Although King Zhou was holding Su Daji at the moment, he was only holding a human-shaped purple jade.

Purple spirit jade is not only soft and smooth, but also has the same temperature as a woman's body.

This is a high-quality fairy stone.

In this fairy world, purple jade is usually made into jade pillows.

Su Daji, a vixen, really has a way. Even some immortals may not see this trick. King Zhou may hug him every night. Sleeping with purple jade.

Su Daji said in a seductive voice,

"Your Majesty, King Wucheng rebelled. You can hand him over to General Su of the Forbidden Army. Why do you need to be angry for a rebellious sinner?"

"Haha, my concubine is right."

King Zhou was so confused by Su Daji that he couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north. After hearing Su Daji's words, he ordered,"General Su, take down King Wucheng. King Wucheng's whole family will be thrown into the prison of the Imperial Army."

Su Chen curled her lips and replied with a smile,

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Queen Jiang stood aside with a look of silence at this moment. King Zhou treated her and Su Daji very differently. King Zhou looked disgusted with her, but he doted on Su Daji and responded to her every request. Su

Daji saw that. Seeing Su Chen's expression, she guessed that Su Chen must have seen something.

Su Daji said angrily,

"General Su, your Majesty is talking about the whole family of King Wu Cheng, including Concubine Huang. Don’t forget Concubine Huang.

King Zhou also hurriedly ordered,"Yes, General Su and Concubine Huang will also be captured!""


At this moment,

Wucheng King Huang Feihu, Mrs. Huang, and Huang Guifei all looked ugly. King Zhou would accuse them of rebellion with just one sentence. The Huang family might even be executed.

Su Chen said before King Zhou and After Su Daji left, he looked at Wucheng King Huang Feihu and said expressionlessly,

"King Wu Cheng, you can't escape from the palace.

Queen Jiang walked to Su Chen and said,"Su Chen, can you let King Wu Cheng go?""

After Su Chen heard what Queen Jiang said, he looked at the beautiful woman next to him and nodded.

Queen Jiang's graceful and luxurious temperament, beautiful face, plump and proud figure, and mature charm are very attractive. , this is an extremely beautiful and glamorous woman.

There is a huge gap between Queen Jiang’s beauty and Su Daji’s, and they are not even comparable.

But it is already very rare for a mortal to be so beautiful and glamorous.

"Queen, do you think I can let King Wu Cheng go~?"

Queen Jiang looked at Su Chen and nodded,

"You can. You just invited Concubine Su here just to help King Wu Cheng. I believe you will let King Wu Cheng go!"

Su Chen spread his hands speechlessly and said,

"Queen, I invite Concubine Su to come. This is what I do for the queen. King Wu Cheng has nothing to do with me. I can't let him escape. Moreover, if I let King Wu Cheng's family go, the king and Concubine Su will be safe. How should I explain there?"


"Queen, King Wu Cheng is just being imprisoned now. The ministers in the court will intercede for King Wu Cheng. Queen, you don’t have to worry about these things. You should go back to the palace to rest."

"Alas, I get it."

Queen Jiang nodded to Su Chen.

She believed what Su Chen said. In the palace, Su Chen was the only one who would not deceive her, let alone hurt her.

When Su Chen saw Queen Jiang leaving with her maid, he waved his hand and ordered road,

"Come on, take down King Wu Cheng."

King Wu Cheng looked at the Forbidden Army around him and wanted to take action. He looked at Su Chen and was very helpless. The Forbidden Army General Su Chen was very powerful. Even if he took action, he might not be able to defeat Su Chen.

King Wu Cheng looked at it. After his wife and sister, he said to Su Chen,

"General Su, I can capture you without mercy, but please treat the women of my Huang family kindly."

Su Chen nodded and agreed,"Okay, I won't do anything to women."

"Thank you!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"King Wu Cheng was imprisoned, Mrs. Huang and Concubine Huang were placed under house arrest in Wenhua Pavilion, Vice General Liu led 5,000 forbidden troops, and everyone in the Huang family was imprisoned. Those who resisted were killed without mercy."

"Yes, General!"

In Huang Guifei's palace, a farce ended.

Su Chen had no prejudice against King Wucheng Huang Feihu, and had no intention of saving him. King Wucheng was just an insignificant person, and there was no need for him to waste his time on... King Wu Cheng.

Su Chen had a headache when he thought of Su Daji.

He had not yet figured out how to deal with Su Daji, as well as the Queen Mother, Queen Mother of the West, Chang Xi, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit. These women were all problems in the future. In the past few days, the ministers of Dashang pleaded with King Wucheng one after another, but King Zhou was deceived by Su Daji, and the pleas of the ministers were of no use. King Zhou even ordered that King Wucheng's family be executed in three days.

Su Chen was there In the past few days, I have been learning about the Fengshen thing, the situation in Dashang, and some things that happened in the Sage Sect.

In the palace,

Su Chen was thinking in his resting room,

"Nezha hasn't made trouble in the East China Sea yet, but Nezha has been born, so the plot should begin. It seems that we have to go to Chentangguan to save the unlucky guy Shi Ji."

A Forbidden Army captain came to the room and saluted Su Chen, saying,

"The general, Mrs. Huang and Concubine Huang have been on hunger strike for two days. They have been clamoring to be locked up with King Wu Cheng."

Su Chen waved his hand after hearing the captain's words and said,

"Don't worry about them. If they want to go on a hunger strike, then go on a hunger strike."

"Yes, General!"

A forbidden soldier quickly ran over and shouted,

"Report to the general that something happened to Concubine Su. Concubine Su asked the general to come over quickly."

"Um? What happened to Concubine Su?"

"The subordinates don’t know."

Damn it, what can happen to Su Daji, a vixen?

The monsters in Xuanyuan Tomb have escaped. Su Daji cannot have other things that require her help. In

Su Daji's palace,

Su Chen discovered the evil spirit here after he arrived. Soaring to the sky, this made Su Chen very confused. Su Daji had already hidden the evil spirit. How could there be evil energy in her bedroom?

After Su Chen was brought into a room by the maid, he looked at Su Daji with a look of ( Okay) I’m so confused, why are Su Daji’s two tails exposed?


Is there an immortal doing something to make Su Daji show his true form?

Su Daji saw Su Chen coming, and she was so anxious Su Chen asked for help,

"Su Chen, please help me."

Su Daji didn't expect that a Taoist would deal with her.

The demon mirror hung on the palace made it difficult for her to resist. It won't be long before she shows her true form.

In the palace, the only one who can help her is Su Chen.

Su Daji doesn't know that Su Chen Will he help her, but Su Chen said that there is a relationship between them, and Su Chen also knows some of her secrets. Su Daji can only regard Su Chen as her only hope.


Su Chen quickly pointed at Su Daji, and a blue space barrier appeared on Su Daji's body. The blue space barrier was instantly hidden in Su Daji's body.

"Su Daji, what on earth is going on?".

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