When Tongtian heard Su Chen's words, he wanted to slap this bastard to death, idiot?

Damn it, even the saints dare not scold him like this.

This scumbag,

Tongtian is as angry towards Su Chen as he is towards me, and he will not let these two people go.

However, when Tongtian heard Su Chen mention the Zhuxian Sword Formation, he and Yuanshi looked at each other. Both Tongtian and Yuanshi understood that the

Zhuxian Sword Formation must be broken by the Four Saints.

As their eldest brother, I am also one of the saints. Senior brother, I definitely don’t want the sky to crush him. Winning Yuanshi to fight against Tongtian, or even using Yuanshi to fight against Tongtian together.

All this makes sense.

As long as Yuanshi has a conflict with Tongtian, Laozi will help Yuanshi. They even suspect that the separation of the Sanqing family was done intentionally by Laozi.

If the Three Purities are not separated, it is impossible for me to unite with Yuanshi to deal with Tongtian. He will always be overwhelmed by his younger brother Tongtian in the future.

Yuan Shi felt that these plans of mine had no disadvantages for him. Could it be that after I brought down Tongtian, would I still take action against him?

Can anyone explain Lao Tzu's teachings?

Or one of his most valued disciples?

So, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao is my undercover agent?

Yuan Shi thought about this and looked at Su Chen and asked,"Su Chen, even if I plot against Tongtian, as two saints, I and I can't break the Zhuxian Sword Formation."

Su Chen shook his head and replied,

"Yuanshi, who said there are only two saints like you and the two saints in the West? I have contacted the Second Sage of the West a long time ago. If you start to deal with Tongtian, I will trick you into finding the Second Sage of the West."

"When the time comes, as long as you and I owe one cause and effect to the Second Saint of the West, won't the Second Saint of the West agree to fight against Tongtian together? The Second Sage of the West is eager for the internal strife of the Three Purities."

Yuanshi was stunned when he heard Su Chen's words.

The Second Sage of the West?

The Second Sage of the West is eager for the internal strife of the Three Purities.

If Yuanshi and Laozi owe the Second Sage of the West a cause and effect, the Second Sage of the West will help him and Lao fight against Tongtian.

Tongtian is now There was a look of resentment on his face.

I am really not the son of a man. Tongtian did not expect that I had been plotting against him all along, and he even did not hesitate to use karma to win over the two sages of the West to deal with him.

Tongtian glared at me angrily and shouted,

"Damn it, I, you are going to die no matter what this time."

I'm confused at this moment.

What Su Chen said is true or false, but it's just the true parts.

How did Su Chen know?

Why would a scum of the human race know some of his secrets?

I saw both Tongtian and Yuanshi. He looked at him angrily.

He knew that a big battle was unavoidable.

I thought he would fall into the Heaven-Zhuxian Sword Formation. He had to find a way to resolve this crisis.

At this time, on Jinji Ridge, all the preparing saints were He looked at me with a shocked face.

I was too insidious and despicable.

Tongtian and Yuanshi were his brothers. They came from the same lineage as the Three Pure

Ones, and they were both transformed by Pangu Yuanshen.

All the powerful people did not expect that I would even His brothers all plotted and even took away the origins of Tongtian and Yuanshi.

Zhunti and Jieyin were very surprised at this moment.

No one knew about me contacting them, and I just wanted to make good friends with them and did not mention it. Now that they have to fight against Tongtian together,

Saint Zhunti and Jieyin now understand why I deliberately made friends with them. All this is to deal with Tongtian who has the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Nuwa sent a message to Su Chen Yuanshen and asked,

"Su Chen, is everything you said true?"

Su Chen touched his nose and replied, (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Half true, half false, I'm mostly bullshit."

Nu Wa was stunned when she heard Su Chen's words.

Half true and half false?


How is this possible?

If Su Chen is talking nonsense, how can Tongtian and Yuanshi look like they believe it? This little bastard can't talk nonsense and he is right. Are you done?

Su Chen pointed to Laozi and said to Tongtian and Yuanshi,

"Tongtian, Yuanshi, you kill me, and I will tell you who among the disciples is the traitor."

Yuanshi Tianzun said with a mocking look,"Su Chen, we want to kill me, but you can't run away."

Su Chen shook his head and said with a smile,

"Is it? I don’t believe you can kill me. You still have secrets in my hands. This is related to your life and death, the sky, and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Don’t think that the saint’s soul is entrusted in the way of heaven, otherwise you will not die. destroy."

Tongtian, Yuanshi, Zhunti, Jie Yin, and the gloomy-looking Lao Tzu, and even the Nuwa Empress beside Su Chen, all looked surprised after hearing Su Chen's words.

Will the saint die?

How is this possible?

Even if the saints die, they will be resurrected by the way of heaven.

This is just what Su Chen said.

Even if their souls are entrusted in the way of heaven, they will die completely. Although they do not believe what Su Chen said, the secrets Su Chen said before are all true. Yes, they couldn't believe it even if they wanted to.

The disciples of Chanjiao and Jiejiao were restless at the moment.

Su Chen had previously said that there were people from Lao Tzu in Chanjiao and Jiejiao, and they were also one of their teacher's most valued disciples. The disciples of Jie Jiao and Jie Jiao all looked at each other.

They wanted to know which of their senior brothers would be the traitor.

Yun Xiao looked at senior brother Duobao from time to time. She remembered what Su Chen said to her.

Among Tong Tian's direct disciples,

Su Chen 390 said that the three senior sisters of Jin Ling Shen Shen can be trusted, and they cannot be traitors. So Duobao is the only direct disciple. Is Duobao a member of the saint Laozi?

Yuanshi frowned and asked Su Chen ,

"Su Chen, are you telling the truth?"

Su Chen nodded and said with a smile,

"Yuanshi, you and Tongtian kill me once, and I will tell you the secret. Of course, I will only tell you two alone."

At this moment,

Zhunti and Jieyin couldn't sit still. Their brothers were very concerned about letting the immortal saint die completely. The saint's soul is entrusted in the way of heaven. The immortal world will never be destroyed, and the way of heaven will never be destroyed. , their saints are immortal, but Su Chen's words made them all very frightened.

Zhunti looked at Su Chen and shouted hurriedly,

"Su Chen, what conditions do you have, our senior brothers also want to know about this!"

Su Chen smiled when he heard Zhunti's words and took the bait.

The Second Sage of the West was really greedy for life and afraid of death.

Su Chen just revealed the news first, and the Second Sage of the West couldn't wait to know.

Su Chen smiled mischievously at the West The Second Saint said,

"Do you want to know too? However, you Westerners are all paupers and I don’t need anything."

"Su Chen, our brothers can owe you a karma, what do you think?".

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