Su Chen didn't give Nuwa a chance to speak.

Is Fuxi worth saving?

It's not worth it at all.

During the lich period,

Fuxi helped the demon tribe massacre the human race.

Even the witch-slaying sword might have been made by Fuxi with the help of Emperor Jun.

Fuxi is proficient in divination and calculation, and uses human blood essence and blood to refine the witch-slaying sword. Only Fuxi in the entire demon clan heaven can deduce that the first catastrophe of the human race should also be caused by Fuxi.

Nuwa fell silent after hearing Su Chen's words.

Su Chen might have said something right, but the Human Emperor Fuxi was her brother after all. Could she watch Fuxi be killed?

Su Chen saw that Nu Wa still didn't listen to his words.

Su Chen hurriedly grabbed Nu Wa and said,

"Nuwa, don't save Fuxi, he is not worth it, just think that Fuxi fell during the Lich War."

Nu Wa was suddenly pulled by Su Chen.

She frowned and shouted coldly to Su Chen,

"Let me go!"

"Don’t let go!"

Su Chen held on to Nuwa tightly and did not let go.

Nuwa is his woman, and it is only natural for him to hold on to Nuwa.

If it weren't for the large number of people here at Jinji Ridge, Su Chen would have hugged Nuwa right now. Wa's soft waist


Nu Wa glared at Su Chen and felt very helpless.


Nu Wa felt very familiar being pulled by Su Chen. They seemed to have been pulled like this countless times. Nu Wa felt more familiar with Su Chen and did not even reject Su Chen. Chen pulled her like this.

On the Golden Rooster Ridge, all the Quasi-Saint Powers and Da Luo Jinxian looked confused.

What did they see?

Human Emperor Su Chen actually grabbed Nuwa Empress?

Oh my god,

Human Emperor Su Chen Is Chen going to defy heaven?

A scumbag human race actually has such a relationship with Empress Nuwa. They all feel so crazy. The

Queen Mother, the Queen Mother of the West, Hou Tu, the Golden Spirit Mother, and these sisters, as well as Ci Hangdao People, when they saw Su Chen pulling Nuwa, their faces were very ugly.

There was no reason, no reason, they felt unhappy when they saw Su Chen pulling Nuwa, and they even wanted to go up. Su Chen and Nuwa Empress separated.

Kong Xuan and Lu Ya looked at Su Chen in confusion.

Su Chen and Nuwa Empress were actually Taoist couples?

This is a big joke.

One is a scumbag of the human race, and the other is a scumbag. The supreme saint of heaven, this is impossible no matter how you look at it.

Kong Xuan asked Lu Ya beside him,"I, Lu Ya, can you guess this?"

"I had a bad guess."

Lu Ya shouted to Kong Xuan angrily.

He now understood, why did Su Chen have the red hydrangea of ​​Nuwa Empress, a Taoist companion?

Damn it, that scumbag Su Chen actually captured a heavenly saint? How could he? It's so crazy. At this moment,

Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian, Laozi, Zhunti, and Jieyin, the saints, also had incredible expressions.

The relationship between Su Chen and Nuwa surprised them.

They saints didn't The saints like them couldn't understand the thought that Nuwa would be moved by love, or even be with a scumbag human race. How could a high-ranking saint of heaven be as emotional as a mortal? (Read Baoshuang novels, just read it. Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the air,

Su Chen pulled Nuwa and looked at Tongtian and Yuanshi and shouted,

"Tongtian, Yuanshi, don’t you agree? You only have one chance. If you miss this opportunity, even if you kneel down and salute me in the future, I will not tell you these secrets."

After Yuanshi and Tongtian heard Su Chen's words, they looked at each other and nodded.

Yuanshi Tianzun shouted to Su Chen,

"We agree, but you have to tell us first, has Lao Tzu really taken away our origin?"

Su Chen curled his lips and said,

"Yes, but I can only give you a hint first. After you kill the Eight Great Human Emperors, I will tell you everything."

"Yes, you say!"

Su Chen looked at me with a sullen face.

He thought that if some of my secrets were exposed, Tongtian and Yuanshi would fight me.

Su Chen shook his head and thought about it first.

He said to Yuanshi Tianzun,

"I have a secret technique that can transform three pure beings into one qi. This is a secret technique obtained by taking away your origin. Transforming three pure qings into one qi, I can transform you and Tongtian's clones at the same time. This is not three corpses, but a clone of you. are exactly the same existence.

Yuan Shi asked with a surprised look on his face,"What?" Are you telling the truth?"

Su Chen nodded and replied,

"Of course, if you don't believe it, you can ask me to swear an oath of heaven to see if he dares.

Tongtian asked me with a serious face,"I, is what Su Chen said true?""

I am very shocked at this moment. How can Su Chen know this secret technique of transforming into three pure beings with one breath ? In the entire prehistoric fairy world, Hongjun cannot possibly know the existence of transforming into three pure beings with one breath. How could a scum of the human race know this ? The scumbag of the human race is definitely not an ordinary person. I guessed that Su Chen might be a Chaos Demon God. Otherwise, Su Chen wouldn't know his secret. Yuan Shi saw that I didn't answer Tongtian's gloomy face, and he asked with an indifferent expression,"I , is what Su Chen said true?" I replied with an ugly face,

"Yes, I have a secret technique of transforming three pure things into one qi, but I did not take away your origin. Transforming three pure things into one qi is a secret technique created by me, not a secret technique obtained from some source."

Su Chen mocked me disdainfully,

"I, your face is much thicker and more shameless than that of Saint Zhunti. Even now, you still don’t acknowledge the secret technique you created? Ha ha......,"

"Laozi, if you give this secret technique to Tongtian and Yuanshi, do you think they can successfully practice it? Without the origins of the three pure beings blending together, transforming the three pure states into one qi can be achieved simply through cultivation."

I yelled at Su Chen angrily,"You bastard, Su Chen, I will definitely kill you.""

I know I can't hide it anymore.

This bastard, he may face the anger of Tongtian and Yuanshi soon, and even Yuanshi and Tongtian will attack him together.

Su Chen laughed when he saw my angry look,

"Kill me? You'd better think about how to face Tongtian and Yuanshi's revenge on you."

"Bastard, damn it, Su Chen, I will definitely make your death very ugly when the ancient world retreats."


After Su Chen mocked me with disdain, he looked at the angry Yuanshen and Tongtiandao,"Tongtian, Yuanshi, it's your turn to kill the eight human emperors."

"Guangchengzi led his disciples to kill the Eight Great Human Emperors"

"Duobao, led the Jie Jiao disciples to kill the Eight Great Human Emperors."

Yuanshi and Tongtian ordered their disciples at the same time,

"is teacher!"

"Yes, the teacher's knife!".

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