Su Daji did not expect that Su Chen not only hugged her and refused to let go, but this bastard even dared to touch her.

This bastard's hands kept stroking her waist, and Su Daji wanted to kick this shameless person away.

Su Chen stopped hurriedly in embarrassment.

"Ahem, Su Daji, your waist is so soft, so smooth and delicate, I couldn’t hold it back for a while

"You are so shameless!"

Su Daji had a headache when she stared at Su Chen. She couldn't do anything about this bastard.


She might not be able to beat this bastard.


Will this bastard listen to her?

"Someone is robbing the prison, come quickly!"

"Be alert, everyone be alert!"

"Sound the alarm!" There was chaos in the Forbidden Army Prison. The Forbidden Army soldiers guarding the Forbidden Army Prison quickly started fighting with the men in black. Su Daji leaned into Su Chen's arms and asked doubtfully,"Su Chen, are you really planning to let these people save you? Become a king through martial arts?" Su Daji felt very at ease lying in Su Chen's arms. She didn't know what was going on, but this feeling made her very familiar. Su Daji felt that she had often lied in Su Chen's arms like this before. Su Chen touched She smiled while stroking Su Daji's hair,

"King Wu Cheng has nothing to worry about. He has his destiny. It is his luck that King Wu Cheng can escape. It is his fate that he cannot escape."

"Why do I think you know so many things?"

"Su Daji, have you ever heard of becoming a god?"

"Become a god? What kind of god?"

Su Daji was very confused when she heard Su Chen's words.


What is this?

The prehistoric fairy world is either immortal or demon, as well as witches, demons, and even other races.


Su Daji has never heard of it..Su

Chen looked at Su Daji's confused look. He knew that Su Daji didn't know anything about the matter of becoming a god. This fool also died in the end without knowing why.

Su Chen looked at the delicate-looking Su Daji in his arms and said. ,

"Su Daji, it seems that you know nothing about this matter. The three great saints of Zixiao Palace have signed a contract to become a god. This is to recruit subordinates for the new prehistoric heaven."

"Jiejiao, Chanjiao, Renjiao, and even Western sects, these saint sects will all participate. You are the person sent by Nuwa, and Dashang is the top priority for the canonization of gods."

"The disciples of saints, the lucky ones of the human race, and even some immortals who practice casual cultivation. As long as they die in the war between Dashang, their souls may be taken away by the list of gods. In the future, they will be controlled by the emperor who controls the list of gods. This is Conferred God."

Su Daji heard Su Chen's surprise and asked,"What? Is the Great Shang the top priority in becoming a god? Will the Saint Sect be involved? How can this be?"

Su Chen looked at the night sky and continued,

"Su Daji, this is a great catastrophe. Since the Lich Catastrophe, the God-conferring Catastrophe has begun. You have participated in this catastrophe. Under the catastrophe, countless quasi-sage cities have fallen."

"The fate of Dashang has been decided. Only with the demise of Dashang and the filling of the divine throne in heaven will the Great Catastrophe of the Gods be ended."

Su Daji looked pale at the moment.

She never thought that she would be involved in the great catastrophe.

Countless powerful people would die during the great catastrophe. During the battle between the lich and the lich, countless creatures died in the entire prehistoric world, including quasi-sage powerhouses. They have all fallen a lot.

The demon clan and the witch clan have completely reduced from being the rulers of the ancient world to a race that everyone shouts and fights. The witch clan hid in the six realms of reincarnation and could not escape, and the demon clan was hunted by the immortals and cultivators of the ancient world.

At that time There were no saints involved in the

Lich Tribulation. This time, the Saint Sect was involved in the Gods Tribulation.

Su Daji felt frightened when she thought about it. She was just a little golden immortal, and she was still involved in this great calamity. Among them, Su Daji felt that it was impossible for her to survive the catastrophe.

"Holy shit? Huang Feihu doesn't care about his wife and sister?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Chen suddenly saw that after Huang Feihu was rescued, he ran away without saving Huang Guifei and Mrs. Huang. This made Su Chen somewhat unexpected.

There are no guards at Huang Guifei's place.

It is easy for Huang Feihu to save Mrs. Huang and escape with Huang Guifei.


Huang Feihu is not a greedy person who is afraid of death, right? Or will Huang Feihu come to save his wife and sister in the future?

Su Daji came back to her senses and snorted disdainfully,

"Humph, this is the man! Su

Chen coughed silently,"Hey, Su Daji, maybe Huang Feihu will come to save his wife and sister in the future.""

Su Daji said with a mocking expression,

"Will he come to the rescue in the future? The Huang family will be executed the day after tomorrow. Will he still have time to save his wife and sister? Huang Feihu will definitely escape from Chaoge overnight, men are unreliable."

Su Chen shook his head speechlessly.

He couldn't believe all the plots in the novel.

Huang Feihu initially attacked the imperial army to save his wife.


Huang Feihu saw that the ministers in the court could not save him, and he would die the day after tomorrow. Being executed, Huang Feihu was afraid of death and wanted to escape, even ignoring his wife and sister.

Su Chen shook his head and ignored it.

He said to Su Daji in his arms,

"Su Daji, after I leave tomorrow, you can build me a military camp that can accommodate 100,000 troops, and ask King Zhou to give me the right to recruit 100,000 troops. 550"

"You want to recruit 100,000 troops?"

Su Daji asked in surprise when he heard Su Chen's words.

Su Chen controlled 50,000 forbidden troops in Chaoge City. This bastard wants to recruit 100,000 troops?

What on earth is Su Chen going to do?

Su Chen smiled and replied ,"I have always had the army, but it was not exposed"

"How many secret armies do you have in private?"

"Three hundred thousand black-armored legions and five thousand angel legions!"

Su Chen hugged Su Daji and kissed her and said,

Black Armor Legion, these are all armies of immortal cultivators. The lowest cultivation level of Black Armor Legion is the Golden Core Realm.

Angel Legion,

Su Chen asked for an angel for Kesha. Except for the legion, except for the legion leader and high-priced angels, the other angel legions are all second-generation angels with divine bodies.

Su Daji was so surprised when she heard Su Chen’s words that she couldn’t even open her mouth from ear to ear. She even forgot about Su Chen kissing her..

Three hundred thousand black-armored legions?

What about five thousand angel legions?

Plus fifty thousand forbidden troops.

Is this bastard going to rebel?

How many armies does Dashang have? More than three million troops, and this bastard has control in his hands. nearly 400,000 troops

"Su Chen, what are you secretly recruiting so many troops for? What is the Black Armored Legion? What is the Angel Legion? Are these all humans?".

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