In the prehistoric fairy world, after the voice of the prehistoric heaven spread to all the creatures in the prehistoric world, all the creatures in the prehistoric fairy world were stunned.

The saints peeled off the Hongmeng purple energy and fled?

Is there no saint in the prehistoric immortal world?

No wonder the prehistoric heaven descended on the world-destroying thunder catastrophe. No wonder East Kunlun, Shouyang Mountain, Jin'ao Island, and Lingshan were all destroyed by the world-destroying thunder catastrophe.

"Have all the saints fled?"

"What the hell are saints? If saints strip away the Hongmeng Purple Qi, they will all be deprived of their holy status. The six great saints are now only quasi-sages."

"Is it really abominable and unsage? Are you still fighting a boundary war like this? If a holy realm comes randomly from other realms, how can we resist it?"

"If the saint is not dead, the thieves will continue. Damn it. At first, I thought the saint was killed by the demonic world outside the territory. The six saints actually escaped. They are not worthy of being in the ancient immortal world."

"It’s over, the prehistoric fairy world is really going to end, Wu Sheng? How can we fight a territorial war?"

"Alas, we are dead, and the ancient world of immortality will also be destroyed, damn the saints."

The creatures everywhere in the prehistoric fairyland are angry., but all living beings have no choice.

The six great saints stripped off the Hongmeng Purple Qi and escaped.

What should I do in the prehistoric immortal world?

What to do with these weak creatures?

Quasi-sages can still manage to cross the chaos, but weak creatures like them will be annihilated if they enter the chaos.

In the demonic world outside the territory,

Luo Hu had just received the news that he had found the ruthless empress. He did not expect that Su Chen was actually in retreat, in retreat?

Will Su Chen retreat at this time?

Luo Hu didn't believe it at all. He guessed that that old bastard Su Chen must be planning something.


Luo Hu suddenly discovered that something had happened in the prehistoric immortal world.

He checked and was confused.

The saint in the prehistoric immortal world abandoned his holy position and fled?

Have all the six great saints escaped?

Damn it,

Hongjun actually escaped from the Immortal Realm?

How else could he take revenge? boom!

Luo Hu burst out with a powerful aura and yelled angrily,

"Damn it, how could the old scheming Hongjun escape?"

"Demon Ancestor, what happened?"A magic envoy suddenly appeared and saluted,

"The Lazy Demon Envoy, a saint from the Great Desolate Immortal Realm abandoned his holy position and fled. I ordered my army of demons to guard the junction of the Great Desolate Starry Sky Fortress and the Prehistoric Immortal Realm. I will report anything suspicious at any time."

"Yes, Demon Ancestor!"

The lazy demon was very surprised when he heard Luo Hu's words. The saints in the prehistoric immortal world actually abandoned their holy positions and fled? The saints are no longer in the holy realm. Can those saints survive in the chaos?

But this is fine, there is no such thing in the prehistoric immortal world. With the help of the six great saints, as long as the Demon Ancestor wiped out the prehistoric heaven, the prehistoric fairyland would be within his grasp. The demons could enslave them if they wanted, and destroy them if they wanted. Three months later, Su Chen climbed up the ladder to heaven. On the ninety-fifth floor, before he could catch up with the giantess Gaia, Gaia couldn't hold on and quit climbing on the 4723rd floor. Su Chen looked at the wounds on his body and the tattered clothes all over his body. , he was very speechless,

"Damn it, the Law of Shadow is so terrifying. There are nearly a thousand Golden Immortal shadow assassins, which are simply impossible to guard against."

Since Su Chen climbed to the 4800th floor, his speed of climbing the ladder has slowed down.

The shadow assassins of the Shadow Law have all advanced, and hundreds of shadow assassins from the Golden Fairyland have assassinated.

Su Chen is the law of space, The law of time, the law of space and time, and the defense barriers of the three laws are all activated, but he is still constantly stabbed by the sneak attacks of the shadow assassins. He can only exert half of his strength. Su Chen only has the cultivation level of the Golden Immortal, and he is still He has to withstand tens of millions of times the gravity of the ladder, and the ladder is preparing to torture him to death.

Under the ladder, (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yan Lingji and Kesha, and Leng who quit climbing Frost, Dark Moon, Gaia, they all looked at Su Chen on the ladder to heaven.

It was about to reach the 5,000th floor.

They didn’t expect that Su Chen would climb up to the 5,000th floor.

"Su Chen is too perverted, five thousand layers? Even the saints of the sixth level of the Holy Realm cannot climb up. Su Chen actually wants to climb up to five thousand floors."

"It's so perverted. It's very difficult for me, a saint from the sixth level of the Holy Realm, to climb the ladder, and I haven't even climbed the 4,800th floor. That bastard has almost climbed to the 5,000th floor."

"Haha, Su Chen keeps creating miracles. Now I think Su Chen might be able to climb to the 10,000th floor."

"Kesha, do you really dare to think that Sister Nuwa may not be able to climb the six thousand floors, but can Su Chen, a quasi-sage, climb to the ten thousand floors?"

"Little fox, I also think that my husband can climb ten thousand floors. I believe in your husband."

"Hu Ji, this is not a question of whether you believe it or not. You have never experienced the horror of the ladder. Look at Sister Nuwa. She is beginning to struggle now. The ladder is too scary."

Yan Lingji and the little fox girls chatted for a while, and they all hurriedly looked at the ladder.

Su Chen climbed to the five thousandth floor just one step away.

They all became nervous. Su Chen seemed relaxed. But Su Chen was in tatters, and they all knew that Su Chen would fail and quit the climb if he was not careful.


After Su Chen stepped into the five thousandth floor, he lay directly on the steps, gasping for air. The strong gravity is very comfortable

"`.Damn it, why are there three light balls again?"

Su Chen looked up and saw three light balls appearing again. His face turned dark and he immediately lay down and stopped looking.

Three light balls?

Although he got the innate treasures every time, could he use those innate treasures?

He dared Is it useful?

Whoosh, the girl from the ladder appeared next to Su Chen in an instant. She kicked Su Chen who was lying on the ground and said,

"Su Chen, that's right. Let's take a break to collect the reward and then continue climbing."

Su Chen curled his lips and said,

"You will really be a bastard"

"Zhou Ba (good, good) skin? What?"

"words of praise for you"

"praise me? Do you think I would believe it?"

"believe it or not!"

The ladder girl kicked Su Chen's butt hard and said,"You little bastard, get up and get the reward.""

This bastard is talking more and more arrogantly.

This time the girl on the ladder got 10% of the authority again. She didn't care so much with Su Chen. It's

50%, and she can regain her freedom half way.

Su Did Chen Climb the ladder disappoint her? This bastard really exceeded her expectations.

Su Chen glared at the girl on the ladder and shouted,

"Come on, can't you let me rest for a while? Look at how miserable I am, do you still have sympathy for me?"

"I'm so sorry, do you think I don't know your situation? Little bastard, you just look miserable, but actually there's nothing wrong with you."

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