Lu Ya couldn't calm down for a long time. What happened today was beyond his imagination.

Su Chen?

Chaos Demon God?

Except for the Demon God of Desire among the Chaos Demon Gods, none of the other Demon Gods seem to be interested in women.

Could it be that Su Chen is the demon of desire?

Kong Xuan said with an ugly face,

"Lu Ya, I don’t think we can escape from Su Chen’s clutches in the future. We can’t resist even the Nuwa Empress. That bastard Su Chen is still closely related to the Queen Mother. What the hell, we will be eaten to death by that bastard in the future. of."

Lu Ya shook his head when he heard Kong Xuan's words.

He thought that if Su Chen was the reincarnation of the Demon God of Desire, the spiritual treasure would not have been destroyed by Pangu, and Kong Xuan was a quasi-sage. It would be easy for Su Chen to kill Kong Xuan..

Lu Ya patted Kong Xuan’s shoulder and reminded,

"Kong Xuan, you are thinking too much. Even if Su Chen does not have the protection of Nuwa Empress"Ling Qisan" and the Queen Mother, it will be easy for him to deal with you. I remind you once, don't disobey Su Chen again, otherwise you will die very soon. awful."

Kong Xuan was surprised when he heard Lu Ya's words,

"Lu Ya, are you telling the truth?"


Lu Ya nodded and replied.

If Lu Ya's spiritual treasure had not been destroyed by Pangu, he would not have been able to seize Emperor Jun's son.

Without a powerful spiritual treasure,

Lu Ya would have no ability to protect himself in the prehistoric fairy world. If the saint discovered that he was the Chaos Demon God, Lu Ya would be dead even if he had ten lives. It would take a long time for the Chaos Demon God to fully recover. Lu Ya did not want to be killed by the prehistoric saint before he fully recovered. He took the She Dijun's son also had no choice but to do so. Kong Xuan looked at Su Chen in the air and yelled,

"Is this him? Has Su Chen been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger? Damn it, that idiot is so insidious."

Every one of the powerful officials on the Golden Rooster Ridge were dumbfounded. Su Chen was holding Nuwa Empress with one hand and the Queen Mother with the other.

What is going on?

Could it be that the Queen Mother of Heaven is also related to Su Chen?

Where is the Emperor of Heaven, Haotian?

Is Emperor Haotian being cuckolded?

At this moment,

Emperor Haotian's face was very ugly.

He did not expect that after rejecting Su Chen,

Su Chen would attack the Queen Mother.

Damn scum,

Haotian has not yet managed to win over the queen. The Queen Mother's hand, he never thought that Su Chen would hold the Queen Mother's hand.

Haotian looked at Su Chen angrily, he wanted to kill Su Chen, he must kill Su Chen.

Empress Nuwa was cold at the moment She was embarrassed.

If it weren't for the fact that there were so many powerful people here and this little bastard had done such earth-shattering things, Nuwa would have beaten this bastard Su Chen hard right now.

Nuwa asked Su Chen coldly,

"Su Chen, what are you going to do?"

Su Chen looked at Nuwa in embarrassment.

He knew that Nuwa might be angry, but he needed the help of the Queen Mother to accomplish his task. The prehistoric way of heaven is about to retreat.

If the prehistoric way of heaven retreats, all the saints below will take action. After destroying him, Su Chen could not let the ancient law of heaven retreat, at least not until he was safe.

Su Chen nodded to Nuwa and replied,

"You'll know in a moment"


Nu Wa glared at Su Chen fiercely.

She didn't know what Su Chen was going to do. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But she also guessed what Su Chen would do next. It might be related to the Queen Mother.

Su Chen looked at the Queen Mother and said hurriedly,

"Queen Mother, reveal the throne of my divine general Yaochi."


"Let me tell you, Queen Mother, now is not the time for you to have a little temper. The ancient heaven is about to retreat. Do you want to watch me be destroyed by the saints in a while?"

Su Chen saw that the Queen Mother didn't move, and he shook his head speechlessly, woman?

No matter she is a mortal woman, or a woman who has become an immortal, everything is the same. As long as she is a woman, she will be angry, jealous, and even play tricks.

After hearing what Su Chen said, the Queen Mother looked at the nine heavens.

It had been a while since the ancient law of heaven appeared. Su Chen was right. The ancient law of heaven might retreat after a while. If the ancient law of heaven retreated, those The saints will kill this little bastard



After the Queen Mother waved to Su Chen, a golden light suddenly burst out from Su Chen's body.

After Su Chen revealed his divine position in Yaochi, he also revealed the Sea of ​​Luck.

Su Chen looked towards The sea of ​​luck shouted,

"Heaven’s fortune is revealed!"

Boom boom boom.....

After Su Chen's luck in heaven appeared, the ancient world was shaken again, and the shadow of the ancient heaven was also revealed in the sky above Jinji Ridge............

"Is this a god's throne? The canonization of gods has not ended yet, how can Su Chen have the status of a god? this.....this......This is heaven's luck, my way of heaven. How come Su Chen has so much heaven's luck?"

"God's position? Heavenly luck? What exactly is going on?"

"The ascension to the gods has just begun, how could Su Chen have the status of a god? There is also heavenly luck. Why does Su Chen still have so much heavenly luck? And it has much more heavenly luck than Emperor Haotian."

"Su Chen actually occupies more than 50% of the heavenly fortune. This is incredible."

"Su Chen exposed his divine status and his destiny in heaven. Is he planning to cause trouble again?"

"Needless to say, Emperor Haotian is in trouble. Emperor Haotian rejected Su Chen. Su Chen obviously wanted to take revenge on Emperor Haotian."

"Damn it, it seems that I can't offend the Human Emperor Su Chen in the future. This Human Emperor is really determined to take revenge, and he even takes revenge overnight."

Many powerful people were very surprised when they saw Su Chen reveal his divine status and destiny. Some powerful people even looked at Emperor Haotian. They speculated that Su Chen might take revenge against Emperor Haotian.

"This is impossible. How could Su Chen have the luck of heaven? This one is fake, one is fake."

Haotian, the Emperor of Heaven, saw Su Chen reveal his divine status and even revealed his heavenly destiny.

He was stunned with a confused look on his face.

God's status?

5.8 Conferring Gods has just begun.

How could there be a god's status?


How could Su Chen have heavenly luck? He had 40% of heavenly luck, and the Queen Mother had 30%. The rest of the heavenly luck was reserved for the five great emperors. How could Su Chen have more heavenly luck than him? Luck?

"I am Su Chen, the divine general of Yaochi. Since Emperor Haotian succeeded to the throne, Emperor Haotian’s inaction towards the Great Heaven has caused the Great Heaven to become nothing more than a decoration in the Great Immortal World."

"The demons and ghosts in the lower world do not respect the Great Heaven. The ancient immortals from all walks of life disdain the Great Ancient Heaven. The saints point fingers at the Great Ancient Heaven. The Heavenly Emperor Hao Tiande is not worthy of his place."

"I, Su Chen, the divine general of Yaochi, have the destiny of heaven and the destiny of being the emperor of heaven. I ask heaven to depose the emperor Haotian, and let me rule the ancient heaven and the ancient immortal world."

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