After Su Chen used a space barrier to isolate Su Daji's breath,

Su Daji returned to normal, and her two exposed tails disappeared. Su Chen looked at Su Daji and wanted to know how she could be targeted by a powerful immortal.

"Su Chen is a Taoist. Today, a Taoist told the king that there was evil spirit in the palace. The Taoist also hung a demon mirror and a peach wood sword in the palace."


Let's go, this can't be Master Taiyi, right?

Su Chen thought that Master Taiyi seemed to have appeared in the plot, and Su Daji was almost transformed into his original shape by the demon mirror, but was later fooled by Su Daji.

Su Daji clicked He nodded and replied,

"Well, he is a Taoist, and I feel that the realm of that Taoist is very powerful."

Su Chen sat down and waved his hands and said,

"Su Daji, don't worry, your demonic aura has been hidden by me. Even a saint can't easily discover it. That Taoist won't see that you are a vixen."

"who are you?"

Su Daji was very surprised when she heard Su Chen's words.

It's impossible for a saint to easily see her demon?

Who is this bastard?

A cultivator in the Yuanying realm?

Is this a liar?

A Yuanying realm Can he save himself as a Golden Immortal? He can even hide his demonic aura so that no saint can find it.

Su Daji felt that her previous guess was good.

This bastard must have hidden his cultivation level.

Su Chen smiled and replied,

"your man!"


Su Daji stared at Su Chen and was very ashamed and angry.

This shameless bastard, a man?

She will never have a man in her life.

Su Chen looked at the stunning Su Daji and explained,

"It's true. You will be my wife in the future. Otherwise, how would I know some of your secrets?"

"Also, the Su Daji you possess is the reincarnation of a ray of your soul. You and Su Daji were originally the same person. Your soul in the previous life was split into two, and the ray of your soul reincarnated into Su Daji. Daji."

Su Daji frowned when she heard Su Chen's words.

She somewhat believed what Su Chen said.

When the little fox took away Su Daji's body, she didn't feel any discomfort at all. Su Daji's body was just like her own. The fox had felt strange before.

When Su Chen talked about this this time, she realized that Su Daji was actually the reincarnation of her soul.

But, was she really the wife of this shameless man?

At this time, a palace maid came outside to report road,

"The king invites the empress to go to the main hall."

"I know."

Su Chen touched his chin and said,

"Su Daji, it seems that the old man is suspicious of you, but you have hidden your demonic aura from me, and it is impossible for the old man to see it.

Su Daji rolled her eyes at Su Chen and said,"What?" Do you still want me to thank you?"

"Haha, there’s no need for that. Su Daji, I’m going to Chentangguan. Please find a reason to let me go to Chentangguan."

"What are you doing in Chentangguan?"

"I have one thing to do when I go to Chentangguan. Also, don’t attack Queen Jiang again. She can’t threaten you."

"Huh, you pervert!"

Su Daji glared at Su Chen and nodded.

Queen Jiang could not threaten her. She was a mortal woman.

If Su Daji had not wanted to be the queen of Dashang, she would not have taken action against a mortal woman.

Su Chen looked at Su Daji's arrogance. After leaving, he shook his head.

Su Daji and the little fox were really the same person, with the same arrogance and the same headache.

In the palace hall, Master Taiyi showed surprise on his face after seeing Su Daji.

Expression, (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Master Taiyi looked at the demon mirror hanging on the palace. The demon mirror was safe and sound, with no trace of even being broken.

But why didn’t Su Daji have anything wrong?

Taiyi Master He didn't notice that Su Daji had any demonic aura about him. Could it be that Jiang Ziya had misjudged that Su Daji was not a demon at all?

King Zhou glared at Master Taiyi and said coldly,

"Taoist priest, does the lonely king’s beloved concubine have any demonic aura?

Taiyi Zhenren replied awkwardly,"Uh!" Your Majesty, the old Taoist misunderstood before."

"Humph, Taoist Priest, if you hadn't been recommended by Emperor Uncle Bigan and you dared to frame my beloved concubine, I would have ordered your death. Leave the palace quickly. I don't want to see you again."

"The veteran resigns!"

Master Taiyi glanced at Su Daji again, but he still found nothing. Su Daji was just an ordinary human woman.

Master Taiyi shook his head and left.

Jiang Ziya deceived him this time.

What kind of monster?

This was obviously an ordinary human being.

Su Daji's eyes lit up.

She didn't expect that Su Chen's hiding methods were so good. This powerful old man didn't even notice that she was a vixen.

However, this old man turned out to be Bigan. Yes, we can’t keep that old guy anymore. Su Daji wants to find an opportunity to get rid of Bigan.

"Your Majesty, on a whim, I visit Chentangguan in the East China Sea......"

Su Daji did not forget what Su Chen asked her to do.

She found a reason at random, and

Su Daji asked King Zhou to send Su Chen to Chentangguan in the East China Sea. King Zhou agreed without thinking.

At night, in the Forbidden Army Prison, dozens of people appeared sneakily on a tower outside the Forbidden Army Prison.

Su Chen watched all this without paying much attention.

These people came to save King Wucheng Huang Feihu. For the useless Huang Feihu, Su Chen I don't care whether he lives or lives. It was his luck that

Huang Feihu was able to escape to the Western Zhou Dynasty. If Huang Feihu was caught and killed, it would be his fate. Whoosh!

"Su Chen, you actually watched someone rob the prison and didn't care. Su Daji appeared next to Su Chen and said with a smile.

Su Chen smelled Su Daji's body fragrance and said with a smile,"You are a scumbag. I don't care about his life or death at all. Su Daji, are my affairs done?""

"Huh, I've done it for you. You can go to Chentangguan tomorrow. As the king, you will inspect each pass on behalf of the king. You also have the power of life and death of the general soldiers at each pass."

"Thank you very much!"

Su Chen hugged Su Daji's small waist with one hand and thanked her.


Su Daji's small waist is really soft. It feels much better than the lolita-looking Su Daji.

"Inglorious bastard, let me go!"

Su Daji struggled when Su Chen hugged her.

She didn't expect that this bastard would dare to hug her.

This shameless person,

Su Daji found that she couldn't break free from Su Chen's arms. This bastard was much stronger than her.

Su Chen held Su Da tightly in his arms and said,

"Su Daji, let me hug you for a while. I have never hugged you in your true body."

"shameless! you.....Stop it, bastard, if you dare to touch me again, I'm going to do it"

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