After Su Chen let go of Nuwa and the Queen Mother, he started to announce to the ancient world of immortality.

Su Chen's announcement to the ancient world of immortality did not want to succeed, and he thought that it would not succeed.

Su Chen's purpose is to prevent the Great Desolate Heaven from retreating so quickly. He has not yet dealt with the saints. Once the Great Desolate Heaven is retreated, Su Chen may be unlucky.

Empress Nuwa and Queen Mother looked at Su Chen in shock. They did not expect that Su Chen would cause something big again.

Destroy Emperor Haotian?

Su Chen actually wants to be the Great Emperor?

Isn't this bastard's heart too big?

Nuwa asked Su Chen with a surprised look on her face,

"Su Chen, do you want to be the Emperor of Heaven?"

After Su Chen looked at Jiutianshang, he shook his head and replied,

"No, I just want to delay the retreat of the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao."

The Queen Mother's face turned dark when she heard Su Chen's words.

Su Chen made such a grand announcement. Is this little bastard just to make the Heavenly Dao stay for a while longer?

The Queen Mother didn't believe it.

"Su Chen, with the announcement just now, do you just want the Primeval Heaven to stay a little longer? Su

Chen nodded and replied,"Yes, I haven't dealt with the saints yet. The ancient law of heaven is my talisman. I will not let the ancient law of heaven retreat so quickly.""

The Queen Mother shouted to Su Chen with a livid face,

"You bastard, if you want to leave the ancient way of heaven, do you need to make such a big noise?"

Su Chen patted the Queen Mother's back and said silently,

"What you said is funny, Queen Mother, if I don’t do this, how can I leave the prehistoric way of heaven?"

The Queen Mother was silent for a moment when she heard Su Chen's words. Su Chen was right. If she didn't make a big fuss, the ancient heaven would not care at all, and it would be even less likely that she would appear in the ancient world.

Nuwa frowned and was a little worried.

Su Chen was worried. It was to play tricks on the ancient heaven.

If the ancient heaven discovered Su Chen's intention, this little bastard would definitely be punished by the thunder and calamity sent down by the heaven.

Boom boom boom boom.......

At this time, the entire prehistoric fairy world shook violently again. Above the nine heavens, a huge, cold and emotionless Eye of Heaven appeared.

"Let me guess, why did the Eye of Heaven appear this time?"

When Su Chen saw the Eye of Heaven appearing, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

With the Eye of Heaven appearing, he was going to hit someone again.

Damn, he wasn't going to hit himself again this time, was he?

"Su Chen, you are going to be in trouble"

"Little bastard, you may be punished by a thunderstorm from the ancient heaven."

The Queen Mother and Nuwa Empress looked at Su Chen with worried faces.

Su Chen deceived Heaven, which may have been noticed by Heaven. With the appearance of the Eye of Heaven, they both guessed that Heaven might punish Su Chen with a thunderstorm.

Su Chen After hearing what the Queen Mother and Nuwa said, he looked confused and shouted,

"Is this him? What I said just now is reasonable and well-founded. There is no reason for Heaven to attack me. Don't scare me."

Nuwa Empress gave Su Chen a white look and said,

"You don't really want to be the Primeval Emperor. The Primeval Heaven should be aware of your intention."

Su Chen asked in surprise,

"Let me go, this is impossible, right?

The Queen Mother glared at Su Chen and said,"It's not impossible, it's definitely possible!""

At this moment, the saints and many powerful people on Jinji Ridge have not yet reacted to Su Chen's announcement. The Eye of Heavenly Dao appeared.

This made all the powerful people unexpected.

The Eye of Heavenly Dao appeared. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is obviously a punishment from heaven.

Who is he planning to kill?

Emperor Haotian?

Or the Emperor Su Chen?

"The Human Emperor Su Chen is so capable of causing trouble that he has announced to the Great Desolate Immortal Realm that he will depose the Heavenly Emperor Haotian? Human Emperor Su Chen still wants to be the Great Emperor? The things that Human Emperor Su Chen is doing are getting bigger and bigger."

"But no, now even the Eye of Heaven has appeared, Human Emperor Su Chen is too troublesome"

"You say that the Eye of Heaven appeared and was going to kill Emperor Haotian? Or kill the Human Emperor Su Chen?"

"I don’t know. Human Emperor Su Chen’s prehistoric announcement just now is correct, but Heavenly Emperor Haotian seems to be doing okay as Heavenly Emperor. I can’t guess who the Eye of Heaven is going to kill."

"Yes, it is indeed difficult to guess, but since the Eye of Heaven has appeared, Heaven is either going to kill the Emperor Haotian or the Human Emperor Su Chen. We will know in a while."

Zhen Yuanzi and Ancestor Minghe, the quasi-sage masters, started talking to each other, and they all looked at Su Chen and Haotian from time to time. The appearance of the Eye of Heaven was either to kill the Emperor of Heaven, Haotian, or to kill the Human Emperor, Su Chen. , they, the quasi-sage powerful men, also wanted to see who they would kill.

Saints such as Laozi and Yuanshi all raised their eyebrows.

They did not expect that Su Chen would make trouble like this. The prehistoric heaven would have retreated in a while, but They didn't expect that Su Chen would do something big again, and this time he would bring out the Eye of Heaven. Damn it, the Great Heaven would probably retreat for a while.

I, Yuan Shi, Tong Tian, ​​they all wanted to kill Su Chen. , but they had to wait for a while longer for the Eye of Heaven to appear.

The clones of Queen Mother Xi and Hou Tu looked at Su Chen with worried faces. The appearance of the Eye of Heaven made them all worried.

Su Chen You are so capable of causing trouble, deposed Emperor Haotian?

Still want to be the Emperor of the Great Desolation? That bastard has now alerted the Eye of Heaven. The appearance of the Eye of Heaven is obviously going to bring about a thunder disaster.

Who is he planning to kill?

Emperor Hao of Heaven. Heaven?

Or that bastard?

At this moment,

Su Chen looked at Tong Tian and Yuan Shi in the air and shouted,

"Yuanshi, Tongtian, within a quarter of an hour, if your disciples have not killed the Eight Great Human Emperors, our previous agreement will be invalidated."

Su Chen suspected that Tongtian and Yuanshi were stalling for time. Damn it, almost half an hour had passed, and the disciples of the Chan (Wang Zhaohao) Sect and the Jie Sect had not killed the Eight Human Emperors yet. Those disciples were all useless. Is it?

Su Chen suspected that the quasi-sage disciples of the Sage Sect and the disciples of Daluo Jinxian were doing their jobs but not doing their best. Even Tongtian and Yuanshi did not want to kill the Eight Great Human Emperors. After Tongtian and

Yuanshi heard what Su Chen said, they Their expressions became closer.

They had previously secretly informed their disciples that the Human Emperors could only catch them without killing them.

Tongtian and Yuanshi wanted to wait until the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao retreated, and then they would check Su Chen's Yuanshen memory. If They can find out everything they want to know, and the puppets of the Eight Great Human Emperors do not need to be killed.

Su Chen has now given them a time limit.

Tongtian and Yuanshi cannot delay it any longer. Maybe retreat.

Yuan Shi hurriedly shouted to Su Chen,

"Human Emperor Su Chen, within a quarter of an hour, the eight human emperors will definitely die."

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