At the top of Jinji Ridge,

Su Chen was shining with golden light.

After his fate as a human race was revealed, Su Chen's status as Human Emperor was also revealed.

Su Chen is the Human Emperor, and he is also the contemporary Human Emperor.

As long as he does not announce his abdication,

Su Chen will always be the Human Emperor of the human race.

In the prehistoric fairyland of later generations,

Su Chen is the only human emperor in the prehistoric fairyland.

Although he left the prehistoric fairyland , but he still occupies the sixth level of human destiny. If it weren't for Nuwa being his woman, he could occupy all the human destiny in the prehistoric immortal world.

Su Chen now wants to take back the human race's most precious treasure, the Kongtong Seal, and to take back the human race's luck in the prehistoric immortal world. This can be done in later generations as long as he is willing, but this is the prehistoric period of the Conferred Gods.

Su Chen can only deal with the people who have been attacking him before. The law of heaven declares that as long as the law of heaven is not sleeping at this time, the law of heaven will definitely agree.

Su Chen was already very skilled in making announcements about the ancient world.

After all, he was in the ancient world in later generations, and Su Chen was constantly making announcements about it.

Boom boom boom.......

The prehistoric fairy world was shaking continuously.

The creatures in the prehistoric fairy world were looking into the sky in fear. All the creatures were confused.

Human Emperor?

The contemporary emperor?

Take back the fate of 377 humans?


The Human Emperor and Jie Jiao are at odds?

Something big is going to happen in the Great Desolate Immortal Realm. Originally, the Great Tribulation of the Gods was about to begin, and the immortals and cultivators in the Great Desolate Immortal World were all panic-stricken. However, Su Chen’s announcement today is no less than the Great Tribulation of the Gods.

Some quasi-sage powerful people rushed to Jinji Ridge, and even many Da Luo Jinxian also rushed to Jinji Ridge.

"Damn it, is Xuanniao crazy?"

Kong Xuan was confused at this moment.

He didn't expect Su Chen to be so bold,


This is the largest sect in the world, and

Su Chen dared to directly declare war on Jiejiao.

Also, how could Xuanniao be a human being? Emperor?

Or the contemporary human emperor?

Isn't the contemporary human emperor King Zhou?

It's his fault.

Xuanniao is getting more and more mysterious.

No, let's go see that bastard.

Kong Xuan thought about it at Sishui Pass and disappeared in an instant. Now, he is going to Jinji Ridge to meet Su Chen. He wants to know what that bastard Su Chen wants to do?

Sun Star,

Lu Ya’s mouth kept twitching,

"He is so arrogant, arrogant, (cjcj) too arrogant, Su Chen is really the Demon God of Chaos."

Lu Ya found that Su Chen was more like the Chaos Demon God than him. Even though Su Chen was the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God, his Su Chen was just a scum of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

A scum still wanted to fight against the greatest religion in the world. Jie Jiao? You have to fight against a saint who can fight one against four?

Lu Ya walked around the Sun Palace in panic.

He thought of Su Chen's ancient announcement.

Lu Ya was very confused.

Su Chen turned out to be from the human race. The Human Emperor?

Or the contemporary Human Emperor?

Take back the luck of the human race?

Take back the human race's most precious treasure, the Kongtong Seal?

Can that shameless bastard do it?

Will the ancient law of heaven agree? Not long after

West Kunlun, the Queen Mother of the West came back, (for reading the Baoshuang novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After she heard Su Chen's announcement about the Great Desolation, the Queen Mother of the West's face changed, and she instantly disappeared in the West Kunlun Mountains.

Six Paths of Reincarnation,

Hou Tu looked at the Great Desolate Immortal World in confusion. Jinjiling, Su Chen's ancient announcement made her unexpected.

Human Emperor?


Jie Jiao?

Su Chen is going to start a war with Jie Jiao?

Hou Tu thought for a while and shouted to the side,"Xing Tian, ​​Jiu Feng, you guys can do whatever you want." My clone went to the ancient fairyland"

"Yes, empress!"

In the Heavenly Court, the Queen Mother walked up and down in the Yaochi Wonderland with her eyebrows raised.

Su Chen's announcement made her feel frightened. She didn't understand what happened to Su Chen.

But Su Chen wanted to take back the fate of the human race and take back the human race. The most precious Kongtong Seal even had a falling out with Jie Jiao and wanted to confront him. Is this something that a scumbag can do?

Jie Jiao has a large number of Da Luo Jinxian and quasi-sages. Any one of them can destroy that little scumbag.

"Alas, Yaochi Divine General? Is this an ancestor? If you give yourself an explanation within a year, that little bastard might die today."

The Queen Mother sighed and disappeared into the fairyland of Yaochi. She was going to Jinji Ridge to see Su Chen. If there was a chance, the Queen Mother would also find a way to save that little bastard.

In Jie Jiao, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, and the Turtle Holy Mother Spirit, as well as Yunxiao, Bixiao, and Qiongxiao from Sanxian Island all rushed to Jinji Ridge. They did not expect that Su Chen and Jie Church had a falling out, and that this conflict might even be comparable to the Conferred God Catastrophe.

In Huoyun Cave, the eight human emperors all looked angry at this moment. They did not expect that a human emperor would appear.

Human emperor?

Since their Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, future human emperors cannot become immortals and can only enjoy a few short decades of glory and wealth. , How can this Su Chen be the Human Emperor of the human race?

Empress Nuwa and other saints have not established a Human Emperor again. What happened to the Human Emperor who suddenly appeared in the prehistoric fairyland?

And this Human Emperor can deprive other Human Emperors This made the eight human emperors even more frightened.

How could the human emperor deprive other human emperors of their human luck?

This makes no sense at all. At this moment, in Jinji Ridge, six of the seven saints from the ancient immortal world have arrived.

Laozi and Yuanshi both looked at Su Chen with indifferent faces.

Their human destiny was constantly decreasing. This was because Hong Tiandao had not responded. If Hong Tiandao agreed, their human destiny would decrease even faster.

Zhunti and Jie Yin With an expression of watching the excitement, their Western religion had just separated from Taoism and became Buddhism, and Buddhism had not gained the luck of the human race at all. This time Su Chen took back the luck of the human race, which had nothing to do with Buddhism.

Tongtian was at this time. With a confused face, he looked at Su Chen's condensed human luck in the sky. He never thought that Su Chen would be the human emperor of the human race. He was even the contemporary human emperor.

Tongtian felt that Jie Jiao's human luck was losing, and Su In the early morning, the ancient immortal world announced that if the ancient heavenly law agreed, it would destroy the religion, or even destroy it completely.

Nuwa's beautiful face looked confused at this moment.

She is the Holy Mother of the human race. Why didn’t she know that Su Chen was the Human Emperor? If Su Chen hadn’t exposed the fate of the human race and the status of the Human Emperor today, Nuwa would have known that Su Chen would be the Human Emperor.

Empress Nuwa felt that her luck as a human race was disappearing Afterwards, she felt even more unbelievable.

Can a Human Emperor take back the destiny of the human race?

The Heavenly Dao of the Ancients has not yet responded, and Nuwa's destiny of the human race is decreasing. This shows that the Heavenly Dao of the Ancients does not agree, and Su Chen may also take back most of it. The luck of the human race

"Damn it, why did he fall asleep again? How is this so different from the prehistoric way of heaven 1.6 million years later?".

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