An Yue looked at Gaia and Nuwa on the ladder and shook her head.

Yinji had just quit climbing the ladder, and she felt that Gaia was about to quit as well. In addition, she quit climbing after a while, and only Nuwa and Su were left on the ladder. Two people in the morning.

Dark Moon couldn't see how many floors Nuwa could climb, and Nuwa didn't look exhausted.

Where is Su Chen?

This bastard is a monster.

Dark Moon feels that Su Chen may be able to climb higher than Nuwa.

Su Chen shook his head and said,

"We are about to be wiped out in one fell swoop. After climbing for several months, only a few people are left."

Dark Moon touched Su Chen's face and said with a smile,

"Su Chen, climbing the ladder has greatly helped our strength. Not only did we get good spiritual treasures, but our cultivation level has also improved a lot. I feel that we can advance to the fifth"960" level of the Holy Realm after a hundred years of seclusion."

Su Chen nodded.

Although he didn't know what rewards the girls got, the rewards on the ladder were generally good, except of course his reward.

Su Chen felt very angry when he thought about his reward.


His reward They are all time bombs with huge power, and they will destroy the entire chaotic world once they explode.

Su Chen and An Yue talked for a while,

An Yue blushed and hurriedly exited the ladder. Su Chen shook his head and continued to suffer. I was forced to climb.

In the prehistoric fairyland,

Xiling Fortress in Xiniuhezhou, tens of billions of immortals gathered in Xiling Fortress.

The prehistoric fairyland was connected to a strange realm again. The starry sky fortress in the prehistoric starry sky has been lost, and Xiling fortress can no longer be held. If it is lost, otherwise the prehistoric fairyland will really be doomed.

"I don’t know what realm China Unicom is connected to this time. I hope it’s not a powerful realm."

"Yes, there is an extraterritorial demonic world, and we in the Great Desolate Immortal World are helpless. If it is connected to a powerful realm, the Great Desolate Immortal World will not be able to resist at all!"

"Where is the saint? It's been several months, why haven't the saints shown up yet?"

"saint? Will the saints appear? Since the emergence of the demonic world outside the territory, the saints have been shrinking and have not appeared. The face of the prehistoric fairy world has been completely disgraced by those saints."

"Yes, when the demonic realm from outside the realm attacked the Starry Sky Fortress, if it hadn’t been for the Emperor Su Chen or the eldest princess to come forward, all the immortals in our prehistoric fairy world would have fallen into the Starry Sky Fortress."

"Forget it, prepare to defend in the designated area. Emperor Su Chen is not the Emperor of the Immortal Realm, and Heaven will not allow Emperor Su Chen to come. Let's all get familiar with our respective defense areas."

In the Xiling Fortress, many immortals chatted and went to their respective defensive areas.

Within ten years, the newly connected realm will attack the Great Desolate Immortal Realm. The immortals in the Great Desolate Immortal Realm must make the Xiling Fortress operational as soon as possible.

Six paths of reincarnation, peace and stability Empress Xin looked at the Great Ancient Immortal Realm with a sad look on her face.

There was no hope of saving the Great Ancient Immortal Realm.

The outer demon world and the ferocious beast realm were each more powerful than the other. How could the Great Ancient Immortal Realm be able to resist it?

Po Meng suddenly appeared and asked,

"In the original body, will the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen save the prehistoric fairy world?"

"I have no idea."

Will Su Chen save the Great Immortal Realm?

Empress Pingxin doesn't know.

The top holy realm in Xuantian Realm is not Demon Ancestor Luohu, but there is also the opponent of Beast Emperor Shenni. Su Chen participated in this realm war. Empress Pingxin She felt that the Xuantian Realm would not win the realm war.

Po Meng asked again,"Noumenon, how about I go to the Xuantian Realm?"

Empress Pingxin shook her head and refused,

"Po Meng, you don’t have to go. Su Chen’s Xuantian Realm participated in this realm war, and he will also lose the realm war. Demon Ancestor Luohu and Beast Emperor Shenni are too powerful."

Meng Po nodded and said,

"Yes, there are many holy realms in the Xuantian Realm, but none of them are the opponents of Luo Hu and Shen Ni. The most powerful Empress Nuwa is in the seventh level of the holy realm. Alas, the top combat power determines the victory in the realm war. negative key."

Empress Pingxin looked at the half-step Chaos Spiritual Treasure Reincarnation Disk next to her. She had only refined 70% of the Reincarnation Disk, and there was still 30% that had not been refined. It was impossible for the Six Paths of Reincarnation to withdraw from the prehistoric fairy world.

Boom boom boom.....

Suddenly, (if you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) the prehistoric fairy world shook violently, and Empress Pingxin and Po Meng checked it out one after another.

Po Meng asked in surprise,

"This is? True body, is this the fall of a saint?"

Ms. Pingxin said with a serious face,

"No, Po Meng, there is a saint in the prehistoric immortal world who stripped away the purple energy of Hongmeng0."

"What? The saint peels off the purple energy of Hongmeng? Isn’t this going to fall into the holy realm? Why did the saint do this?"

"In order to survive, if the saints want to escape from the prehistoric immortal world, they will not be able to leave the prehistoric immortal world without peeling off the Hongmeng Purple Qi. Those saints are really selfish."

"The true body is the saint who peeled off the Hongmeng purple energy?"

"Lao Tzu!"

"Lao Tzu? I never thought that I would be the leader of the Three Pure Ones."

Meng Po was very surprised when she heard what Lady Ping Xin said.

She thought it would be one of the two sages of the West. Po Meng did not expect that it would be me stripping away the Hongmeng Purple Qi and trying to escape. Boom boom boom.....

The prehistoric fairyland was shaken again, and Po Meng and Empress Hepingxin's expressions turned ugly.

There is another saint who has stripped away the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and there are still six saints in the prehistoric immortal world. Do all the saints have to strip off the Hongmeng Purple Qi and escape from the Primeval Immortal Realm?

Boom boom boom......

The Prehistoric Immortal World was constantly shaking.

Within one day, the six great saints in the Prehistoric Immortal World were all stripped of the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

In the Prehistoric Immortal World, blood rain continued to fall from the sky. The creatures in the Prehistoric Immortal World were all confused. Did the saints fall? Or did the six great saints fall one after another?

Empress Pingxin said with a pale face,

"The prehistoric fairyland has finished 0.8"


Meng Po rubbed her forehead and felt very helpless.

The six great saints in the prehistoric immortal world have all stripped away the Hongmeng purple energy. How can the realm war be fought?

If the prehistoric heavenly way is held back by the Demon Ancestor Luohu or the Beast King Shenni, the demonic world outside the realm and the fierce A random holy realm comes to the beast realm. Who in the prehistoric fairy world can stop it? In the prehistoric fairy world

, above the nine heavens, the Eye of Heaven appears, and the world-destroying thunder calamity is gathering in the sky.


A thick black thunder calamity explodes instantly. East Kunlun Mountain was shattered, and then Shouyang Mountain, Jin'ao Island, and the Lingshan Mountain in Xiniu Hezhou were all bombarded by the world-destroying lightning tribulation.

A cold and ruthless voice suddenly spread into the souls of all the immortals.

【The saints of heaven stripped off the purple energy of Hongmeng and escaped from the ancient world of immortality. There is no saint in the ancient world of immortality! 】.

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