Su Chen was waiting for the response from the Great Desolate Heaven above Jinji Ridge, but almost two quarters of an hour had passed.

The Great Desolate Immortal World had been shaking, but there was no response from the Great Desolate Heaven. Su Chen looked up at the nine heavens and was very speechless. He seemed to be speechless every time. Every declaration to the prehistoric heaven will be delayed.

Well, all the saints from the prehistoric immortal world are almost here. Except for that old bastard Hongjun, all the other saints are here. Even some quasi-sages and Da Luo Jinxian are here.

Is this him?

Are these powerful immortals all here to see the show?

Su Chen looked at the bottom of Jinji Ridge and rubbed his forehead. He seemed to have made things bigger this time.

Damn Tongtian.

It seemed like the ending was not going to be easy this time.

"teacher? How is this going?"After the disciples of Holy Mother Jin Ling came to Tongtian Jiejiao, Holy Mother Jin Ling"Zero 20" looked at Su Chen in the air and asked hurriedly.

Tongtian said with a gloomy face,

"You don’t have to worry about a scumbag of the human race who is looking for death, I will take care of that scumbag of the human race."

Duobao looked at Su Chen in the air with cold eyes.

He didn't expect that Su Chen would be the Human Emperor of the human race. No wonder he could escape his pursuit. Duobao has offended this Human Emperor. He has to find a way to get others to get rid of this person. Emperor

Duobao saluted Tongtian and said,"Teacher, Jiejiao's luck has been decreasing. It is not an option to continue like this.""

"I will use the Four Swords of Zhu Xian to suppress Jie Jiao's luck. After I kill the Human Emperor Su Chen, Jie Jiao's luck will return to Jie Jiao."

Yun Xiao's face turned pale when she heard Tong Tian's words.

She did not expect that Tong Tian wanted to kill Su Chen. Her relationship with Su Chen was very close. Although Yun Xiao did not become a Taoist couple with Su Chen, she would definitely be Su Chen's in the future. Taoist couple.

Yun Xiao didn't want Su Chen to conflict with her teacher Tong Tian,

​​let alone Tong Tian killing Su Chen. Yun

Xiao thought about it and hurriedly saluted Tong Tian and said,"Teacher, the human emperor cannot kill. Killing the emperor will be punished by heaven."

Jin Ling Holy Mother, Wudang Holy Mother, Qiong Xiao, Bi Xiao, they are very worried about Su Chen.

What happened today is unexpected.

Su Chen will have a conflict with their teacher, and even bring the prehistoric fairy world to its knees. Everything was turned upside down.

Tongtian wanted to kill Su Chen, and it was impossible for the girls to stop him. They were anxious because there was no way.

Tongtian heard Yunxiao say that killing Su Chen would result in divine punishment, and he showed disdain on his face. Expression.

For a little scumbag,

Su Chen is considered the Human Emperor. If

Tongtian kills Su Chen, he will be punished by heaven for at most sixty-nine days and lose some of his merits. Sixty-nine days of punishment will be like scratching his itch.

Tongtian waved his hand and mocked. ,"Curse? Heaven's punishment is dispensable to me. As long as it is not a world-destroying chaotic thunder catastrophe, I don't care about ordinary thunder catastrophes at all."

After Yunxiao and the girls heard Tongtian's words, they all looked at Su Chen in the sky with sorrowful expressions.

Our Lady of Turtle Spirit looked at Madonna of Jinling and the girls of Yunxiao with a confused look on her face. She found that several fellow apprentices seemed to be... She was caring about Su Chen.

Our Lady of Guiling thought about what she lied about a year ago.

She clearly did not think about Su Chen in her mind a year ago. She lied to Our Lady of Jinling and Our Lady of Wudang.

Now, the teacher here The sisters all seem to be concerned about Su Chen. Is she out of tune again? The three Yunxiao sisters are all in tune with each other. Mother Turtle Spirit can’t figure out why she is the only exception.

Boom boom boom......

At this time, nine huge noises suddenly erupted from the prehistoric fairyland,


Suddenly, a cold and emotionless voice came from above the nine heavens.

Su Chen in the sky heard the response from the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao, a smile appeared on his face, boom boom boom........

After the Heavenly Dao of the Prehistoric Immortal Realm responded, various areas of the Prehistoric Immortal Realm began to shake. East Kunlun Mountain, Shouyang Mountain, Dashang Palace, Jin'ao Island, and Huoyun Cave were all shaking.


A spiritual treasure suddenly appeared in Su Chen's hand.

The human race’s most precious treasure, the Kongtong Seal?

Su Chen saw that Tiandao had sealed the human race's most precious treasure, Kongtong, and even erased the mark of Laozi's refining. Su Chen was very satisfied with the delivery of the product to his door.

After deposing the Human Emperor, it’s up to you. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s better to forget it!

The Kongtong Seal, the most precious treasure of the human race, should be given to Nuwa. Empress Nuwa is the mother of the human race. Only when the Kongtong Seal, the most precious treasure of the human race's luck, is in the hands of Nuwa, can it unleash its greatest power. boom!

After a loud noise, the luck of the human race from all over the place came towards Su Chen one after another, and golden torrents flowed into Su Chen's sea of ​​luck like small rivers............

Below the Jinji Ridge, the expressions of Laozi, Yuanshi, and Tongtian changed instantly. They did not expect that the Primordial Heavenly Dao would respond to Su Chen, and even agree with Su Chen's declaration just now.

Their luck as a human race was constantly being withdrawn by Su Chen, and the three saints did not dare to stop it. This was the decision of the ancient heaven. If they dared to stop it, the ancient heaven would definitely punish them with thunder.

I looked at Su Chen with a gloomy face at this moment.

The Kongtong Seal, the most precious treasure of human luck?

This is his spiritual treasure, and it is also an important spiritual treasure for him to control the human race.

The prehistoric heaven gave the Kongtong Seal, the most precious treasure of the human race, to Su Chen. From now on, the human race in the prehistoric immortal world will not be decided by the human religion. His human religion and the abolition There is no difference.

Suddenly, an angry voice came from the Fire Cloud Cave,

"Human Emperor Su Chen, I am Human Emperor Fuxi. If you take back all the fate of the human race, do you want us, the Human Emperor of Fire Cloud Cave, to sever ties with the human race?"

Su Chen had a look of disdain on his face when he heard Fu Xi's words.

Some puppets, the human race will continue to develop without the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are just people who make the human civilization one step ahead.

They have made contributions to the human race, but dozens of guilds Enjoying the luck of the human race, isn't this enough to repay their contribution to the human race?

Su Chen shouted in the direction of the 3.4 Cloud Cave,

"Human Emperor Fuxi, your mission of contribution to the human race has been completed, and the fate of the human race has been enjoyed by you for dozens of yuan. What else do you, the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors, not be satisfied with?"

Fuxi shouted angrily when he heard Su Chen's words.

"Presumptuous, we are the Emperor of Humanity, and it is only natural that we enjoy the destiny of the human race.

Su Chen asked expressionlessly,"It's only natural?" Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, do you all think so?"

Human Emperor Xuanyuan shouted with an indifferent expression,

"The words of Human Emperor Fuxi are our words. Human Emperor Su Chen, the destiny of the human race should be enjoyed by all of us emperors. You have no right to deprive us of the destiny of the human race."

Su Chen asked with an indifferent look.

"No rights? Should the emperor enjoy it? What if you Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are no longer the Human Emperors of the human race?".

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