Yuanshi and Tongtian hurriedly informed their disciples that the eight human emperors would be killed quickly.

Tongtian and Yuanshi haven't gotten the secrets they want to know yet.

I have plotted against them and how I took away their origins. If they don't understand these, Tongtian Cult Master and Yuanshi Tianzun will always be uneasy.

At this moment,

Heavenly Emperor Haotian looked at the nine heavens with a pale face. He has not yet reacted from his confusion. Has his position as Heavenly Emperor been abolished?

Su Chen still wants to be the emperor?

The Eye of Heaven Appears?

How could the Human Emperor Su Chen be so bold?

He is the prehistoric Heavenly Emperor canonized by Daozu Hongjun, a scumbag of the human race. Su Chen actually wants Heaven to deprive him of his position as Human Emperor?

Is this him?

Haotian looked at Su Chen and wished he could crush that little scumbag to death with one hand.

The"940" eye of Heavenly Dao appeared, and

Heavenly Emperor Haotian was also very worried. Although he was the prehistoric Heavenly Emperor canonized by Hongjun Daozu, if the prehistoric Heavenly Dao deposed him, Hongjun Daozu would not dare to say anything.

In the air,

Su Chen looked at Nuwa and the Queen Mother and reminded,

"Nuwa, the Queen Mother, if the great heavens attack me in a while, don’t help me resist the disaster!"

"Little bastard, you are overthinking. Did I say I would help you?"

"That's ridiculous, Suchen, do you think I will help you?"

After Nuwa and the Queen Mother heard what Su Chen said, they both looked disdainful and mocked, helping Su Chen resist the Heavenly Tribulation?

Do they dare?

Can the Heavenly Tribulation help?

If Nuwa and the Queen Mother help Su Chen resist the Heavenly Tribulation, The power of the calamity will become even more terrifying.

They know that people who have overcome the calamity cannot be helped. Su Chen's words are simply an idiotic act.

"Let me tell you, you guys are really heartless."

Su Chen shook his head speechlessly.

He didn't expect that Nu Wa and Queen Mother would say this.

Su Chen was worried that Nu Wa and Queen Mother would help him because they thought he was weak. He could not be helped by others when he was crossing the heavenly tribulation. Su Chen was He wanted to remind Empress Nuwa and the Queen Mother first, but

Su Chen felt that it was unnecessary.

Empress Nuwa and the Queen Mother no longer talked to Su Chen.

They looked at the Eye of Heaven above the nine heavens with serious expressions. The Eye of Heaven should be lowered soon. They still can't tell whether the thunder tribulation or thunder punishment is aimed at Su Chen or the Emperor Haotian.

Swish swish swish......

At this time, the disciples of Chan Jiao and Jie Jiao came back one after another, and the bodies of the eight human emperors were also brought back.

Yuan Shi said to Su Chen with a serious face,"Su Chen, the eight human emperors are dead, you can tell us the secrets now."

Su Chen looked at the corpses of the eight human emperors and nodded,"Okay, you want to go first Listen to that?"

Tongtian shouted hurriedly,

"Our origin, Su Chen, how did I take away our origin?"

When Su Chen heard Tong Tian's words, he looked at me with a sullen face,"


'm sorry, you just have to be a scapegoat this time."

Su Chen smiled and said,

"Yuanshi, Tongtian, before you, the Three Pure Ones, were transformed, I first gave birth to spiritual wisdom. Before you were born with spiritual wisdom, I robbed you of your origins."

"Tongtian, the Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth is your accompanying spiritual treasure. I took it away when you were not born with spiritual wisdom."

"Tongtian, think about it, I have the most precious Tai Chi diagram, and Yuanshi also has the most precious Pangu flag. What about you? Both Laozi and Yuanshi have innate treasures of luck, haven’t you thought about why you don’t have it?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Chen is talking nonsense, true or false.


Su Chen guessed that when I just gave birth to spiritual wisdom, he saw that Tongtian and Yuanshi had not yet given birth to spiritual wisdom. , I secretly seized some of the origins of Tongtian and Yuanshi.

As for who owns the Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth?

He knows nothing.

Su Chen is sowing discord.

He wants the Sanqing to kill each other. Only then This is Su Chen’s real purpose

"I, you are dead!"

"I won't let you go!"

After Tongtian and Yuanshi heard Su Chen's words, their expressions were very ugly.

No wonder they are both Pangu Yuanshen Sanqing, and I am so much stronger than them. It turns out that I was before they were born with spiritual wisdom. He took away their origin.

At this moment,

Tongtian's face was even more angry. The origin was taken away and the spiritual treasure was robbed. Tongtian wanted to cut me into pieces immediately............

I shouted with an ugly face,

"Tongtian, I, don’t listen to Su Chen’s nonsense. This is simply Su Chen’s nonsense. Don’t believe it."

After Yuan Shi glared at me angrily, he looked at Su Chen and continued to ask,

"Su Chen, what plans have I made for us?"

Su Chen took a sip of wine.

He looked at the Eye of Heaven above the nine heavens.

Su Chen hoped that the Eye of Heaven was brewing for a while. He still needed some time to sow discord.

Su Chen thought for a while and continued to tell the truth. said,

"I have many plans against you. Let me tell you a few things."

"Yuanshi, before and after your Sanqing family separation, why did I help you in everything?"

"I started to favor you before you separated. After the separation, you only have conflicts with Tongtian, why would I continue to favor you? Have you ever thought about Yuanshi?"

"Tongtian, do you know why I suppress you everywhere? I have the most precious Tai Chi Diagram in my hand, as well as the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth. These can suppress luck. You teach me that you don’t have the most precious treasure to suppress luck. Why didn’t I give you one?"

"Moreover, the most important thing is that there are people from Laozi in both Chanjiao and Jiejiao, and they are also one of your most valued disciples, Tongtian and Yuanshi. You should understand what I mean when I say this, right? You should also understand my plan, right?"

After Tongtian and Yuanshi heard 0.6 Su Chen's words, they looked at Su Chen and wanted to squeeze this bastard to death.



It's his fault.

How can they guess?

Although Tongtian and Yuanshi had some guesses, they How could they sort out these calculations in a short while?

Are there people like Lao Tzu who explain the teachings and intercept the teachings?

Or are they one of their most favored disciples?

Is this true?

Tongtian and Yuanshi did not expect that they would explain the teachings and intercept the teachings. There are actually traitors among the disciples of the religion.

Tong Tian glared at Su Chen and shouted,"Su Chen, I can't understand what you are talking about right now. Please tell us clearly what the plot is!""

Su Chen curled his lips and mocked,

"You are such an idiot, Tongtian, let me give you another reminder. Your Zhuxian Sword Formation is the cause. Idiot, if you still don’t understand, you might as well crash into a mountain and die."

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