued to fly towards the gap. Although the army of gods from the ancient immortal world struggled to stop them at the gap, the demonic armies who were not afraid of death rushed in one after another.

The gap in the Starry Sky Fortress , one by one the gods were killed, and even some gods were blasted into nothingness.

The corpses of gods were everywhere in the gap, including the corpses of gods from the prehistoric fairy world, and more corpses of gods from the demon world. The blood of the gods turned the gap between The black city walls were dyed red.

In Tianren No. 7,

Kesha, Hexi, and the ruthless empress sat together and watched the war in the Starry Sky Fortress.

Since the saints from the demon world took action, the Starry Sky Fortress in the prehistoric fairyland has been The danger is imminent. If the saints of the ancient immortal world do not take action, the Starry Sky Fortress may be captured by the demon army within a day.

He Xi looked at the Starry Sky Fortress and shook his head and said,

"The Starry Sky Fortress is about to be finished. If the saints from the prehistoric fairy world don't appear again, the Starry Sky Fortress cannot be defended at all."

Queen Kesha nodded and said,

"Yes, in just a short time, hundreds of millions of gods were killed or injured in the Starry Sky Fortress. The gap in the Starry Sky Fortress was a meat grinding ground. Such a war was really frightening to watch."

The ruthless empress said with a cold face,

"This is nothing. You have never seen the scene of the wild realm being invaded by the heaven realm."

"Hundreds of millions of living beings were slaughtered in a day, or even tens of billions of living beings in an area were slaughtered in a month. That would be a real river of blood, with not even a blade of grass growing."

He Xi said helplessly after hearing the words of the ruthless empress, (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The war between gods is not something that creatures from the small world can participate in, nor are they even qualified to watch."

Kesha nodded when she heard Hexi's words.

The war between the gods is indeed not something that the creatures in their world can participate in. They are not even qualified to watch.

If Kesha and Hexi observe the war at close range, they may also be huge. Killed by the evil spirit.

The ruthless empress suddenly saw Liu Shen being surrounded by three demon quasi-sages.

She hurriedly shouted to Su Chen who was resting on the side,

"Brother, I want to save the army in the wild realm. Liu Shen and Xi Huangmu are also in the Starry Sky Fortress. I can't watch them being killed."

Su Chen opened his eyes and took out the Chaos Clock and said helplessly,

"Go ahead, take my Chaos Clock with you, but don’t take action. As long as the troops from the Savage Realm and Liu Shen and the others withdraw from the Starry Sky Fortress, the demon army will no longer massacre them."

"Thank you brother!"

The ruthless empress took Su Chen's Chaos Clock and disappeared instantly, but she disappeared several times and appeared next to Su Chen. She was very speechless when she looked at Su Chen.

The ruthless empress forgot in her hurry that she was still with Su Chen. In the space barrier arranged, without Su Chen sending her out, the Ruthless Empress would not be able to leave here.

Su Chen laughed when he saw the Ruthless Empress being speechless.

He had not yet said that he would send the Ruthless Empress out. , his sister was anxious to leave. Su Chen did not expect that the Ruthless Empress, who had always been steady and cold, also had the playful look of a young woman. He

Xi and Kesha also smiled.

The Ruthless Empress had always been very cold and noble in front of them. , even with a calm expression.

Now the Ruthless Empress is speechless and depressed. They feel that the Ruthless Empress is not an inhumane person.

"Don't be depressed, I'll take you out."Su Chen smiled and waved to send the ruthless empress out.

When Kesha came to Su Chen, she asked worriedly,"Su Chen, aren't you worried that something will happen to your daughter?"

Su Chen replied holding Kesha's plump waist,

"Kesha, the saints, quasi-sages, and even Daluo Jinxian of the demon clan have all seen what happened before, and they dare not take action against Nannan. As long as Nannan is not prevented from attacking the demonic world outside the territory, Demon Ancestor Luohu will not dare to let his The demons take action."

He Xi nodded and said,

"Well, Su Chen is right, but Su Chen, how did you become a saint all of a sudden just now? And he is also a saint as powerful as the demon ancestor Rahu?

Su Chen looked at He Xi and asked maliciously,"He Xi, you want to know?""

He Xi nodded and replied with wide eyes,

"I would like to know!"

Su Chen coughed lightly and smiled,

"Well, actually, only people in our family can know this secret. If I tell you, then you will become our family. Are you still willing?"

He Xi understood the meaning of Su Chen's words.

This bastard really wanted to take advantage of her.

Su Chen had already captured Queen Kesha of their angels, Angel Yan, the holy left wing guard, and Angel Leng, the leader of the Angel Legion. Now, He also had evil thoughts about her, the Tianji King.

He Xi didn’t know what to say to this shameless person.

She pretended not to know anything and said,

"Suchen, Kesha is my sister, and I can also be considered your family, right?".

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