Su Chen curled his lips when he heard what Tong Tian and Yuan Shi said.

Do you need to dispatch all the disciples to hunt down the Eight Great Human Emperors? Just dispatching one or two quasi-sages can destroy the eight human emperors. Su Chen felt that both Tongtian and Yuanshi were pretending. There was an arrogant and arrogant Tongtian, a good-looking pretentious offender Yuanshi, and an insidious and despicable Lao Tzu. After Pangu Yuanshen was divided, the three of them were not good people.. The insidious Lao Tzu, the arrogant Yuan Shi, and the arrogant Tong Tian. Damn it, Pangu’s Three Pure Ones might as well be called Pangu’s Three Evils. At this moment, some powerful disciples of Chan Jiao and Jie Jiao were dispatched one after another, and they quickly chased in the direction where the eight human emperors fled. At Jinji Ridge, everyone around fell silent. Tongtian and Yuanshi glared at me angrily, and I stared at Su Chen with a gloomy look. Zhunti and Jieyin were talking to Yuanshen, and many quasi-sages and Daluo Jinxian around them looked at them one after another. Sanqing, they all want to know if there will be internal strife in Sanqing. The Queen Mother and the Queen Mother looked thoughtful. They looked at Su Chen from time to time, but when they saw Su Chen holding the Nuwa Queen, their faces turned cold. When Su Chen saw that all the powerful people around him were silent, he decided to find something else to do. Su Chen looked at Kong Xuan and Lu Ya below and shouted,

"Kong Xuan, Lu Ya, you guys didn't take any action just now. I'll keep the accounts for you first this time. If there is a next time, you all wash your necks and prepare to die."

Kong Xuan and Lu Ya's faces turned dark when they heard Su Chen.

Is it his fault?

Is this because they are unwilling to take action?

Su Chen did everything just now.

They were stunned when they saw it.

Kong Xuan and Lu Ya were still Before they had time to take action, Tongtian and Yuanshi ordered their disciples to take action against the Eight Human Emperors.

They even went to join in the fun.

Kong Xuan and Lu Ya ignored Su Chen. Su Chen had Nuwa Empress as his backer, and they could not afford to offend him. That little scumbag.

Su Chen suddenly found Ran Deng on a mountain, he showed a sly smile and shouted,

"Ran Deng, give me back my Ling Bao."

Ran Deng was immediately confused when he heard Su Chen's words,

Ling Bao?

When did he take Su Chen's Ling Bao?

"Human Emperor Su Chen, I didn’t take your spiritual treasure! Are you mistaken.

Su Chen curled his lips and asked,"No?" Ran Deng, think about it again, on Wuyi Mountain, did you really not take my spiritual treasure?"

"I really....."

"Ran Deng, you have to think carefully. If you don't return my spiritual treasure, I will announce some of your little actions."

Su Chen reminded Ran Deng without waiting for Ran Deng to deny it again.

Ran Deng should be preparing to betray Chanjiao and has even contacted several people in the Twelve Golds. If Ran Deng is guilty, he will definitely take out a spiritual treasure as a gift. To himself.

Ran Deng's face changed when he heard Su Chen's words. He didn't know whether Su Chen really knew what he was going to do, or whether Su Chen was deliberately trying to blow him up.


Ran Deng didn't dare to bet.

If he did it, If Su Chen exposes him, the Yuanshi Sage will crush him to ashes.

All the powerful people in Jinjiling look at Ran Deng, and they all guess that Su Chen is blackmailing Ran Deng.

Su Chen is a little scumbag, he will have Powerful spiritual treasures?

If Empress Nuwa gave Su Chen some spiritual treasures, would Ran Deng dare to snatch those spiritual treasures when he saw them?

Yuan Shi looked at Ran Deng at this moment and guessed in his mind, Su Chen said some of Ran Deng's little actions, this What kind of little trick is it? Could it have something to do with his teaching?

Su Chen looked at the confused Ran Deng and threatened,"Randeng, I count to three. If you don't return my spiritual treasure, you should know that there will be What consequences."

Randeng hurriedly took out five or six spiritual treasures and said to Su Chen,

"I return the spiritual treasure, Human Emperor, look at which of these is your spiritual treasure, I can’t remember clearly."

Su Chen's face turned dark when he looked at the Lingbao that Ran Deng took out.

Damn, are some acquired Lingbao just a waste of time? Su Chen thought of Ran Deng's innate Lingbao coffin lamp. Feilu Novel Network!)

He seemed to have blackmailed Ran Deng’s coffin lamp during his journey to the west, and the coffin lamp was also given to the Third Holy Mother Yang Chan.

Nuwa looked at some rubbish spiritual treasures in Ran Deng’s hand, and she frowned at Su Chen asked,

"Su Chen, your spiritual treasure was robbed by Ran Deng?"

Su Chen said to Nuwa Yuanshen,

"No, I want to blackmail Ran Deng’s Ling Bao, and Ran Deng has the handle."

Nu Wa was speechless when she heard Su Chen's words. She thought that Su Chen's spiritual treasure knew that Ran Deng had robbed it.

This little bastard, is Su Chen going to offend everyone in Jinji Ridge?

Su Chen, please touch it. He reminded Ran Deng,"Randeng, my spiritual treasure is a lamp, you should understand what it is."

After the powerful people on Jinji Ridge heard what Su Chen said, their faces all turned dark.

Blackmail, this is naked blackmail, a lamp?

The powerful people in the prehistoric fairy world all know that Ran Deng has the spiritual treasure of a lamp. , and the accompanying spiritual treasure of Ran Deng is the coffin lamp. Su Chen is blatantly blackmailing.

Empress Nuwa glanced at Su Chen speechlessly.

She felt that it was a bit embarrassing to stay with Su Chen. Such obvious blackmail, this Only this little bastard would do this. Nuwa felt that Su Chen was more accurate than Zhunti.

At this moment,

Ran Deng's face was so dark that he wanted to refuse Su Chen, a lamp?

Ran Deng did not expect that Su Chen would hit his coffin lamp. Attention, damn,

Ran Deng regretted meeting Su Chen.

He had not robbed Su Chen's Ling Bao before. Ran Deng was threatened by Su Chen and asked him to hand over the companion Ling Bao. He only had such an innate Ling Bao in his hand. , this is not about his pet peeve


When Su Chen saw Ran Deng's hesitation, he smiled and started counting.


Randeng shouted hurriedly with a bitter look on his face,

"The Human Emperor, I hand it over, I (Zhao Wang Zhao) hand it over, I have a coffin lamp in my hand, this may be the Human Emperor's spiritual treasure."

Randeng took out his coffin lamp and reluctantly said it in front of Su Chen.

The accompanying spiritual treasure is gone.

He shouldn't come to see the fun today.

Human Emperor Su Chen, he will take back the coffin lamp in the future.

Su When Chen received the coffin lamp, he looked at Lu.

It was a high-grade innate spiritual treasure.

It was not bad.

Su Chen also avenged Ran Deng's previous attack on him.

Su Chen handed the coffin lamp to Nuwa beside him. Nuwa With the lotus lantern in his hand, and this coffin lantern, he already has two of the three magic lamps in the ancient world of immortality.

If Su Chen gets my hands on the eight-treasure glazed lamp, he will have three magic lamps together.

"Haotian, how are you thinking? As long as the saints are expelled from the ancient world by the law of heaven, you control the sky and I control the earth. We can divide and rule the ancient world like the demon clan and the witch clan."

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